Gym Machines

I don't know if I'm the only one but I just CANNOT stand gym cardio machines.... especially the treadmill. I prefer to jog/walk around the block or even around my house rather than a treadmill -I always feel like my heads gonna explode afterwards. That's why I go to the gym for weight/toning machines or swimming.

Am I the only one?? What's something that you just can't stand at the gym?


  • No_Finish_Line
    No_Finish_Line Posts: 3,661 Member
    i can't stand the cardio machines either.

    i used to do the eliptical a lot... because i hated running. actually ended up giving me back problems. i still hate running but i much perfer outdoor running to running on a treadmill.
  • carolineat111
    carolineat111 Posts: 97 Member
    I'm not a big fan of any of the cardio machines, but my least favorite is this leg machine where you push your leg backwards while standing. It's just awkward for me lol.
  • mhlew
    mhlew Posts: 377 Member
    I love them. The stair master is challneging and makes me sweat the most, love the stationary bike and putting it in a tough resistence setting, and the tradmill i use to walk and a moderate to fast pace in an uphill type mode. I do not find wlaking around the block challenging enough to give me a work out.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I really only go to the gym for the weights; I don't enjoy cardio equipment in the least. I'd much rather be outside on my bike or occasionally going for a trail run. Pretty much only time I use the cardio equipment is in the dead of winter...around here that's pretty much December and January when it's just too damned cold to get out regularly for a ride.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Treadmill always feel like i might shoot off. Giid for runners who dont like rain or cold otherwise run outside.
    Eliptical I find a bit artifical.

    The bike much nicer in the open, but dangerous if theres traffic. Stationary bike was boring but am thinking of trying myride the virtual bike thing.

    But the king of cardio machines is the rower, its brilliant. Cant understand why more people dont use it.
  • ShapenerFiterrati
    ShapenerFiterrati Posts: 111 Member
    Yes, but not if you run and jog intervals, then it becomes a workout.
  • dont_tap_my_aces
    dont_tap_my_aces Posts: 125 Member
    ...but my least favorite is this leg machine where you push your leg backwards while standing. It's just awkward for me lol.

    Glute press machine? yeah its a strange one at best. but if you are looking for a good way to hit the glutes and hammys straight legged deadlifts are FTW... or you could check out hip thrusts. i do these with my shoulders against the edge of my couch while watching TV. just do a set of 20, with the focus being on clenching/flexing the glutes the entire time both up and down. you will feel it big time even without any weight added.
  • AllOutof_Bubblegum
    AllOutof_Bubblegum Posts: 3,646 Member
    I only use the stepper. Anything else I just want to bite my wrists and put myself out of my misery.
  • ShapenerFiterrati
    ShapenerFiterrati Posts: 111 Member
    The stairmaster is probably the one I can handle using, but even that gets frustrating.
    Edited for typo.
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
  • KyleBonsorPT
    My pet hate is the investment mainstream gyms make in filling all there floor space with resistance machines for each and every possible movement the body can make instead of investing in free weights, barbells and power racks to enable people to workout safely & effectly without a spotter.

    I would much rather see a row of 5-6 power racks than a Bicep Curl machine, A Calf Raising Machine, A tricep pull down machine etc.

    I would much prefer to see investment in free space, functional training equipment, strongman equipment and indoor running tracks than endless cardio and stability depriving resistance machines.

    Kyle Bonsor PT
  • loveiscloser
    I'm going to be the weird one here, I love the treadmill. There I said it. It makes it extremely easy for me to keep pace and push myself and I can track distance easily as well. (yes i know there are apps for distance.) I also really hate the outdoors. So that makes the treadmill look very appealing.
  • StrawberryJam40
    StrawberryJam40 Posts: 274 Member
    I love the ARC Trainer. Addicted to it and would choose it and the Elliptical before the treadmill. I find I can do my interval cardio plan much easier. And doing intervals makes the time fly for me, versus a steady pace.

    I would like it if where I workout had a rowing machine. I used to use one a long time ago and would probably enjoy it too.
  • GiddyupTim
    GiddyupTim Posts: 2,819 Member
    I absolutely love to run. I adore biking.
    I abhor the treadmill!
    Sooo boring.
    When I am outside, scenery drifts by. When I am on the treadmill there is no distraction from the discomfort of exertion.
    No thanks!
  • rosebette
    rosebette Posts: 1,659 Member
    I feel the same way. There are no classes at my gym this week because they close the studios for maintenance. So, I just do the stationary bike, weight machines, and free weights. The bike is boring and I fell off a treadmill once, so I'm leary of them. Fortunately, the Y now has the recumbent bikes with TVs right on the bike. I watch CNN every day; I'll probably get a heart attack from all that negative news.
  • RGv2
    RGv2 Posts: 5,789 Member
    Cardio equipment is kind of a necessary evil around here, so I've learned to love it.
  • wan2b21
    wan2b21 Posts: 147 Member
    In my opinion the worst machine in the gym would have to be the elliptical. The weird thing is that my favorite machine is also the elliptical. The reason I hate this machine is not because of the machine or what it works muscle wise, its that no one wipes down their sweat after using it. I find myself wiping the machine before I use it and also after and try not to think of how gross that is.

    I really hate treadmills too haha but only because I get shin splints. :/
  • azwen
    azwen Posts: 237 Member
    I actually like the treadmill! I feel like I can really relax and concentrate on my music or audiobook, without worrying about cars, dogs, tripping on something on the sidewalk, etc. Plus I can control the incline, which I use to increase the intensity of the workout. And it is not nine million degrees inside the gym. (I live in the desert.)
  • CipherZero
    CipherZero Posts: 1,418 Member
    Treadmills are good if you have other issues as it makes it harder to be stranded wherever when a bum knee gives out.

    Pretty much the only machine I use in the home gym is the lat pulldown; we have a treadmill that I've used only three times or so since I went back to work. I prefer to run/walk outside.
  • ShapenerFiterrati
    ShapenerFiterrati Posts: 111 Member
    I love all the different opinions. But it's all still the same- I remember, the treadmill, I remember a headache :laugh: