Anyone on Metformin?

Its not about weight or diet but it's still related to health. just wondering how it affects others.


  • racoon1
    racoon1 Posts: 78
    Its not about weight or diet but it's still related to health. just wondering how it affects others.
  • fi-nz
    fi-nz Posts: 24 Member
    yeah my mother was on it until she got her insulin under control. It's given her a lot more energy and finally allowed her to lose some weight along with exercise. Interestingly it's also given her some taste buds back and she enjoys more food again !
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    I am on/off it for diabetes. depending upon the day. Are you diabetic or using it for hunger control?
  • Skittles6617
    Skittles6617 Posts: 247 Member
    Its not about weight or diet but it's still related to health. just wondering how it affects others.

    I was on it for insulin resistance and symptoms of PCOS, I absolutely hated it..I felt sick on it all the time, I just didn't like the way it made me feel. I was taking 2000mg a day. It helped my hormone levels a little but other than that, I lost no weight and just didn't feel better. I took it for 2 years and decided to come off of it and just start eating healthy and exercising. I can't remember, but it either can effect your kidneys or your a side effect.
  • racoon1
    racoon1 Posts: 78
    I am on/off it for diabetes. depending upon the day. Are you diabetic or using it for hunger control?

    neither, using it more for PCOS symptoms and horomone balancing. so far I'm breaking out like crazy, not like I didn't have enough of that problem in the first place. But it's only been a few days so I'm hoping it means my skin is just getting worse before it gets better.
  • chipper15173
    chipper15173 Posts: 3,981 Member
    i take it for diabetes. i don't have a problem with it. it is the only one on the market that is suppose to help with weight loss. my sister is also on it for both diabetes and pcos. she doesn't have any problems either. since you just started it maybe your skin will clear up. have you also changed your eating habits. i know when i do mine breaks out.

  • jamerz3294
    jamerz3294 Posts: 1,824 Member
    I just started Metformin XR a few weeks ago, for insulin resistance. My glucosehemoglobin was a bit high, and my doc diagnosed me with Metabolic Syndrome. (Everything is syndrome nowadays). The fist, and foremost side effect you need to be careful of is diarrhea. Really. Happily, it doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me, but there those times *snicker*
    Also, be careful of your alcohol intake! Really! I'm not saying you can't have a beer, or glass of wine, but this isn't a drug that tolerates too much abuse too well. Lookup Lactic Acidosis (fatal in 50% of the cases). That's the main enemy there. The chances of you getting it are very slim, but too much of a good time (and I never found out how much is too much in my research online) could lead to that, after awhile. I just went to Mens Weekend, translation a 3 day party in the woods with my buddies, and simply didn't take it during that time. Now that I'm home, and back on track, I resumed. Hope this helps, do some research online, and let us know how you do with it! :happy:
  • timragan
    timragan Posts: 117 Member
    I've been taking Metformin for about 6 months for diabetes. It seems pretty mild to me given that I was taking Glyburide AND Avandia before I began exercising and dieting.

    I don't experience any side effects that I can tell and hope that I will be off of it completely within the year.