Time for new strong friends



  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Thanks. I'm sure there are lots of controversial posts on here besides mine. I happen to have a strange and sarcastic sense of humor. Lots of people don't get it. I will try to be cautious and tread lightly next time.
    And now you understand the roadblocks to posting on a forum, where no one knows you, asking for friends. I'm glad this was a joke, but the reality is, when you are speaking to a new crowd (especially trying to use this kind of humor) it's better to err on the side of caution. Written words are all that matters, for no one can understand your intent or tone.

    Congratulations on being a survivor. :flowerforyou:
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I didn't mean to insult you. If you naturally have a thigh gap, that's great! I certainly don't... but I also squat double my body weight. I just don't want women to feel like they should "have" to have the gap because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If you start squatting double body weight or more you are gonna build your quads and that gap will start to go away. It just happens. My post wasn't intended to bring anyone down.
    Well, I lift heavy and I squat my body weight but since I wear size 2 jeans, love salad (as well as most other foods including steak and ice cream) and have a "disgusting" thigh gap I guess I don't qualify.

    Just as well. I prefer it when women can build other women up rather than insulting them.

    I'm getting quite a few chuckles out of you telling LiftHeavyAcrylics to squat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • _BearNecessities_
    _BearNecessities_ Posts: 432 Member
    Most of my old friends don't log in any longer. Lame.

    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif. If you are focused on eating a salad and fitting into your size 2 pants and obsessed with getting that disgusting thigh gap...I don't think we are compatible. Sorry, its not me...it's you.

    I want guy friends who are going to support a girl who is strong and wants to be stronger. If you dare say "don't get too jacked" I will throw a barbell at your face. If you think we will be homies, feel free to friend me.
    Thanks. I'm sure there are lots of controversial posts on here besides mine. I happen to have a strange and sarcastic sense of humor. Lots of people don't get it. I will try to be cautious and tread lightly next time.

    Strange and sarcastic are fine. Lots of people do strange and sarcastic. The parts I put in bold are not - in my opinion - strange and sarcastic. They're insulting and reek of "I think I'm better than you." Like I said earlier, I came into this thread with the intention of adding you. I'm glad you actually recognize people have different goals than you and that that is ok.

    As for this part that you wrote - "I stand behind my decision not to associate with negative people and people who insist on eating 500 calories a day and trying to look like someone from a concentration camp" - you never mentioned anything about that in your OP. So, standing behind it is an odd comment to make. However, my Jewish grandparents do appreciate your using the term concentration camp as a punchline. :flowerforyou:
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif.

    You're not exactly thick.

    Double bodyweight isn't that big a deal.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Congrats on maxing out! Cardio is important for overall health, especially if you want to lose some body fat. I run and swim too because I like to stay limber and athletic. Either way, you are getting up and moving, I think that is wonderful!
    Strength training is necessary for bone density and boosting your metabolism. Muscle burns more calories at rest than fat. Kudos for choosing to be strong!
    Hey!! Add me!

    I just started lifting and found my max's last weekend. I will start the beginning of my lifting today! Woo Woo,, cant wait to get started. Still doing cardio but want to incorporate lifting in too. Not the salad eating, thigh gap wanting kinda gal either!!
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    Well, I didn't... she said she squats her bodyweight..I said I squat double my bodyweight. I just thought she was curious why she still had a leg gap.
    I didn't mean to insult you. If you naturally have a thigh gap, that's great! I certainly don't... but I also squat double my body weight. I just don't want women to feel like they should "have" to have the gap because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If you start squatting double body weight or more you are gonna build your quads and that gap will start to go away. It just happens. My post wasn't intended to bring anyone down.
    Well, I lift heavy and I squat my body weight but since I wear size 2 jeans, love salad (as well as most other foods including steak and ice cream) and have a "disgusting" thigh gap I guess I don't qualify.

    Just as well. I prefer it when women can build other women up rather than insulting them.

