I had my implanon removed, what's next???

Hi Fit Fam,

I like for those to share their experiences with weight lost after the removal of implanon and not being on hormonal bc or choosing the paragard as alternative bc.

July 2, 2013, is when I had my implanon inserted. Relieved I no longer had to remember taking the pill. Fast forward to mid August 2013, I noticed all my summer bottoms were a bit snugged a no period. So I took a pregnancy test to see if I gotten pregnant. Negative. I step on scale and put on 12 pounds. My diet and exercise never changed and was puzzled that I had put on so much weight in such little time.

Did anyone experience this and after removal noticed a loss in weight? Since beginning of this year my workouts are much more intense I do HIIT cardio 5x a week and manage to lose 8 pounds. Now I know I gained muscle mass as I can feel muscle and parts of my body is firm, but truly feel the implanon has restricted me from losing more weight.

So today I had it removed and had the paragard a non hormone bc inserted. I know we all are different, but would like for those to share their weight loss success due to removal of the implanon.

I ask no negative remarks as we are all here to support one another and share our fitness journeys.



  • I bloated so bad with Implanon and had horrible acne. I've lost 15lbs since coming off it in July.
  • lobbylobster
    lobbylobster Posts: 33 Member
    I gained a few kilograms after having mine put in, with no change in diet or exercise - I was logging, but now that I'm trying to lose the weight it's actually just falling off. I've lost 8kg in two months, way ahead of predicted weight loss! I definitely think it promotes easy weight gain, and I too had acne. My friend lost 10kg in two months after hers was removed, so I'd say you can expect weight loss to be a little easier.