weight loss comments



  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    I'd much rather have the awkward compliments than the "OMG when are you due??"
  • denise31992
    denise31992 Posts: 51 Member
    I have lost 10lbs, and no one notices :(
    That is okay though because as others have mentioned, some people can be mean and make big deals about weight loss.

    Quick example. When I did start to gain weight in college, some noticed and would point it out. Now that I am pretty much close to the weight I used to be, those same people shame me for even trying to lose the weight.

    So, sometimes it does make me uncomfortable.
  • TheSatinPumpkin
    TheSatinPumpkin Posts: 948 Member
    Feel the same too lol.
    I generally find them awkward, and it makes me feel uncomfortable... but, I'm also socially awkward. Also, being overweight is embarrassing to me, so I am also embarrassed when people make comments about my weight, even if they are supportive and positive. I tend to just blush, stammer about awkwardly for a few seconds, and immediately change the subject. I just don't know what to say! I suppose "thanks" would be an option, but that feels weird too, and then I never know where the conversation is supposed to go...... I'm feeling nervous just thinking about it! Sigh. :-) :-)
  • corgarian
    corgarian Posts: 366 Member
    I've lost about 26 pounds and now I get complaments alll the time. For the most part it is nice that people notice my hard work, but there is this one woman who works in my building and she ALWAYS makes some kind of comment, and its getting awkward. She also feels the need to tell me about her "fat" (her words) daughter, and that makes me super uncomfortable.
  • Empty_Calories
    Empty_Calories Posts: 81 Member
    The comments I receive are negative, so no. I don't like them.

    Who is make negative comments? You look awesome. Seriously.

    For me, it's always a mixed bag. I had a couple friends tell me I looked great last weekend which I really appreciated. However, there's always the subtle implication that I didn't look great before and that's a little tougher to accept. Part of it is I just need to better own that I let myself go for awhile and enjoy the compliments now. Overall, it is nice for people to recognize your dedication and the results it's achieved but I don't like when it's made to be a big deal one way or the other.
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    Oh another one that makes you feel bad!

    "Do you remember how fat you used to be?! [pulls up old picture from group work outing where I looked really bad] Look at those hamhawks! You actually have legs now! Look how fat your face was! Good job losing all that!"

    Yeah, that's not a good comment. The really sad thing is he went on for like 5 minutes with 2 other co-workers standing by. He wasn't trying to be mean or anything. He really was trying to say I had done good but the words he chose just made me feel like *kitten*.
  • CPRsMom
    CPRsMom Posts: 15 Member
    I can't wait for the comments!
  • toiletski
    toiletski Posts: 126 Member
    I even appreciate the "negative" comments about how I used to look, because it's not like I'm not in agreement with my past appearance. I thought I looked awful, so I changed it. People don't really tell you when you look awful that you look awful because that would be mean, but when you work hard to change it and they tell you "WOW you look really good NOW," that's completely ok because I agree! I DO look good now!
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    I like it! :smile:

    It's great to know that the physical changes are obvious to others and not just to me. When I notice the changes, it's really not that big of a deal because I can notice the most minuscule of changes, like a pair of jeans becoming slightly looser around the thigh (aka much easier to put on, less to no resistance). But, when someone else notices, it means that there has been on full-body physical change, and getting such feedback is awesome!
  • beatlesfan31
    beatlesfan31 Posts: 66 Member
    It's strange to me. I was a pretty average weight for my height when I started my job 15 years ago. About 5 years in, I gained some weight (25-30 lbs) and was heavier for about three years. I didn't like it, lost it and have maintained my average weight now for 7-8 years. There's one person though, who when she sees me in the hall, always says, "Wow! You are really keeping that weight off." It's just odd. I was overweight for 3 years and my normal weight for 12 years, but she still makes comments about it. Also, I see her at least once a week. What does she expect, that I'm going to gain the 30 lbs back in one freaking week?
  • dwozniak16
    dwozniak16 Posts: 146 Member
    For me personally I don't take offense if someone notices that I've lost weight and compliments me,
    But there are cases where the wording of ones comments can be a little upsetting.

    For instance when a friend says "wow, you're looking really good LATELY"
    I don't know to me that implies that I only look good when I'm dropping weight..

    That also could just be me looking too far into a comment, because it might not have been ones intention to upset you.
    They are most likely oblivious to how you're feeling when they say something.

    But I try not to let comments bother me, I appreciate that other people are starting to notice changes.
    That means I'm doing something right I guess.
  • astroophys
    astroophys Posts: 175 Member
    I even appreciate the "negative" comments about how I used to look, because it's not like I'm not in agreement with my past appearance. I thought I looked awful, so I changed it. People don't really tell you when you look awful that you look awful because that would be mean, but when you work hard to change it and they tell you "WOW you look really good NOW," that's completely ok because I agree! I DO look good now!

    I feel the same way!!! In fact, I kind of wish that more people had pointed out the fact that I was steadily gaining weight instead of being super-PC and pretending that "yes, those jeans must have shrunk in the wash." It may have hurt my feelings for a short sec, but it's better to know than to not know.
  • I've lost 18 pounds, 15 since I started with myfitnesspal. So far, no one notices. But I feel better than that is what is most important to me.
  • svsl0928
    svsl0928 Posts: 205 Member
    It depends on who says it and how it is said. It's nice when it is said in an encouraging why instead insulting.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    Positive comments are welcome....

    Backhanded comments are handled two ways....

    People I am not close to just get a look and the subject is changed

    Family that says backhanded crap gets it right back...my husband and kids have been known to head for the hills during family gatherings....it makes it hard to find them when it's time to leave. Lol
  • atiral
    atiral Posts: 43 Member
    I hate it. I don't like people commenting on my weight either big or small. It makes me self conscious and awkward. I know when I see someone I haven't seen in a long time they are going to have that shocked expression on their face and I dread it. And I am getting the comments about being skinny and need to stop losing weight. I'm not even to a normal weight yet ( almost). It gets old very fast. That is all anyone wants to talk about with me. I am happy to have lost weight but I'm not the type that wants to talk about it. Weighing less has made me more visible when really I'd just like to be more invisible when in public.
  • laurie04427
    laurie04427 Posts: 421 Member
    I do like the complements. Spurs me on a bit to behave because it reminds me of the progress.
  • cookiegy
    cookiegy Posts: 120 Member
    I try to tell myself I'm not at all vain ;I've lost twenty pounds since I've started and I love it when people notice. Being English though, I have to hide it. It's the law here :)
  • Nothing brightens my day quicker than someone complimenting me on my weight loss. Yes, it's a little embarrassing acknowledging that I'm overweight to begin with, but I had to put away that shame and be open with myself in order to deal with the issue at hand. So when someone says they can tell I've been working hard at it, instead of letting that serve as a reminder to me that I'm overweight, I allow myself to (deservedly) feel proud of the progress I've made.
  • Melissa_mojo
    Melissa_mojo Posts: 156 Member
    No I hate them cause they say your to skinny go eat ummm im 5'3 and 120 wtf