Water ??? 8 glasses



  • YF92
    YF92 Posts: 2,893 Member
    Well the main rule here is not to drink your 8 glasses within a few hours span. Spread em out, before work? 1 glass. Got to work? 1 glass. Lunch? 1 glass. And so forth

    If you drink em at once youll just urinate the water with no benefits btw
  • mroo2014
    mroo2014 Posts: 50 Member
    I had this problem too at first... I was always one for drinking cordial diluted water as I hated the taste and I battled to drink more than 1.5L a day. Now I won't choose anything else - LOVE water! (apart from tea... love tea too).

    I started by putting lemon slices in my water which is really refreshing and stopped me using the cordial dilutes (check pinterest for more fruit infused water ideas). And then it just kind of transitioned into normal tap water only and I think I'm on about 4L a day now. I would HIGHLY recommend having a 250ml bottle of water next to your bed and drink as soon as you get up - It'll wake you up and that's already a quarter of your daily recommended amount out the way before you're really done anything!
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Takes some getting used to for me. Much easier if im at the gym as I drink 1L there. When doing the cardio only water will do.
    As others have said it helps to spread the water and also to use a large measuring cup/bottle to keep track.
  • happyfeetrebel1
    happyfeetrebel1 Posts: 1,005 Member
    It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of water, most of the liquids we drink count towards hydration, coffee, tea etc are all made with water and help to hydrate us (the oft stated fact that coffee dehydrates is a myth)

    In addition there is no magic number of how much to drink and it depends on the local climate, your activity level etc.

    As long as your pee is pale straw colour (it does not need to be clear) then your body is hydrated and you are fine, if its darker then drink more.


    And yes, you CAN use something like Crystal Light or Mio to flavor it. It won't hurt it, it won't magically turn it into non water and it makes it go down better. Some people just don't like them though.
  • RodaRose
    RodaRose Posts: 9,562 Member
    It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of water, most of the liquids we drink count towards hydration, coffee, tea etc are all made with water and help to hydrate us (the oft stated fact that coffee dehydrates is a myth)

    In addition there is no magic number of how much to drink and it depends on the local climate, your activity level etc.

    As long as your pee is pale straw colour (it does not need to be clear) then your body is hydrated and you are fine, if its darker then drink more.


    And yes, you CAN use something like Crystal Light or Mio to flavor it. It won't hurt it, it won't magically turn it into non water and it makes it go down better. Some people just don't like them though.

    Yes. The color of your urine is more important than the number of glasses.

    I drink less than eight glasses because I am eating soups, fruits,. . .
  • ElkeKNJ
    ElkeKNJ Posts: 207 Member
    I am not a great water drinker eigher, not that I loath water, I just forget or don't feel like drinking.
    I had kidney problems a few times already, and yes, drinking lots of water is the key.
    The key for me is to always drink water by the half liter (two cups I believe), all at once, as a chore.
    That way, I only need to drink four times a day to reach my total.
    I've been off track lately, so now, I will go into the kitchen and drink my half liter.

    Drinking sparkling water out of wine glasses in front of the tv at night, makes me drink more water as well. Though I do prefer the wine.
  • FlowerFairy493
    I used to struggle but I'm used to it now. A glass used to fill me up so good if I have untimely hunger pangs, now I have to drink 3 glasses of I want that to happen :ohwell:

    I drink a lot in summer between 2-3litres a day. In winter it's more like 1-1.5litres Lol. And they mostly come from tea and coffee and hot lemon water.

    ETA - what I meant to say was, I only ever drink water for water if it's summer and very hot, because then I actually get thirsty. Otherwise I drink it to fill my tummy if I feel hungry, or to warm me up in winter.
  • Shropshire1959
    Shropshire1959 Posts: 982 Member
    Does anyone else find it hard to drink 8+ glasses of water a day? Some days it's ok, others I struggle.... When summer starts I know I will drink more than 8 glasses : Summer, BRING IT ON!!!!

    It's not necessary .. drink when you are thirsty.

    In general, to remain healthy we need to take in enough water to replace the amount we lose daily through excretion, perspiration, and other bodily functions, but that amount can vary widely from person to person, based upon a variety of factors such as age, physical condition, activity level, and climate. The "8 glasses of water per day" is a rule of thumb, not an absolute minimum, and not all of our water intake need come in the form of drinking water.
  • Lottiotta
    Lottiotta Posts: 162 Member
    I found this article helpful: http://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2011/jul/13/myth-eight-glasses-water-day

    We should all raise our glasses to Dr Margaret McCartney, a GP from Glasgow, writing in the BMJ (http://www.bmj.com/content/343/bmj.d4280), who has revealed what most doctors already know: there is no scientific evidence that we need so much water. None. At all.

