

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Wrap what you can in tin foil/plastic wrap and throw it away when you finish. *ducks flying objects from the tree huggers* Ok, ok, RECYCLE when you finish.
    herm hadn't thought about foil- might try putting chicken in there.

    my main meals consist of chicken + veggie dish (usually stir fry)
    or chili
    meat sauce

    and then yogurt and a spare container for berries. ( i mix my powder at work- and I warm the berries up)

    Today was really bad- salsa, cheese, yogurt, lettuce, tomato (it was just free floating) tortilla shell, chicken, eggs, berries, watermelon.


    Normally not so bad- but sheesss today was a wreck LOL was worth it for the delicious not soggy tacos I had today!!!
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    I'm grateful for audiobooks on my iPhone and my Jawbone Jambox sitting on the kitchen counter. I can listen to good books while I watch endless numbers of Ziplock plastic single-serve containers. I probably take at least 4 to work every day. Those books are also handy for the Sunday afternoons when I'm cooking several dishes to refill all those plastic containers to line up neatly in the freezer.
  • El_Cunado
    El_Cunado Posts: 359 Member
    love food prep...hate the tupp life!

    YES!!! +1
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    i don't even bother. i keep a grocery store bag in one of the break room fridges that has my lunch stuff in it, then just make it fresh each day. nobody seems to want my stuff anyway :smile:.
    More food for you PLUS no ones grubby hands touching it :bigsmile:
    1 time we'd gotten a promotional free steak meal for a new restaurant so I let my husband have it for his work meal.
    When he went to eat, the steak he'd been waiting all day to eat was GONE!
    His baked potato and mini wheat loaf was still there but not his steak :noway:
    If it had been me, I don't know that I would've eaten any of it, not knowing where or what the guys hand/fingers had touched.
    So now he cant keep his food in the fridge because he doesn't trust that his meal wont still be there :frown:
    Or if anyone's been in it "sampling" it :sick:
    A friend of his said he's had little things come up missing from his, "snack" items but no one had heard of that happening!
    He believes it was someone from the shift before him as they get their lunch breaks 1st.
    The sad part is, the person they believe has been doing this makes more money than my husband or his friend, pretty low huh?!? :angry:
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    If that happens, spike the food. Make a trap meal for the thief.

    For example, a steak in a laxative laced sauce.
  • 2BeHappy2
    2BeHappy2 Posts: 811 Member
    If that happens, spike the food. Make a trap meal for the thief.

    For example, a steak in a laxative laced sauce.
    OMG...that really did cross my kidding!!
    I told my husband his friend should make some brownies w/ laxative and then watch to see whos running to the bathroom and then you definitely know who has the case of the slippery fingers :happy: :laugh: :tongue:
  • jazzie_red
    jazzie_red Posts: 180 Member
    I did four days of oatmeal today. I eat breakfast at my desk. I just hope I can hold onto the containers, and this is the key part, with the lids. Lucky my break room has a normal kitchen sink with dish soap for us to use.

    I usually just take a couple of days worth of food to make a meal fresh daily for lunch if I am organized...
  • amos481
    amos481 Posts: 92 Member
    I feel like a bag lady as I approach the office carrying my cute lunch bag and a plastic bag - coffee cup, water bottle (with lemon ice cube in it), bottle for my protein shake, lunch stuff, snacks and little containers for my vitamins.....but I'd rather take all that then go out to eat. :wink:
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    I feel like a bag lady as I approach the office carrying my cute lunch bag and a plastic bag - coffee cup, water bottle (with lemon ice cube in it), bottle for my protein shake, lunch stuff, snacks and little containers for my vitamins.....but I'd rather take all that then go out to eat. :wink:

    Lemon ice cube! What an awesome idea! I don't know why I have never thought of that.
  • Himejii
    Himejii Posts: 27
    Not sure what containers have to do with food prep... I do my prep at home, before I cook my meal, and then put leftovers in containers for later meals.

    I usually don't bring more than one container per day, I just make meals that are all-in-one. That's mostly because I'm lazy and not keen on cooking lots of different dishes for one meal. Plus the whole cooking-for-one thing makes that impractical.

    I really like glass containers. Even though they're heavier to lug around, they clean out much nicer than plastic. Plus, I can throw them in the microwave without fearing that I'm eating absorbed plastic weirdness.

