Really struggling!!! Help!!!

Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
edited September 23 in Motivation and Support
Hi All!

I am rather new to MFP, but I have been working on it alot longer without not alot of weight loss, after I found MFP I discovered was my calorie intake was way too high. So, for the next two weeks I did great and lost a few pounds, then I went on vacation to celebrate my 20th Anniversary, came home to a stressful week, getting back to reality always sucks for me anyways, but my hubby who has MS had a bad tumble down the stairs, and now a good friend is having a serious health issue and with all of lifes other normal things, I am really struggling with my focus. I used to be on the website so much during the day, staying on track, excited to figure out my calories for the day. I have a stressfull life as it is and I thought I had a pretty good handle on how to deal with my emotional eating troubles but I have struggled all week with my eating.
I know the first step is to get all of my food in the house on Monday, my cupboards are pretty bare of what I normally eat.
I have two close friend s that listen to everything in mu life the good and the bad bad, but neither have a weight issue and they listen but can not offer any real help to kick my butt in gear. I would love to hear how you guys picked yourself up and got with it again.
Thanks, Robin


  • kbeller88
    kbeller88 Posts: 139
    I hear ya on almost everything. I know when I get down and out I push myself to work that extra mile bbecause sI know if I don't the wieght will just keep piling on and I will be on medicine the rest of my life for high blood pressure and possibly type 2 diabetes. Thats what motivates me, knowing that I am the only person in my life who can make a difference for myself.
  • I struggle too, with motivation. I think the bottom line for me though, and what keeps me trying, is that I don't want to be heavy any more. I can give up and accept myself this way, in this body and in poor health, or I can pick myself up and try again.


  • YayMe17
    YayMe17 Posts: 62 Member
    You need to think of yourself first. It may sound selfish but who is going to take care of you? Only you. If you have people depending on you, you need to be the best you. Wow that's a lot of yous.:)
    You know the program was working for you before vacation & all the stress. It will work again. Do it because you can. Go for it!
    I suggest you plan your food for the day, the best you can. I often do this when I know I'll be going out to dinner. You'll know what you should & shouldn't have. That might keep you focused on your goal.
    Take care of yourself.
  • What has helped me is to just try to do a few little things each day to get back on track gradually, rather than trying to go from "blowing it" to "perfect" in one step. When I take the little steps approach, each little step ends up being a motivator to take another one, and I find I don't beat myself up as much and eventually do get back on track. So tomorrow, just focus on one or two little steps, and pat yourself on the back for doing them. And the next day, do a little more, and so on. Hope this helps. We're all in this together, and are rooting for you!
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    when my cupboards are bare and I'm struggling with emotional issues also, I try to grab the good food and not think about it too much - go to subway get a 6" turkey for lunch and diet soda, and reward myself with a movie or a piece of inexpensive jewelry, or a haircut or something else non-food that gives me a break from the hardships in my life. a pedicure. whatever it is.
  • nilisabel
    nilisabel Posts: 338
    invite a friend over for spa night, do your hair, you know, paint your nails. everyone deserves a break.
  • helenbeee
    helenbeee Posts: 130 Member
    Your good friends can certainly help you even if they dont have weight problems they can help you in the activity area of your lifestyle change. Exercise is an all important part of weight loss and will get results everytime. Organise walking dates with your friends it might involve a walk to a cafe for coffee so combining social with activity. If you are housebound because of your husband MS hire out an exercise video and invite your friends round to an afternoon of exercise and coffee. Explain how this will help you I bet your friends jump at the chance to support you in anyway they can particularly since they will get to enjoy the rewards watching you become healthier and more active.
  • ellennow
    ellennow Posts: 568
    Robin, I can apathize, and I am walking the path azstudio suggested...small steps will get back in the saddle. It creates postive momentum and helps you focus on what you really want because at the end of the day, life is going to be life and to handle it the best I can and be the best I can for my family and friends I NEED to lose pounds and create a healthy lifestyle. I wish you well and have found MFP to be a key factor in my success and has stopped me from throwing in the towel during these difficult times.
  • ktchw
    ktchw Posts: 6
    I can really relate to your situation. I loved Helen Beee's comments about asking your friends to help you by exercising with you. It will help you and I'm sure they'll be glad to support you in any way they can. The stress your going thru is diffucult, but keep in mind that you are strong enough to handle it. We're all struggling with this journey and are here for you.
  • I was stuck at 157 for while and I changed my workout up (it puts the body into shock) and I lost 8 pounds in one week! Also, taking herbal supplements help increase the body's metabolism. I've been taking a Green Tea one and 2 Stacker 3's a day along with a protein shake from GNC and it really seems to help. Best of luck to you!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    Thanks all, some really good ideas so far!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hugs love! :flowerforyou: You can do this you just need to find what works! If you are having trouble logging in plan tomorrow's food the night before. Maybe instead of turning to food you can tell yourself I'm going to exercise instead. I find when I go out for a walk I feel refreshed afterwards. You are getting fresh air, are able to think and de-stress. Drink water instead of eating no calories there. Clean you are thinking as you go. Read a book. Or turn up the music and dance like a fool! You can do this girl! I believe in you! :wink:
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Hi Robin,
    Take one day at a time dear. We all have had ups and downs on this journey. Most people will not have a good week every since day. Those who succeed at anything are those who keep getting up when they fall down. They never give up. So as long as you never give up on yourself you will succeed. Life is what it is. It throws challenges and stresses our way everyday and every year. The challenge for us all is how to cope thru these challenges without harming ourselves. You can do it! Just try to be a mindful as you can of your over goals regarding your health and weight and the life style changes you want to implement. This is something that is not done overnight and in 2 weeks or 2 months. That is why it is important to take baby steps and not thinking you need to be perfect to be successful.

    Hang in there and remember a baby who is learning how to walk. If that baby never falled down, they would never learn to walk. A baby learning how to walk, keeps getting up each time they fall until they learn how to walk. The same is true for us. We have to fall in order to learn how to walk on this journey to better health or our weight loss journey, whatever you wan to call it. You can do it as long as you never give up like the baby learning how to walk.

    I love the following 3 P's: Peservarence, Patience, and Positive

    Chin up and sending positive thoughts your way babe......:-) Be patient with yourself and persevere
  • Fabulocity
    Fabulocity Posts: 157 Member
    Hello there...
    I don't know if i can add anything to the excellent posts, but I will try.:smile:
    You've done the most important step of all...asking for help and support.
    Remind yourself that this is only a "snapshot in time" and that you have the ability, tools and support to achieve your goals.
    Take one day at a time...knowing that missteps will happen along the way.
    Celebrate each small step that you take.
    Write and journal if it will help,:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    WE are here to help you!

    Warm regards,
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    A new day for me!! Thanks again for all your ideas, I have a few new ideas now!!
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