


  • kurkwartburg
    kurkwartburg Posts: 28 Member
    I think my biggest issue with methods like Shakeology is that you're not going to drink them for the rest of your life, so you're missing out on a chance to build a healthy relationship with food that's going to help you maintain.

    If you're thinking of doing it to up your protein or something, make your own smoothies; it gives you power over the ingredients and you can either get protein from natural sources, or add powder. And I guarantee you that while I haven't tried shakeology, home-made will taste better.

    Agree with this wholeheartedly, go out get some protein powder from Target or Walmart, they carry some of the same brands you can at GNC, add some fruit, milk(use non-fat myself), and greens(baby spinach, bok choy, etc) and you're good to go.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    There are so many people hating on Shakeology, and I value the opinion of the masses within reason, that I refused to try it for the longest time. My goal for Shakeology wasn't weight loss, per se, but adequate energy and vitamins/nutrients for my workout load. The reality is that weight loss means calories in < calories out. Shakeology is NOT a magic weight loss drink wherein you'll just shed the pounds. However, getting adequate nutrition can be an expensive and time consuming task for shopping and cooking and putting together and I was looking for a simpler way to get what I wanted.

    I ended up purchasing the "sampler" of Shakeology--one of each flavor: Greenberry, Strawberry (not the vegan kind), Chocolate (also not the vegan kind), and Vanilla. Let me clarify that I'm neither a BB coach nor do I necessarily endorse Shakeology. This is just my experience with it.

    While Shakeology by no means helped the "price" problem of healthy/nutrient rich food (it is ridiculously expensive), it did come through on simplicity. I had read horrible reviews on the taste as well, and I can only assume people were drinking the powder with milk and/or water alone. Yes, if you do that, I bet it would taste terrible. It's a protein powder for crying out loud. I used four different recipes for each flavor (I'll copy the links to them below) and I LOVED 3 out of the 4 of them. The chocolate Shakeology recipe was merely alright--certainly drinkable, but I'm not a big chocolate fan to begin with, so I knew I wasn't going to be head over heels for any recipe using the Chocolate Shakeology.

    I absolutely had more energy throughout the day. I do my workouts after I get off work, in the evenings before I make dinner for my fiance. For several weeks, as I upped my workout regime to 6 times/week, I was finding I was exhausted when I got home and couldn't muster the energy for a high intensity workout. All 4 days on Shakeology (and the days in between even, as I didn't drink it 4 days straight) I had great energy throughout the day. Because the recipes I used made thicker, higher volume shakes I also didn't find myself needing a snack mid-morning as I was still working on the last 25% of my Shakeology at 10:30am when my snack craving usually hits.

    Overall, if you have the money to throw around and are looking for a quick, simple, energy-providing shake that tastes great (I seriously don't know what these other people are talking about when they say it tastes terrible--it tastes a hundred times better than your average Wal Mart protein powder) then Shakeology isn't a bad option. HOWEVER, to be completely transparent, I don't think I plan on making the plunge and ordering a full bag for several reasons:

    1. Price; the cost is just ridiculous. Get over yourself, Beach Body. I know you tout "high quality ingredients" and blah blah blah, but seriously. $130 a bag? Just nope.

    2. You can't mix and match your flavors easily. This is actually the BIGGEST reason I'm not going to get on the Shakeology bandwagon. You can rotate flavors monthly, but to me that kind of defeats the purpose. I don't want a vanilla shake for a month, then a greenberry shake for a month. I want to rotate them daily, or weekly, or whenever I feel like it. They have no combo option where you can order a box containing 10 packets of 3 different flavors to last you a month, or something similar. If they did have this option, I actually might bite the bullet and get on board with Shakeology for the duration of my high intensity workout weeks (I'm doing 6 workouts/week until my wedding in a few months, then plan on dropping to 3-4 workouts/week to maintain fitness).

    So, in summary, what I think of Shakeology:

    Taste (the recipes I used are just the tip of the iceberg and all of them were delicious)
    Energy level
    Vitamins/nutrients provided
    Quantity of each shake (sipped/spoon ate through them all morning, didn't need mid-morning snack)

    Price (HUGE con)
    Availability (can only purchase through BB or on Ebay, which I don't trust)
    Inability to easily mix and match flavors

    Hope this helped someone along the way!

    Mint Monster (Greenberry Shakeology, my favorite recipe [I replaced peanut butter with almond butter])

    Gingerbread Man (Chocolate Shakeology, wasn't in love with this one but then again I'm not big on chocolate anything!)

