Summer clothes... help needed...

I suppose this is a great problem to have ....but I leave for Florida in 6 more days.
I just got out my 2 boxes of clothes from last summer... and really nothing fits except for 1 pair of short that I bought one size smaller hoping I would fit into them.

I tried belting some of the capris, but I can literally take them off without unbuttoning them.
Its winter in Wisconsin and there are no summer clothes...... what the heck should I do?

I guess I lost more inches than pounds!


  • NanBar
    NanBar Posts: 283 Member
    Hit the Goodwill store Em! They have summer stuff in the winter and sometimes they have good stuff. Have to take the time to look- might score a bargain since you are losing weight!

    Also is getting their spring things have time to order from them...Good luck in Miami!!!

  • angeawilliamson25
    oh no thats horrible. Do you have any friends with the size you need? only other thing is to order off line and get the faster shipping!
  • Cbandelier
    Cbandelier Posts: 217 Member
    Go shopping in Florida, I'm sure they will have more summery things.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Go shopping in Florida, I'm sure they will have more summery things.

    Perfect suggestion, SHOPPING. Sorry, I got excited there.
    I can relate. I have lost 80lbs since last year and my summer cloths are way to big as well. Do you have any way to post an add where you work. There has to be other women in your area with the same issue and may be able to supply you with a few staple items.
  • JMun
    JMun Posts: 409
    goodwill! will save you money on clothes that may not fit you for long!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thanks for the help guys!
    I am going to stop by Goodwill and Kohls in the morning on the way to my workout.
    Its a great problem to have ... Im shocked... I mean I knew I lost some weight, but in the summer I was around 256 so for the amount of weight lost does NOT compare to the amount of inches lost.

    I guess maybe that whole building muscle thing is a real thing?
  • kbanzhaf
    kbanzhaf Posts: 601 Member
    I too, will vote for Goodwill. I bought a lot of clothes there during my weight loss journey--saved money, and I was hoping they'd only be temporary sizes too. I still will look at Goodwill. A lot of times, they have nice clothes for not very much money, so It's fun to look. I can even get my 20-year-old to look once in a while.
  • nevergonnagiveup
    Go Goodwill for a couple of outfits and celebrate with a suitcase to carry your new stuff home :) Personally, I love Goodwill shopping - like an Aladdin's cave; many treasures...

    Understand the pounds (kilos here :) ) not matching the size issue. I have dropped 2 sizes (going for 3!) but only lost 11kg. Definitely the exercise/muscle thing...ask any personal trainer/gym. That is why your tape measure is your best friend! :) Mind you, I still can't help myself jumping on the scales each week.LOL:bigsmile:
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Thanks for all of the advice.
    Checked 2 Goodwills here -- not much that was decent. I think Goodwills are better when you live in bigger cities.... and I unfortunately do not.

    I did stop at Kohls today though and bought several capris and T shirts. The T shirts are not quite my usual style, but I decided I didnt have the luxury of being picky if I wanted clothes to wear. I bought 2 different sizes of capris though ... funny like I didnt know what size I was.... I kept holding up the 18s and I didnt believe I could wear them.... so I bought 20s too.

    I might have to check out these measurements again though ... I am at 250 ...which is up 2 pounds since Christmas... but I actually think I have lost more inches .... hmm :)

    I will have to report back as to what fits and what doesnt!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    Well, just as my avatar indicates you have gained muscle. I only lost 3 pounds during 63 days of the Insanity workout, but I lost two inches off my waist. As far as shopping, I didn't think you'd find much at Goodwill, but see if you can check out a couple of consignment shops in your travels.