Salads ....

alska Posts: 299 Member
Hi Everyone, I have a question for those that eat salad daily. I was wondering how do you keep the salad crisp n fresh? Do you make it fresh daily or do up a large bowl to last a few days? I do a large bowl with veggies in it n it doesn't seem to stay fresh n I lose interest in it because of it. I do it that way because I don't like all the unused veggies sitting in the refrigerator. So I make a big bowl to use them up.

I would like to eat salad daily ... so I do i keep it fresh?


  • All4Me2014xx
    All4Me2014xx Posts: 155 Member
    You could chop everything up that you like in a salad, but don't put it together. Put them into separate plastic bags and when you're ready for a salad, then throw it together.

    When combining things like tomatos or cucumbers with lettuce, the salad will tend to wilt faster.

    And on another note, you say you don't like unused veggies sitting in your refrigerator, but the salad goes to waste because you lose interest in it. Maybe buy smaller veges to put a salad together so by the time you lose interest, it's either gone or just about gone.
  • baxterroxy
    baxterroxy Posts: 43 Member
    I cut up the veggies and put them in separate containers or zip locks. This keeps the salad dry, and is enough to last the whole week.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thank you both ... i will try that :)
  • Zombielicious
    Zombielicious Posts: 246 Member
    Chop the salad with a plastic lettuce knife (metal tends to make it brown faster), make sure it is REALLY, REALLY dry (if it's wet it will wilt faster), and add to large mason jars.

    Here is a good link:

    It will give you the order in which to add the ingredients. Your salads will stay fresh and crispy all week.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have a question for those that eat salad daily. I was wondering how do you keep the salad crisp n fresh? Do you make it fresh daily or do up a large bowl to last a few days? I do a large bowl with veggies in it n it doesn't seem to stay fresh n I lose interest in it because of it. I do it that way because I don't like all the unused veggies sitting in the refrigerator. So I make a big bowl to use them up.

    I would like to eat salad daily ... so I do i keep it fresh?

    I make it fresh daily. It seriously doesn't take that much time to do.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,792 Member
    I just buy those bags of 3 romaine hearts in a bag. 1=1 salad base and it takes me literally 30 seconds to chop it up and dump it in a bowl. I keep prepped veggies (radish, cukes, onions, etc) in seperate baggies/containers in the fridge. Ditto for cooked chicken breast.
  • Anniebotnen
    Anniebotnen Posts: 332 Member
    Hi Everyone, I have a question for those that eat salad daily. I was wondering how do you keep the salad crisp n fresh? Do you make it fresh daily or do up a large bowl to last a few days? I do a large bowl with veggies in it n it doesn't seem to stay fresh n I lose interest in it because of it. I do it that way because I don't like all the unused veggies sitting in the refrigerator. So I make a big bowl to use them up.

    I would like to eat salad daily ... so I do i keep it fresh?

    I make it fresh daily. It seriously doesn't take that much time to do.

  • donnat238
    donnat238 Posts: 309 Member
    Veggies - cleaned and chopped and put into containers. I keep my lettuce & spinach separate and throw together everything each morning,
  • AtlGlamBabe34
    AtlGlamBabe34 Posts: 16 Member
    When I was learning how to cook, a friend showed me that lettuce browns much faster if you leave the ribs in, so if you have the time and patience, remove the ribs, preferably by breaking, and that should give you greener lettuce for a little while longer. Also, as everyone else said, keep the veggies separate and dry until use.
  • Amitysk
    Amitysk Posts: 705 Member
    I have noticed this sometimes too OP. What I do is rinse and DRY the lettuce really well and store it separately from all the other add ins which I have chopped and put in containers. This works for getting through it the entire week. If it's just for the day ie: taking for lunch, I just keep the dressing separate from the rest and add it in when I'm ready to eat!
  • avskk
    avskk Posts: 1,787 Member
    I just make mine fresh daily. I buy big tubs or bags of mixed dark greens and just throw a handful in my bowl/Tupperware with some chopped tomatoes and whatever else is good that week (avocados, colorful peppers, mushrooms, chopped asparagus). I keep the dressing separate until it's time to eat.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thanks everyone :) i do use my green knife n i wasn't asking because i though it took to long to make ... i know it only takes minutes. i was asking cuz when i buy it ... i don't like just lettuce .. i buy other stuff with it n by the time i make it all up it becomes a huge bolw n it goes bad quickly.

    now i know not to add it all together.
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thank you! i will check this out!
  • alska
    alska Posts: 299 Member
    thank you! i will check this out!
    Chop the salad with a plastic lettuce knife (metal tends to make it brown faster), make sure it is REALLY, REALLY dry (if it's wet it will wilt faster), and add to large mason jars.

    Here is a good link:

    It will give you the order in which to add the ingredients. Your salads will stay fresh and crispy all week.