    Strawberry Oats (Strawberry Shakeology)

    Vanilla Cherry Almond (Vanilla Shakeology, my second favorite recipe! It says peaches and cream but I realized I didn't have peaches, so I swapped the frozen peaches for dark sweet frozen cherries and replaced the lemon juice with a bit of almond extract and a handful of slviered almonds, SOOO good)

    This is actually a strong first post :laugh:

    I have to add though that I found shakeology much, much more filling than other shakes. It's really thick. So I guess it helps your hunger overall because of that too.
  • Burt_Huttz
    Burt_Huttz Posts: 1,612 Member
    Come on now guys, this is a website of support and motivation. Let's not just trash things just because we think little of them. My mother always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

    That being said, what I really like about it is how the name implies, by the suffix -ology, that it is some sort of very specific scientific field of study. Of shakes! Just like Scientology, although that's much better because the "scient" part of that makes it sound scientific, like it's the scientific study of science.

    With love,
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    Come on now guys, this is a website of support and motivation. Let's not just trash things just because we think little of them. My mother always told me that if you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.

    That being said, what I really like about it is how the name implies, by the suffix -ology, that it is some sort of very specific scientific field of study. Of shakes! Just like Scientology, although that's much better because the "scient" part of that makes it sound scientific, like it's the scientific study of science.

    With love,
    I agree, Burt. There's so much science in Scientology.

    And what's with these people who are shedding excess fat and keeping it off just by lowering their net caloric intake without spending money on special products or adhering to any wacky food rules? Who do they think they are?!
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.
  • HeidiCooksSupper
    HeidiCooksSupper Posts: 3,831 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    Oh, dear. I hope you haven't been suckered into drinking the multi-level marketing scheme kool-aid along with your shake. Before you sign on that dotted line to become a rep, educate yourself at

    If you've already signed up, chalk it up to a bad decision, put your tail between your legs, and run. You are not getting your money back!
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.

    you can also say all you want hating on it. but obviously you never tried it so don't know. how about instead of negativity and judging something you wouldn't look twice at just because your "that kind of guy" you let somebody with an honest opinion help out.
  • Mr_Bad_Example
    Mr_Bad_Example Posts: 2,403 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.

    you can also say all you want hating on it. but obviously you never tried it so don't know. how about instead of negativity and judging something you wouldn't look twice at just because your "that kind of guy" you let somebody with an honest opinion help out.

    Honest opinion from someone who is a 'coach' trying to sell a product?

  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.

    you can also say all you want hating on it. but obviously you never tried it so don't know. how about instead of negativity and judging something you wouldn't look twice at just because your "that kind of guy" you let somebody with an honest opinion help out.

    Honest opinion that is in no way skewed by the kick back you get selling said junk?
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.

    did I try to sell it to her? nope gave her an honest opinion. I could care less if she buys from me or not dip****. im a coach because I get a discount and I can help people. I'd give her an honest opinion whether I was a coach or not. but i wasn't reaching out to you, but go ahead and make yourself one of those people. i honestly couldn't care less.....

    you can also say all you want hating on it. but obviously you never tried it so don't know. how about instead of negativity and judging something you wouldn't look twice at just because your "that kind of guy" you let somebody with an honest opinion help out.

    Honest opinion from someone who is a 'coach' trying to sell a product?

  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    You can say it all you's still junk.

    OP, no need to buy that junk.

    you can also say all you want hating on it. but obviously you never tried it so don't know. how about instead of negativity and judging something you wouldn't look twice at just because your "that kind of guy" you let somebody with an honest opinion help out.

    Your opinion is skewed due to being a beachbody coach and getting money off selling people overpriced junk. Nice that your contribution to the community since June 2013 is 15 post and majority in here trying to take advantage of people.
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member

    Your opinion is skewed due to being a beachbody coach and getting money off selling people overpriced junk. Nice that your contribution to the community since June 2013 is 15 post and majority in here trying to take advantage of people.

    can you people not read?!?! I DID NOT SELL OR TRY TO SELL HER SOMETHING! i gave her my opinion. if i wanted to sell it to her i would have given her way more information than that. im a coach because if i can help somebody else then so be it. i get a discount on my stuff, and nutrition and fitness is what i love to do. so until you know the whole story, why not gang up on somebody who actually values your opinion?
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    A dozen eggs and a package of bacon costs around $5 and covers breakfast for 3 days.
    A package of chicken and several cans of vegetables costs $12 and covers lunch for an entire week.
    A bag of potatoes costs $5 and lasts 3-4 weeks.