    We've never had a built-in dishwasher, but a portable one was the first thing we bought when we moved in together. Before the TV or even the couch, we had a dishwasher. I would probably never cook if I had to hand-wash my dishes... I put my dirty, un-rinsed containers in there and run it once a week, everything comes out clean.

    As for baggies.... I'll use the in a pinch, but a little piece of me dies every time. I totally wash and re-use them when I can. Our society is too disposable these days, it's icky gross.
  • Noogynoogs
    Noogynoogs Posts: 1,028 Member
    Food prep is half the battle to sustained weightloss. I allways carry a snack in my bag for a quick munch.
  • Missjulesdid
    Missjulesdid Posts: 1,444 Member
    I've cooked everything from scratch for years... For me the PREP is what is most time consuming. For Veggies, I wash them and then sit down and prep them while watching TV or talking on the phone with my sister.... I'll start with the fruit for the day. three apples, a large peach, a bunch of grapes, a few plums, maybe a clementine..... all diced into a fruit salad then I move on to the veggies...two pounds of carrots, a couple peppers,one or two onions, three tomatoes, a cucumber a few cloves of garlic, half a bunch of parsley or cilantro, whatever greens are in season at the moment. If I'm serving potatoes that evening I'll do those too. It's a lot of work to do every day but totally worth it and I get to indulge in some guilty pleasure television.

    Another thing you can do is put some of your stuff in plastic bags instead of those little bowls. Just use the really cheap sandwich bags, or even just re-use the bags you get your produce in.. When I used to take my meals to work, I'd bring them in plastic bags and then dump onto a ceramic plate at work.. I just had to wash the plate and my fork every day.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    And this is why I fast half the day at work! Ain't nobody got time for that! I went there. Deal with it.
  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,266 Member
    I got the solution for ya: I just seen a stackable doodad at Walmart in the lunch box and water bottle section. There are a few to choose from. Go check it out. Eating healthy was never said to be easy but these new inventions help. :drinker:
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    And this is why I fast half the day at work! Ain't nobody got time for that! I went there. Deal with it.

    Lulz. funny
    I don't start eating till 1 or 2 PM. that IS only food for half the day.
    I got the solution for ya: I just seen a stackable doodad at Walmart in the lunch box and water bottle section. There are a few to choose from. Go check it out. Eating healthy was never said to be easy but these new inventions help. drinke

    well some of mine stack- but ultimately it's the fact I have a big *kitten* pile of tupperwears at work to content with LOL- but was mostly a lighthearted joke.
  • teresamwhite
    teresamwhite Posts: 947 Member
    I agree with baggies for what you can. I don't take my lunch to work as often as I used to anymore, but need to get back in the habit...I use a tiffin, with an insulated sleeve when i do though.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Yah I use baggies and foil for a lot...usually put those in a container (but I don't have to wash it afterwards)

    And yes I am a tree hugger so I do reuse the baggies as long as it's the same food item going in it the next day.

    Not so much foil tho as that is usually meat...ick.
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    And this is why I fast half the day at work! Ain't nobody got time for that! I went there. Deal with it.

    Lulz. funny
    I don't start eating till 1 or 2 PM. that IS only food for half the day.

    O.I.C. I actually just got one of those big like glass Tupperware containers with a lid and I just measure everything out in that and just kind of mix it up and eat it. Then I have like yogurt on the side or something easy like that.

    On another note, I'm loving that 1982 phone on your desk. So vintage! :happy:
  • activefatgirl
    activefatgirl Posts: 107 Member
    I love to food prep when I am on track... Lately I have been off track and I hate it! To help me food prep I use recyclable containers and lunch baggies. If I have to wash all those containers all the time... I would end up throwing them out. I buy a package of 8 containers for 1.25 at the dollar store they go in the freezer, and the microwave. I heat up my food and throw away the container. If I only put raw veggies, fruit or dry times in the container I will rinse it out (I'm not that lazy). The baggies are great too, I have a plate at work I use when I pack my food in a baggie.

    Its all about helping yourself get the job done faster, with less mess and dreadful dish washing.

    Man I need to get back on track...
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Yah I use baggies and foil for a lot...usually put those in a container (but I don't have to wash it afterwards)

    And yes I am a tree hugger so I do reuse the baggies as long as it's the same food item going in it the next day.

    Not so much foil tho as that is usually meat...ick.

    I've put meat into baggies before (dirty jokes dirty jokes) but it's just messy and I don't like the way it heats up.

    I'm okay with all my tupperwearsies- but it is a bit excessive LOL.