How does this look????

I am still working on eating better and just wanted everyone's input on my average daily food(for now). Is this ok for starters? What would you change? ( I do take multivitamins)

Breakfast - 8:00am

1 egg with 4 egg whites and 2 pieces of turkey bacon

Snack - 10 am

Banana or watermelon or apple with 1 bottle of water

Lunch 12pm

Turkey Sandwich with whole wheat bread and turkey only
snack size bag of baked ruffles - plain

Snack 2-3pm

Labrada lean body for her shake and bottle of water

Dinner 6-7pm

1 Chicken Breast
salad with 1 tablespoon ranch (lots of broccoli and carrots)
1 bottle of water

Snack (if I have a snack it is around 8p - 9p
100 calorie pack popcorn or 1 popsicle

(edited to clarify that there is veggies in my salad)


  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    You lost me at turkey bacon.
  • LuckyMe000
    Is turkey bacon not a good thing???
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    LOL - I was just going to say something about the turkey bacon. That's a big no-no around these parts! It's not that it's a bad thing, but truly, real bacon isn't that bad for you, it just gets a bad rap.
    OP, also lost me at egg whites..just eat the whole egg!

    What you eat doesn't matter so much as how much you eat. Do those choices fulfill your daily calorie goal? Do you feel satisfied? I might add in another serving or two of fruits and veg but I'm not sure how big your salad is either.
  • lishie_rebooted
    lishie_rebooted Posts: 2,973 Member
    That's really boring...

    And "1 chicken breast" is an awful description.
    They vary a lot by weight.
    Hope you're weighing your food otherwise youre introducing a lot of inaccuracies.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    I have no clue what a "Labrada lean body for her shake" is like.

    But to be honest your day sounds okay, just rather boring and like something I personally could not eat every day of life.

    I'd prefer whole eggs, regular bacon, etc, as others have said. I also like to dress things up a bit more...some sautéed mushrooms here, roasted peppers there, avocado...spicy sauces or dressings in small quantities. How do you season your chicken breast for dinner? Do you marinate it in something at least? Maybe you left out some details but I'm just imagining a lunch of turkey lunchmeat on wheat with nothing else, and a dry chicken breast at dinner...if you prefer plain food I think that sounds fine, but I would burn out on that in a few days. Don't forget to have fun w/ your cooking and meals...enjoy your food!
  • gypsy_spirit
    gypsy_spirit Posts: 2,107 Member
    It's really not important what we think of your plan. What's more important is what do you think? Besides, there is no way to critique an eating plan with no specifics (daily calories, weights of food, etc.)
  • capnrus789
    capnrus789 Posts: 2,736 Member
    Turkey bacon is processed like crazy, since there's no actual bacon on the bird. Lots of weird stuff going on there, and on the ingredient label. And some brands have even more sodium than regular bacon. Just stick with regular bacon.
  • 365andstillalive
    365andstillalive Posts: 663 Member
    Sounds really bland to me.
    Weight loss is all about a calorie deficit, so eat foods you love, just make sure you're creating that deficit. Calculate your BMR and TDEE, the difference between them is the size of the deficit you can healthily create. All you need to lose 1lb per week is 500 calorie deficit a day.
    Why restrict like crazy if you don't have to?
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    I don't know how you do it! I would break after 2 days of it and eat something with flavor.... haha
  • LuckyMe000
    Yes I weigh my food and count everything...I just typed out a summary...I am staying within my goals just want to make sure none of it is "horrible"...I am still learning

    As for the turkey bacon I get one that is called "selects" has a Smokey flavor to it and I actually like it....
  • rachelrb85
    rachelrb85 Posts: 579 Member
    You lost me at turkey bacon.

    I like turkey bacon :(

    OP, I think it's a good and balanced meal plan, but I hope you are measuring your foods. I also personally think it's quite boring and if I would eat that everyday for a couple days I would absolutely lose it and binge on nothing but pizza, donuts, and ice cream for days. Just eat what you want and stay within your calorie and macro goals. I eat what I want including pizza, donuts and ice cream in moderation, measure it and log it as accurately as I can. Oh, and I lost weight and met my goal this way.
  • PRMinx
    PRMinx Posts: 4,585 Member
    Yes I weigh my food and count everything...I just typed out a summary...I am staying within my goals just want to make sure none of it is "horrible"...I am still learning

    As for the turkey bacon I get one that is called "selects" has a Smokey flavor to it and I actually like it....

    If you like it, eat it. Just know that real bacon is ok, too.

    No foods are "horrible." Just focus on trying to hit the macros that MFP sets for you. As you learn more, you can play with your menu. Variety is awesome. Eating the same thing every day can feel like torture and lead to failure.
  • arumping
    arumping Posts: 11 Member
    Not one vegetable the entire day? Why? So good for you, loads of nutrients, low in calorie, extremely filling, and the variety cannot be beat. I can get if you don't like broccoli, asparagus etc. but there has got to be some veggies you like.
  • LuckyMe000
    I am a picky eater and no I don't like a lot of vegetables...but my salad has loads of broccoli and carrots
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Yes I weigh my food and count everything...I just typed out a summary...I am staying within my goals just want to make sure none of it is "horrible"...I am still learning

    As for the turkey bacon I get one that is called "selects" has a Smokey flavor to it and I actually like it....