    With your beachbody coach discount a single shake costs you $3.32.

    Explain how that isn't over priced.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    and why would i want to take advantage of somebody in the same boat as I've been? that's stupid. get your **** straight before you open your mouths.

    Wow. Someone's hangry. Those shakes must not be cutting it. :laugh:
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    A dozen eggs and a package of bacon costs around $5 and covers breakfast for 3 days.
    A package of chicken and several cans of vegetables costs $12 and covers lunch for an entire week.
    A bag of potatoes costs $5 and lasts 3-4 weeks.

    With your beachbody coach discount a single shake costs you $3.32.

    Explain how that isn't over priced.

    did i ever say it wasn't overpriced? nope i think the cost is absolutely ridiculous. but it works for ME. im not worried about what works for you. and cans of vegetables are gross. so no, i don't get those. this shake it what i use. i gave my opinion of it. i am not saying that it would be great for you or the next person. i gave what i personally think. the price works with my meal plan and my program. so if that's not ok with you, then alright, you are entitled to that opinion. im glad you found a system that works for you. but this is me.
  • GiveMeCoffee
    GiveMeCoffee Posts: 3,556 Member
    and why would i want to take advantage of somebody in the same boat as I've been? that's stupid. get your **** straight before you open your mouths.

    This is your motto on your profile : "Mission: role model"

    Might want to work on that... but it's very overpriced, it is not necessary and this comment
    If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!
    That is a sales pitch
  • iheartinsanity
    iheartinsanity Posts: 205 Member
    As a coach you get it for (no, i'm not one) $3.74 a pop, plus tax. I used to do morning fluff coffee so it replaced it. No biggie if you have that kind of money to shell out at Starbucks every day of the week. Just gotta swap out and make it yourself.

    Everything it promised on the package it did for me: improved regularity, lost weight, reduced cravings. I'm also growing my hair out waist length and it the extra vitamins it provides it definitely helping my hair/skin/nails when I take it.
  • usmcmp
    usmcmp Posts: 21,220 Member
    ok. I use shakeology daily. This is probably my favorite thing ever. No, its not overpriced. the way I see it, I could either be paying for a bunch of food to make up a breakfast, or I could be paying for this shake. its not junk, its done wonders for me. If you are interested in learning more about it let me know! I'm more than willing to help you figure out if its worth your money!

    A dozen eggs and a package of bacon costs around $5 and covers breakfast for 3 days.
    A package of chicken and several cans of vegetables costs $12 and covers lunch for an entire week.
    A bag of potatoes costs $5 and lasts 3-4 weeks.

    With your beachbody coach discount a single shake costs you $3.32.

    Explain how that isn't over priced.

    did i ever say it wasn't overpriced? nope i think the cost is absolutely ****ing ridiculous. but it works for ME. im not worried about what works for you. and cans of vegetables are ****ing gross. so no, i don't get those. this shake it what i use. i gave my opinion of it. i am not saying that it would be great for you or the next person. i gave what i personally think. the price works with my meal plan and my program. so if that's not ok with you, then alright, you are entitled to that opinion. im glad you found a system that works for you. but this is me.

    You did say it was not overpriced, which is why I commented on that part (please check the areas I bolded). Also, frozen vegetables and fresh vegetables are nearly the same cost as a can of vegetables.
  • tshabliss
    tshabliss Posts: 22 Member
    That is a sales pitch

    yea, and if you knew anything about it, you'd know that if she was interested in it, she probably already has a coach that she has talked to. what is it with you people and constantly spreading hate?! i honestly don't get why you are even on here if you are just gonna be rude to people all day. sounds like you live positive lives
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    To the OP: I make my own protein smoothie using whey protein (mine's from GNC but you can get it pretty much anywhere anymore), light almond milk and frozen fruit. It's so thick you have to eat it with a spoon til it warms up a little, and can last me hours. I think it'd wind up being cheaper than these and you'd get just as much out of it.

    I don't subscribe to any of those shakes/diets/wraps/etc that come along. Now is that saying some people haven't benefitted from it? Not at all. Some use it for a jump-start and then go on to normal eating at a deficit without a problem. However, a lot will try it for a quick fix and then gain it all back plus some once they stop drinking them (shakes) or eating whatever food comes in the mail (diets).

    I'm losing steadily eating at a deficit and walking. Adding personal training starting in 2 weeks (since this Monday is a holiday and the trainer won't be in town) to retain more lean body mass. You have to do what's best for YOU, no matter what I or anyone else in here thinks!