    I'm getting quite a few chuckles out of you telling LiftHeavyAcrylics to squat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Double body weight is an impressive squat. Respect for that. But it's still poor form to call a physical trait disgusting on a board fullof women and young girls with body image issues.
  • lillyrose2020
    lillyrose2020 Posts: 178 Member
    Not wanting to add fuel to the fire or get involved in the drama..
    You came here asking for friends (in a way that ruffled a few feathers to say the least) and I would welcome your add.
    I don't enjoy salad but I tolerate it, I don't lift weights but I am trying to befriend the gym. I have accepted that the only way I will ever attain the thigh gap would be to suck it out with an industrial strength hoover.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Well, I didn't... she said she squats her bodyweight..I said I squat double my bodyweight. I just thought she was curious why she still had a leg gap.
    I didn't mean to insult you. If you naturally have a thigh gap, that's great! I certainly don't... but I also squat double my body weight. I just don't want women to feel like they should "have" to have the gap because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If you start squatting double body weight or more you are gonna build your quads and that gap will start to go away. It just happens. My post wasn't intended to bring anyone down.
    Well, I lift heavy and I squat my body weight but since I wear size 2 jeans, love salad (as well as most other foods including steak and ice cream) and have a "disgusting" thigh gap I guess I don't qualify.

    Just as well. I prefer it when women can build other women up rather than insulting them.

    I'm getting quite a few chuckles out of you telling LiftHeavyAcrylics to squat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    If you thought I was asking why I have a thigh gap you misread my post.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    wiaf doesn't mean thick. I just don't want to be blown over by the breeze.
    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif.

    You're not exactly thick.

    Double bodyweight isn't that big a deal.
  • Daiako
    Daiako Posts: 12,545 Member
    Well, I didn't... she said she squats her bodyweight..I said I squat double my bodyweight. I just thought she was curious why she still had a leg gap.
    I didn't mean to insult you. If you naturally have a thigh gap, that's great! I certainly don't... but I also squat double my body weight. I just don't want women to feel like they should "have" to have the gap because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If you start squatting double body weight or more you are gonna build your quads and that gap will start to go away. It just happens. My post wasn't intended to bring anyone down.
    Well, I lift heavy and I squat my body weight but since I wear size 2 jeans, love salad (as well as most other foods including steak and ice cream) and have a "disgusting" thigh gap I guess I don't qualify.

    Just as well. I prefer it when women can build other women up rather than insulting them.

    I'm getting quite a few chuckles out of you telling LiftHeavyAcrylics to squat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    What if I told you there are women who squat that much and still have the leg gap? What if I told you that the gap is based on the width of ones hips and that one can have it while overweight, while squatting heavy *kitten* weights, and while being strong and perfectly healthy?
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member

    Thanks for taking the time to clarify your position.

    The tone was read differently by most of us, thus the responses youre getting.

    Im a smart *kitten* too - your post just didnt come across that way to me, thus my response in particular.

    Now that we have THAT awkwardness out of the way, the FR still stands if youd like to reach out (only so that choice is yours)

    Either way? Good luck on your journey. Whether I agree with your post or not doesnt matter, but I can appreciate the fact you stick to what you beleive in.

  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Well, I didn't... she said she squats her bodyweight..I said I squat double my bodyweight. I just thought she was curious why she still had a leg gap.
    I didn't mean to insult you. If you naturally have a thigh gap, that's great! I certainly don't... but I also squat double my body weight. I just don't want women to feel like they should "have" to have the gap because beauty comes in all shapes and sizes. If you start squatting double body weight or more you are gonna build your quads and that gap will start to go away. It just happens. My post wasn't intended to bring anyone down.
    Well, I lift heavy and I squat my body weight but since I wear size 2 jeans, love salad (as well as most other foods including steak and ice cream) and have a "disgusting" thigh gap I guess I don't qualify.

    Just as well. I prefer it when women can build other women up rather than insulting them.

    I'm getting quite a few chuckles out of you telling LiftHeavyAcrylics to squat. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    What if I told you there are women who squat that much and still have the leg gap? What if I told you that the gap is based on the width of ones hips and that one can have it while overweight, while squatting heavy *kitten* weights, and while being strong and perfectly healthy?

