Are you obsessed with the scale????

Lisa1971 Posts: 3,069 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I am. Big time. I think I am the only person in the world who can weigh myself in one room, go pee, walk to the other bathroom and weigh myself again and gain 3lbs. Then I'm completely upset and depressed. :noway: Hmmmm...I don't remember eating 10,500 calories in 9 seconds. LOL!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  • RUNN3Rmom
    RUNN3Rmom Posts: 441
    Yup, obsessed...but I usually keep it in my head that it doesn't matter unless it is Saturday ;) I use my Saturday weight as my "weight" and during the week there will be a 2lbs difference - up or down - and I get over it and move on. I know that Saturday is my counting day.
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    I've had to lock my scale up before in order to stay off.
  • addman72
    addman72 Posts: 220
    Im maybe not that obsessed :laugh: But every morning I weigh myself and always after when i exercise , just to see what fluids I have lost.

    Its got to the stage when i think about weighing myself I need to pee.

    But I dont take much notice at the weight , I dont get upset and I only record it once a week.
  • kgillikin
    kgillikin Posts: 191 Member
    How funny. I do the exact same thing.
  • mariyumm
    mariyumm Posts: 10 Member
    .... someone bought me a new scale bc the old one broke so I threw it out so there began my obsession ~ .... weighing myself every single morning ~ the only way to keep motivated when I see a few ounces drop daily :)
  • CelesteENelson
    CelesteENelson Posts: 89 Member
    I weigh myself every morning and record it. I dont get too upset with a little change. But its when I gained a few pounds that I get upset.
  • akalei
    akalei Posts: 34
    The 10,500 in 9 seconds juat made me burst into laughter.
    But I used to be the same. I would weigh myself. Go pee and re weigh my self and have a + or - 2-3 pound difference. Then i'd weight myself at least 10 different times/day and my weight was always up and down 5 pounds in 1 day.
  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I wouldn't say "obsessed". However, I love when I see my weight going down and I'm sad when it goes up, but I don't really worry about it. I've learned to just try better the next week. Although, I am pretty obsessed with keeping track of my calories...
  • lisablueeyes
    lisablueeyes Posts: 213 Member
    I have to say that was me..... I would weigh myself about... hmmm.... when I was home like 10 times a day!!!

    But I don't do that any more..... I don't even stress when it says I gained weight.
    Now that I've been working out and seeing the change on what I can do, and how I look... I feel thats ok with me.. For now!

    Not saying I won't be that crazy lady again weighing myself a thousand times a day... But for now I'm ok with about 3 to 4 X a week!!
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    There should be something called SA - scale addicts. Need support group for it!!!:sad:
  • I weigh myself every morning. I bought a new scale today that measures body fat and body water so I plan on recording those weekly (or daily if my obsession continues!)
  • Empressmee
    Empressmee Posts: 92 Member
    I also find myself stepping on the scale everyday.. Sometimes twice a day.
  • LOL this is so me. I wake up, weigh myself, pee, weigh myself, go downstairs fiddle around, come back up weigh myself and then I am depressed because I gained 2lbs from walking downstairs.. lol. I need to throw the thing away
  • jenmcgraw
    jenmcgraw Posts: 40 Member
    I laughed at this one. I once weighed myself at 5 a.m. went back to bed then weighed myself again when I got up for the day at 7:15 a.m. I was thrilled I was down 1/2 a pound:) Soooo yes I need to join the SA group! LOL
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Ahaha. c: My friend loooooves to weigh herself, but I kind of try to stay away from the scale until it's been a week since I last got on it. I like seeing the culmination of a whole seven days of work than trying to guess where I am with the day-to-day ups and downs.
  • kwalker1979
    kwalker1979 Posts: 6 Member
    Yes, but I only weigh myself once a day - in the morning after I pee. It goes down some days and up some days, but overall I am losing. I wouldn't recommend getting on the scale multiple times a day as you eat/drink/pee/poop throughout the day, so of course it's going to change.
  • EricInArlington
    EricInArlington Posts: 531 Member
    I used to do the same and just got tired of beating myself up over the 3# gain just to lose 5# later in the week so, now its Sat. mornings with the same PJ's on with the scale in the same spot on the floor :)
  • Yes, but I only weigh myself once a day - in the morning after I pee. It goes down some days and up some days, but overall I am losing. I wouldn't recommend getting on the scale multiple times a day as you eat/drink/pee/poop throughout the day, so of course it's going to change.

    That's me! Every morning generally after I pee. Sometimes I'll do it after I've done an exercise video but before I show (wet hair = weight gain!!).

    If I'm up a pound I don't take it to hard. I'll go back and review what I ate...especially how much sodium I took in!

    However, I do measure other aspects to - like my improving cardio, strength, and looser clothes!
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    Yes, Yes and Yes.

    I weigh "officially" in the morning when I wake up after the washroom in the same outfit, same spot...etc. I do that on the wii however before I get there I step on the bathroom scale and all through the day I step on it. If I feel skinnier, step on...if I go #2, step on......after I shower, step on and just for fun, step on.

    I am obsessed!!
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    I must admit, I weigh every morning and every night. I figure I'm going to weigh 2lbs less than what I weigh in the evenings. If I don't weigh I'm afraid I'll let things get out of control. It's happened to me before. Ha, course I suppose I could cut it back to once a day!
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