Exercise for the self-conscious?!

Hi all,

I'm a little self-conscious about exercise. I'm not comfortable in a gym or even in public during the day. I know it's ridiculous - without being rude I dont need advice on conquering that just yet - I just wondered if anyone else is the same and what exercise you are doing?

I used to be a dancer. I was fit and never had any trouble with my weight, except being too thin for a while. I spent two years recovering from a serious health problem and I'm now a size 12-14 and incredibly unfit. I go bright red after a three second jog and become excessively sweaty and generally disgusting! I'm on a mission to get fit now my health is almost under control (still have a rather weak lung after a pulmonary embolism) and have been given the green light by my doc.

I have been swimming in the sea daily but now the weather won't permit it. I have been jogging after dark but don't feel particularly safe. Home exercise videos hold no interest for me and I have no room for equipment. Is there anything else I haven't thought of?

Thank you in advance and please feel free to add me :-)


  • TeaBea
    TeaBea Posts: 14,517 Member
    I'm totally get not liking to exercise in front of people (that's me)..............but given your criteria.....I'm not sure what's left.

    I use exercise videos....they're excuse proof for me. Yes, I have to buy new ones from time to time to keep up my interest. But there are hundreds to choose from.....this is no different than having a gym membership you pay for month in and month out. You can look for no equipment required. This site has video clips and tons of info.....http://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/

    I like Leslie Sansone Just Walk DVDs (Target, Wal-Mart)......no equipment required. You can test drive them on YouTube.

    Dance lessons? ....at least it's not a gym. Join a sports league, swim club, tennis club. Try hula hooping (I know it's equipment). Wii or Xbox have fitness games.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Walking's a good way to start, as I'm presuming you're not a recluse, just conscious of exercising outdoors. If it is an issue, then I suggest buying a treadmill, and of course getting your outdoor issues attended to. Aside from walking, bodyweight exercises are a great way of resistance training that you can do pretty much anywhere, especially indoors at home.
  • SqueakStormborn
    SqueakStormborn Posts: 15 Member
    I didn't think there was much left to me to be honest, being so fussy and all... I'll give the videos another go. Thank you for the suggestions. Eventually my aim is to dance again but I need to regain some fitness first as my last attempt at dancing emotionally scarred me! It's heartbreaking to not be able to do something you used to be passionate about so going to stay away from dance until a few bars of eight won't kill me :-)

    Thanks again x
  • SqueakStormborn
    SqueakStormborn Posts: 15 Member
    Not a recluse no, iloseityes - just self conscious :-)
    I can get some small equipment, may invest in some weights - thank you. No room for a bike or treadmill, but I do walk a lot already - I guess I'll just try taking it to the next step and power walking a few extra miles!
    I think I'm just going to have to get over it. Terribly vain of me really, I'm sure no-ones interested in what I look like exercising, but it really stops me having any focus feeling so disgusting!

    Thanks guys x
  • theycallmearth
    theycallmearth Posts: 196 Member
    I totally understand about exercising in front of others. I do strength training at home but I go to a local walking track for aerobics. I go early in the morning and there are only a few people there when I go. So I'm fortunate in that regard.

    Feel free to send a FR if you want.
  • biancad_1992
    biancad_1992 Posts: 30 Member
    Ditto on going early. I go jogging at 6am (or earlier) at a track nearby. I also started doing a few Jillian Michaels DVDs and they are awesome!
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Not a recluse no, iloseityes - just self conscious :-)
    I can get some small equipment, may invest in some weights - thank you. No room for a bike or treadmill, but I do walk a lot already - I guess I'll just try taking it to the next step and power walking a few extra miles!
    I think I'm just going to have to get over it. Terribly vain of me really, I'm sure no-ones interested in what I look like exercising, but it really stops me having any focus feeling so disgusting!