    This. I got mine at 145 lbs. I would never tell a woman that she should strive for one, quite the opposite. But I also would never tell a woman that having one is disgusting, because it's mostly genetics.
  • skaboom163
    skaboom163 Posts: 93 Member
    I agree and I apologize for that. I didn't think people would take offense. Stay strong.
    Double body weight is an impressive squat. Respect for that. But it's still poor form to call a physical trait disgusting on a board fullof women and young girls with body image issues.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    I agree and I apologize for that. I didn't think people would take offense. Stay strong.
    Double body weight is an impressive squat. Respect for that. But it's still poor form to call a physical trait disgusting on a board fullof women and young girls with body image issues.

    That's big of you. Kudos.
  • jescamp9481
    jescamp9481 Posts: 126 Member
    Most of my old friends don't log in any longer. Lame.

    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif. If you are focused on eating a salad and fitting into your size 2 pants and obsessed with getting that disgusting thigh gap...I don't think we are compatible. Sorry, its not me...it's you.

    I want guy friends who are going to support a girl who is strong and wants to be stronger. If you dare say "don't get too jacked" I will throw a barbell at your face. If you think we will be homies, feel free to friend me.

    Congratulations on being a cancer survivor. There many who dont survive that insidiousness & I commend you for your part in the battle to try and overcome it. Truly.

    As to the rest? Your battle doesnt give you the right to judge anyone but yourself. Pick whatever friends you want and the type you want..I get that. But coming on this site and throwing judgements at other people for the choices they make is offensive to me.

    Who gave you the right to decide that what's important to other people needed to be belittled? Are they sonehow "shallow" because they dont throw around barbells? Many people have worked their *kitten* off to fit into those size 2's & develop the discipline to eat that salad so they can continue to be healthy. Some of them have overcome things to get there that you couldnt fathom if you tried. If they dont fit your mold of whats acceptable, they are somehow inferior to you?

    I am a man who offers as much support to those that I can, under the concept of pay it forward. On a daily basis, I try to support people who are strong on the outside and the inside. EVERY single person here has a bucket of crap to carry, just like you do. The difference is that most of us realize that ****ting on each other is counterproductive & the world already has enough of that.

    In case you dont think I've walked anywhere close to in your shoes? Try having to answer your 8 year old son( and your only child) the night before his 2nd open heart surgery, when he asks you if he will die. And you've spent that day signing the consent forms listing the risk factors for that same surgery.

    It was easier not to have to answer that question duirng the 1st surgery, but then again he was only 14 days old. From your own experience, you know those can be the coldest, hardest days ever.

    If you maybe tried a different perspective, you might get a different result.. Even given all of that, I'd still be happy to cheer your successes on. You are still young and have the world in front of you.....make the most of it,. Feel free to FR if you'd lke....


    my son is 2.5 and open heart surgery at 4 days old... so far everything is good and we dont anticipate further surgeries but I want you to know that if you need anything or any support for a CHD child feel free to add me
  • asdowe13
    asdowe13 Posts: 1,951 Member
    Most of my old friends don't log in any longer. Lame.

    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif. If you are focused on eating a salad and fitting into your size 2 pants and obsessed with getting that disgusting thigh gap...I don't think we are compatible. Sorry, its not me...it's you.

    I want guy friends who are going to support a girl who is strong and wants to be stronger. If you dare say "don't get too jacked" I will throw a barbell at your face. If you think we will be homies, feel free to friend me.

    Congratulations on being a cancer survivor. There many who dont survive that insidiousness & I commend you for your part in the battle to try and overcome it. Truly.

    As to the rest? Your battle doesnt give you the right to judge anyone but yourself. Pick whatever friends you want and the type you want..I get that. But coming on this site and throwing judgements at other people for the choices they make is offensive to me.

    Who gave you the right to decide that what's important to other people needed to be belittled? Are they sonehow "shallow" because they dont throw around barbells? Many people have worked their *kitten* off to fit into those size 2's & develop the discipline to eat that salad so they can continue to be healthy. Some of them have overcome things to get there that you couldnt fathom if you tried. If they dont fit your mold of whats acceptable, they are somehow inferior to you?