    Here's the thing - you can eat anything you want. Nothing is going to be deemed "horrible". (and if anyone tells you it is, you don't need friends like that, lol!).

    Just stay within your calorie goal to start. Eat pizza if you want pizza, eat ice cream, eat chips. But eat the correct serving sizes and only eat them if they fit in your goal. That's step 1.

    Once you've gotten some practice with that, start paying attention to your macros (carbs, fat and protein). Try to get enough protein every day. Don't go overboard on carbs. The key to eating like this is selecting plenty of whole foods - veggies, fruits, lean protein, etc. Then, build your treats in from there (as long as they fit your calorie and macro goals). Keep in mind that you will have off days once in awhile. It's a learning process.
  • esaucier17
    esaucier17 Posts: 694 Member
    Is turkey bacon not a good thing???

    I don't think so...
    I LOVE it.

    Only thing I think is you should do is eat more veggies..
  • LuckyMe000
    You lost me at turkey bacon.

    I like turkey bacon :(

    OP, I think it's a good and balanced meal plan, but I hope you are measuring your foods. I also personally think it's quite boring and if I would eat that everyday for a couple days I would absolutely lose it and binge on nothing but pizza, donuts, and ice cream for days. Just eat what you want and stay within your calorie and macro goals. I eat what I want including pizza, donuts and ice cream in moderation, measure it and log it as accurately as I can. Oh, and I lost weight and met my goal this way.

    Thank you! I am measuring foods and staying in my may be boring but it really doesn't bother me....I have noticed as long as I keep myself full all day then I wont binge....I just feel better when I eat healthier foods....and I usually change my meal plan once every 2 weeks or whenever I get tired of eating the same stuff....
  • George_Baileys_Ghost
    George_Baileys_Ghost Posts: 1,524 Member
    When you're looking at your diet there are 3 super important questions you have to ask:

    1. Does it help me hit my numbers? - The rubber hits the road where the calorie and macro goals are. Consistently hitting the goals we set is the primary cause of success. If the way you eat helps you hit your's solid.

    2. Is it accurate? - After you've got your calorie and macro goals set as accurately as possible (depending on the variety of forumlas used by the different calculators), it is important that you are weighing and measuring things as accurately as possible. This lends itself to consistency in hitting your goals. The smaller your units of measure, generally, the more accurate your measurements will be. In my mind, the ideal world would all be weighed in grams, but that doesn't work for liquids. Use grams for dry goods and meat. Usually a package will give a serving in both ounces and grams. Measurements won't always be perfectly, but as long as you are consistent with the tools you use to find those measurements, you can have relatively accurate numbers.

    3. Is is sustainable for me? - If you don't like eating that won't work, period. I recently started eating the same, carefully measured meals every day for every meal except dinner, to get myself over some mental hurdles that life circumstances have created and to get back to routinely tracking everything. Eventually I'll return to eating whatever and making it fit in the numbers. Either of these two ways work for me. I can do well on either. Some people would get terribly bored with that, so it's not sustainable for them.

    Using these three questions as a guideline has helped me tremendously. Maybe they will for you as well.
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    When you're looking at your diet there are 3 super important questions you have to ask:

    1. Does it help me hit my numbers? - The rubber hits the road where the calorie and macro goals are. Consistently hitting the goals we set is the primary cause of success. If the way you eat helps you hit your's solid.

    2. Is it accurate? - After you've got your calorie and macro goals set as accurately as possible (depending on the variety of forumlas used by the different calculators), it is important that you are weighing and measuring things as accurately as possible. This lends itself to consistency in hitting your goals. The smaller your units of measure, generally, the more accurate your measurements will be. In my mind, the ideal world would all be weighed in grams, but that doesn't work for liquids. Use grams for dry goods and meat. Usually a package will give a serving in both ounces and grams. Measurements won't always be perfectly, but as long as you are consistent with the tools you use to find those measurements, you can have relatively accurate numbers.

    3. Is is sustainable for me? - If you don't like eating that won't work, period. I recently started eating the same, carefully measured meals every day for every meal except dinner, to get myself over some mental hurdles that life circumstances have created and to get back to routinely tracking everything. Eventually I'll return to eating whatever and making it fit in the numbers. Either of these two ways work for me. I can do well on either. Some people would get terribly bored with that, so it's not sustainable for them.

    Using these three questions as a guideline has helped me tremendously. Maybe they will for you as well.

    All of this.

    And OP, next time, just open up your diary so we can see amounts, calorie totals, etc. You'd get a much better assessment than just "that looks bland." The types of food you eat aren't nearly as important as the numbers (and meeting your nutritional goals).
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Sounds very boring and I wouldn't have ruffles every day, baked or not... Switch your ruffles for either a real potato or some veggies (or better, both). Or heck if you're having a sandwich, just have veggies with it. I can't imagine I'd be full for more than 2 hours with such a lunch (unless it's a huge sandwich I guess).

    But either way, it doesn't matter... just eat what you want within your calories and macros.