    Thanks guys x

    Haha, that's good :) Walking is great I find, and to be honest has been responsible for about 1/4 of the total number of lbs I've lost thus far. I've recently added bodyweight training to fill the demand for some resistance training, and I love it. Love improving and feeling stronger, and simply gaining mastery over my body, plus no equipment required really, aside from maybe a chinup bar when you get that far :)

    Yes, you're right about not worrying about what people think, as they simply couldn't care less really. Just think of all the sweaty and breathless runners and joggers you see, and how barely any attention is paid to them as they pass people. I understand the self-consciousness aspect though, and I can't bring myself to swim in a pool until I lose more weight.
  • ThePinkPanda
    ThePinkPanda Posts: 208 Member
    I had this exact problem when i started and only recently joined a gym. i personally invested in some at home workout dvds and some nice equipment. specifically, i bought p90x (the first one, which i like way better than the others) and insanity, then i invested in some dumbbells and a pull up bar. i lost my first 90ish lbs strictly with at home workouts.
  • zericaaaaa
    zericaaaaa Posts: 313 Member
    I'm totally get not liking to exercise in front of people (that's me)..............but given your criteria.....I'm not sure what's left.

    I use exercise videos....they're excuse proof for me. Yes, I have to buy new ones from time to time to keep up my interest. But there are hundreds to choose from.....this is no different than having a gym membership you pay for month in and month out. You can look for no equipment required. This site has video clips and tons of info.....http://www.totalfitnessdvds.com/

    I like Leslie Sansone Just Walk DVDs (Target, Wal-Mart)......no equipment required. You can test drive them on YouTube.

    Dance lessons? ....at least it's not a gym. Join a sports league, swim club, tennis club. Try hula hooping (I know it's equipment). Wii or Xbox have fitness games.

    leslie sansone's just walk DVDs are what I used to get started! I most definitely recommend as well
  • SqueakStormborn
    SqueakStormborn Posts: 15 Member
    Thanks everyone. If nothing else, it's nice to know I'm not the only one feeling this way!

    I will get the DVDs mentioned and invest in some light equipment, it'll just have to take over my spare room! I do have the Insanity ones already, they were too much for me at first as my lung still gets a little sore. I may be able to do a bit more now as swimming has already improved my lung capacity drastically. We have some sun today so going to take full advantage and go for a swim. I'll kelp up with the walking too, maybe increase my mileage a bit...

    Thanks also for all the adds. I can accept requests from my phone but can't send them so please feel free to add me.

    Keep it up all of you, us newbies are counting on you to inspire us ;-)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    no-ones interested in what I look like exercising,

  • jamesdavidy
    Steal yourself, do home workouts. You know you have to do something! google 'Beach Body' (other products available lol) they have some great workouts, Tony Horton's 'Ten Minute Trainer (come on you CAN handle 10 minutes) would be a good start, plus the guy is fun and inspirational. You will get gradually fitter and slowly loose and tone up and your confidence will grow. as they say all you have to do is 'press play' every day.

    Best wishes.

  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I am going to suggest dancing anyway...not formal choreography or complicated moves, just crank up the music and boogie for a song or two. Even if you are just doing a little side step to the rhythm...then do a little shuffle-ball-change and repeat...Eventually work your way up to dancing the whole song...It's something you love and it won't feel quite like excercise...
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    I'm not sure if you have the money for it but have you considered a personal trainer? If you find someone you trust it will build up your fitness but will also help with your confidence exercising with others.

    If you want to talk about why you lost your confidence and how you might be able to move forward feel free to message me - I will try and point you at some helpful material.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I felt the same way when I first stated out my daily walking. Now that I look back, I got more hoops and hollers when I had the baby got back then than I do now. I got waves and honks, etc. Mostly I chalk it up to that I was an inspiration to people. I would see the same exact people pass me by on their way to work or wherever they were going every morning and eventually they started waving at me and honking, it made me so embarrassed and smile but I didn't care. I had my mp3 player and I was getting my sweat on., I started out at 234. You know what I think is the very best thing I have accomplished so far? it is the confidence about how I feel about myself and knowing I am doing the best I can. I have come so far. I even wear shorts now in public. Yes, I said shorts. I haven't done that in years. Confidence is beautiful. Just look forward and put one foot in front of the other and keep telling yourself that you don't know these dam people and if anything you are encouraging them to for a walk themselves. Just get out there. When you feel down on yourself think of al the nsv's you are doing and say I am working on it and just for today. It gets easier. Fake it till you make it. :flowerforyou: