Hi everyone! :)

8bitcake Posts: 19
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new to the site and to the weight loss scene.

I'll tell you a little about me.
I'm Kate. for the past few years my weight has fluctuated violently. Gaining and losing tens of pounds.

Last February I gained 10 lbs that never came off. in fact, I kept on gaining.

My goal weight is 120 lbs. My start weight was 180, and I'm currently 178.

I use Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, and I'm eating less, and healthier. I also recently got a gym pass to the YMCA. :)

Let's do this together everyone!


  • Oh how I LOOOOOONG for the day when I can say that I am down to 178 pounds. I'm currently at 265, almost 5 ft 5 in. (but I think I'm so sexy I almost can't STAND it !!!:)
    I don't have a goal weight in mind, but I just joined the site a few days ago and have yet to get into the full swing of my own fitness plan.

    Good luck on your journey, you sound like you already are on your way. This is a great site, so much support here!
  • piccolarj
    piccolarj Posts: 488 Member
    Hi and welcome aboard!! This is a journey you can accomplish! Feel free to add me as friend and we can motivate each other!! Good Luck!
  • Thank you !
  • Welcome to MFP Kate!!!

    I'm with esteemacalm, I haven't seen a 1 in my weight numbers in years. :happy: It didn't bother me however, I am looking forward to that day!!

    The support and motivation here is awesome. Enjoy your journey!!
  • You'll all get to a weight you're comfortable with. Don't worry. :)
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