    I am a man who offers as much support to those that I can, under the concept of pay it forward. On a daily basis, I try to support people who are strong on the outside and the inside. EVERY single person here has a bucket of crap to carry, just like you do. The difference is that most of us realize that ****ting on each other is counterproductive & the world already has enough of that.

    In case you dont think I've walked anywhere close to in your shoes? Try having to answer your 8 year old son( and your only child) the night before his 2nd open heart surgery, when he asks you if he will die. And you've spent that day signing the consent forms listing the risk factors for that same surgery.

    It was easier not to have to answer that question duirng the 1st surgery, but then again he was only 14 days old. From your own experience, you know those can be the coldest, hardest days ever.

    If you maybe tried a different perspective, you might get a different result.. Even given all of that, I'd still be happy to cheer your successes on. You are still young and have the world in front of you.....make the most of it,. Feel free to FR if you'd lke....


    my son is 2.5 and open heart surgery at 4 days old... so far everything is good and we dont anticipate further surgeries but I want you to know that if you need anything or any support for a CHD child feel free to add me

    We lost our son, who was born with a heart defect, I am happy to hear that both of you have your boys, and they are now healthy.
  • Fsunami
    Fsunami Posts: 241 Member
    Most of my old friends don't log in any longer. Lame.

    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif. If you are focused on eating a salad and fitting into your size 2 pants and obsessed with getting that disgusting thigh gap...I don't think we are compatible. Sorry, its not me...it's you.

    I want guy friends who are going to support a girl who is strong and wants to be stronger. If you dare say "don't get too jacked" I will throw a barbell at your face. If you think we will be homies, feel free to friend me.

    Congratulations on being a cancer survivor. There many who dont survive that insidiousness & I commend you for your part in the battle to try and overcome it. Truly.

    As to the rest? Your battle doesnt give you the right to judge anyone but yourself. Pick whatever friends you want and the type you want..I get that. But coming on this site and throwing judgements at other people for the choices they make is offensive to me.

    Who gave you the right to decide that what's important to other people needed to be belittled? Are they sonehow "shallow" because they dont throw around barbells? Many people have worked their *kitten* off to fit into those size 2's & develop the discipline to eat that salad so they can continue to be healthy. Some of them have overcome things to get there that you couldnt fathom if you tried. If they dont fit your mold of whats acceptable, they are somehow inferior to you?

    I am a man who offers as much support to those that I can, under the concept of pay it forward. On a daily basis, I try to support people who are strong on the outside and the inside. EVERY single person here has a bucket of crap to carry, just like you do. The difference is that most of us realize that ****ting on each other is counterproductive & the world already has enough of that.

    In case you dont think I've walked anywhere close to in your shoes? Try having to answer your 8 year old son( and your only child) the night before his 2nd open heart surgery, when he asks you if he will die. And you've spent that day signing the consent forms listing the risk factors for that same surgery.

    It was easier not to have to answer that question duirng the 1st surgery, but then again he was only 14 days old. From your own experience, you know those can be the coldest, hardest days ever.

    If you maybe tried a different perspective, you might get a different result.. Even given all of that, I'd still be happy to cheer your successes on. You are still young and have the world in front of you.....make the most of it,. Feel free to FR if you'd lke....


    my son is 2.5 and open heart surgery at 4 days old... so far everything is good and we dont anticipate further surgeries but I want you to know that if you need anything or any support for a CHD child feel free to add me

    I'd be honored to . FR coming now.

    and Skaboon163? Thanks for facilitaitng this.....

  • tr3kkie9rl
    tr3kkie9rl Posts: 144 Member
    I just sent you a FR. I have some experience with a thread post being taken the wrong way. The internet is a strange place sometimes lol
    DYELB Posts: 7,407 Member
    wiaf doesn't mean thick. I just don't want to be blown over by the breeze.
    I need some lady friends that like to lift weights and be STRONG..not a waif.

    You're not exactly thick.

    Double bodyweight isn't that big a deal.