    We humans are pretty good at regulating our own water intake. When we need to replace fluid there's this highly accurate mechanism called thirst that prompts us to have a drink. And the best drink to have is free, clean tap water. Ingenious, eh?

    The thirst mechanism's so efficient there's no good evidence for how much we need to drink on average a day. It depends on how active we are, how much water is in the food we've eaten, how hot it is and if we have any medical conditions.
  • stacysjourney
    stacysjourney Posts: 52 Member
    I just asked my doctor about how much water I should be drinking yesterday. She said to drink when I am thirsty and don't push myself to drink a certain amount. I only drink water and still get my 8 in a day but I won't push it
  • Muchaneta1305
    The drinking is not my major problem...its having to run to the toilet every 30 minutes!!!
  • nidhimathur562114
    The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of 50 to 75 per cent water. :drinker:
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I'm not fond of plain water, but I've been making diluted diet lemonade with it and that helps. Recently, I started selling this water supplement and have been adding that - no artificial sweetener, which is even better.

    Anyway, I got in the habit by starting off my day with two glasses of water, as I'd read about in an article on productivity. It takes 21 days to form a new habit. Now I drink plenty of water.
  • RunnerStephe
    RunnerStephe Posts: 2,195
    I never struggle, I drink a minimum of 128 oz a day, 8 glasses isn't close to enough in my opinion. I drink 16oz as soon as I wake up. Then about 8oz an hour.
  • Jen_1964
    Jen_1964 Posts: 25 Member
    I am like a lot of you, it isn't the water drinking that is the problem it is taking the time to use the restroom, especially at work. My doctor told me the only time your urine should be yellow is in the morning. She also shared that in order for water to become waste (urine) it has to attach to bad cells (sugar, fat, etc...) so the more water you drink the more bad cells are being flushed from your system. So, I drink as much water as I can. :smile:
  • paulperryman
    paulperryman Posts: 839 Member
    I drink 2-3 600ml protein shakes a day plus about 600mls of water at the gym then cups of tea on top plus milk on cereal or in my frittatta, i don't count the water content of foods cause thats too hard to track, but i have plenty of veg and tomatoes which are water sources
  • nidhimathur562114
    The human body can last weeks without food, but only days without water. The body is made up of 50 to 75 per cent water. drinker
  • opus649
    opus649 Posts: 633 Member
    I do not understand why this myth will not die.

    Do you even Google bro?
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    It doesn't have to be 8 glasses of water, most of the liquids we drink count towards hydration, coffee, tea etc are all made with water and help to hydrate us (the oft stated fact that coffee dehydrates is a myth)

    In addition there is no magic number of how much to drink and it depends on the local climate, your activity level etc.

    As long as your pee is pale straw colour (it does not need to be clear) then your body is hydrated and you are fine, if its darker then drink more.


    I generally do drink lots of water, though, just because I always like to be drinking something. If I have water next to me at work, I'll guzzle that like I used to guzzle diet coke and sometimes still do coffee. (You get hydrated from those beverages too, I'm just cutting down.). I do prefer my water cold. Also, remembering to drink can make workouts easier.
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    Does anyone else find it hard to drink 8+ glasses of water a day? Some days it's ok, others I struggle.... When summer starts I know I will drink more than 8 glasses : Summer, BRING IT ON!!!!

    It's not necessary .. drink when you are thirsty.

    In general, to remain healthy we need to take in enough water to replace the amount we lose daily through excretion, perspiration, and other bodily functions, but that amount can vary widely from person to person, based upon a variety of factors such as age, physical condition, activity level, and climate. The "8 glasses of water per day" is a rule of thumb, not an absolute minimum, and not all of our water intake need come in the form of drinking water.
    So if I'm drinking only 4-6 glasses, in addition to coffee or tea and whatever fruit/veggies I eat, I am not in imminent risk of dehydration? (Also, except for first thing in the morning, my pee is clear -- TMI) I'm also concerned about people drinking water to fill them up when they are hungry. I guess if you're someone who actually tends to snack excessively that would work. But I do read about some folks on lower calorie levels (mostly young girls) drinking water to fill their stomachs rather than eating.