Sedentary Workers Help!!!



  • erockem
    erockem Posts: 278 Member
    Racing home to fix dinner is crazy.

    Sunday - Prep Day.

    Example: this past Sunday we slow cooked ribs for 6 hours (6 meals), grilled 5 medium chicken breasts (5 more meals), and grilled 4 cod fillets (4 more meals).

    Melon diced, cucumbers cut, fruit washed.

    Corn steamed (6 side dishes), Au Gratin Potatoes cooked (6 side dishes), Italian bowtie pasta salad (10 side dishes).

    We then write the list on a dry erase board on the fridge and cross things off as they are eaten / taken.
  • SassyCalyGirl
    SassyCalyGirl Posts: 1,932 Member
    a great way to fit in exercise-while you are watching TV, at each commercial, get up and do jumping jacks, sit ups, lunges, squats-whatever you can!
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Your husband is a parent now, he needs to learn how to cook. That would give you some time to go to the gym on the way home.

    You could get up early three times a week.

    You could squish two thirds of your work outs in to the weekend.

    But as a previous poster said, I don't want to invalidate just how busy your life sounds. It's not always a case of "if you wanted it, you'd make it work" when you're a parent.
  • schnicklefritz1
    schnicklefritz1 Posts: 130 Member
    It is tough working a sedentary job and taking care of a husband kids as well for sure.

    I finally decided a few months ago that every one in my house was going to have to take on a little more so that I could work on me for a change. I go to the gym every day at 5AM-ish...I make sure that I have all of my lunch stuff cut and chopped ahead of time and dinner planned ( I do all of my meal planning and shopping on Sundays) I also work out 5 nights a week with a trainer or classes now. It is a lot to juggle, but I am determined to make this lifestyle change now and the family needs to be on board. That is the main thing, get the family involved, how old is the daugher, can she help make dinner? Can the husband help with dinner a few times a week....get their support, start doing for yourself and while it is a will be happier in the end.

    Good luck with this challenge....!!!!
  • kimunv
    kimunv Posts: 10 Member
    I am an only parent and have a desk job too. Morning and lunch workouts or walks are good. But have you tried riding bikes with your daughter to bring her to her activities? When she is just practicing walk/run or do lunges around the school or gym. I know kids like to be watched but you can watch while doing a little workout too. I know for my daughter's Girl Scout meeting they don't really want all the parents to stay because it is a distraction to the girls so I talked a couple other moms into walking with me during the meetings. Do you have that one show that is 30-60 mins long that you are sure to watch each week? You can do a little walking in place, sit ups, push ups, squats, jumping jacks, mountain climbers, arm curls, etc. during that show too.

    I also got myself a fitbit. For me it is a good motivator to walk those extra steps before I go to bed at night just to see that 10,000 (or now 12,000) before I lay down for the night.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    When I get off work I have to rush home and get supper done because my husband goes into work at 7pm.

    Is there a particular reason why your husband can't get supper done?

    Honestly if I wanted to eat hamburger helper everyday I would let him cook but he is a pretty bad cook :) he can make a mean frozen pizza though :laugh:

    So cook on the weekends and prepare ahead of time. If he can make frozen pizza he can reheat stuff.
  • Dentice143
    Dentice143 Posts: 42 Member
    Use your breaks and lunch hour to get some activity in. Even if it's 5 minutes at a time, that's better than sitting the whole time. Use a printer farther away from your desk so you have to walk. Get up several times a day to fill your water bottle. Go walk over and talk to people instead of calling/emailing. Use the stairs, even if you don't have to - meaning even if you work on the 1st floor, before you sit at your desk in the morning, walk up 2 or 3 flights then back down. Park further away from the building.

    All these little extras will add up.

    Could Hubby take over any of your duties? Could you do more crock pot meals? That might at least give you an extra 1/2 hour to get a quick workout in. Could you do something for exercise after putting the kids to bed at night? No need to go to the gym. There are tons of workouts on YouTube or you could just walk in place and do body weight exercises like push-ups, sit-ups, planks, squats and lunges.

    ETA: Technically you don't have to exercise to lose weight but it's definitely good for your health and you'll be more likely to be happy with the physical results (not just what the scale says) when you get to goal.

    All of this!! If you want to see how much all of that "little stuff" adds up to, try a pedometer on your smartphone (if you have one) or buy a up to a goal of 10,000 steps a day
  • crystalstinson7
    crystalstinson7 Posts: 101 Member
    I also have a job where I sit all day. So I started exercising at work. For example, when I go to the bathroom I'll do 15 squats before I pee and 15 after. Or I'll do 50 wall push ups. If you're making copies or standing somewhere talking to a co-worker, do some heel raises. Any little thing helps. Plus, it keeps you focused on being active and leads, naturally, to more activity.

    I have no advice for the evening rush. I'm not married--thank goodness!!--and my daughter doesn't do after school activities. I do work late so there's very little time for me to work out in the evenings. I have set aside two evenings that are mine for walking with a girlfriend. Not only is it good for me physically, it's good for me mentally.

    Good luck!!
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    My wife and I get up 30 minutes early in the morning to exercise at home and then go to bed 30 minutes early at night so we still get the same amount of sleep. The last 30 minutes before bed is not a productive time and most people just spend it just watching TV. There are tons of good 30 minute workout routines including several from Jillian Michaels, P90X3, T25, etc.

    I do this as well. I get up just a bit early in the morning. I just started T25 about 4 weeks ago and I am able to do it. I feel a lot better getting in the workout as well. I agree that doing the workout DVD's are really the way to go with little time. Early morning is best or like another poster said put TV for the kids for just 30 min and get your workout in.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    Racing home to fix dinner is crazy.

    Sunday - Prep Day.

    Example: this past Sunday we slow cooked ribs for 6 hours (6 meals), grilled 5 medium chicken breasts (5 more meals), and grilled 4 cod fillets (4 more meals).

    Melon diced, cucumbers cut, fruit washed.

    Corn steamed (6 side dishes), Au Gratin Potatoes cooked (6 side dishes), Italian bowtie pasta salad (10 side dishes).

    We then write the list on a dry erase board on the fridge and cross things off as they are eaten / taken.

    Great advice. Heck, I'm married to a long-distance trucker and we have no kids so I'm home alone a lot, and even I do stuff like this.
  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    I get up at 5:00 am, leave the house at 6:00 am. I have a 2 HOUR commute to work. I get to work at 8:00 am and sit at a desk until 4:30 pm. I have a 2+ HOUR commute from work (depending on weather/accidents/traffic/sports events etc.). I get home around 6:30 pm. Cook dinner, eat dinner, make lunch for the next day puts me at 7:30 pm. Take the dog for a 30 minute walk (this is the extent of my daily exercise). I have an hour to change, wind down and get things ready for work for the next day. I'm in bed by 9:00 pm because if I don't get enough sleep, I'll never get up at 5 am and I won't be able to stay awake behind the wheel. I've lost over 50 pounds over the last 6 months with this schedule and I don't attribute any of it to "working out." Change your diet with a calorie deficit, log your food, and you'll start shredding pounds.
  • mirki002
    mirki002 Posts: 47 Member
    I am really busy myself and training myself to run outside, and then waking up to run before work, is how I fit exercise in on days when I don't have time for the gym. I should preface this by saying that I always HATED running, and I have never been a morning person. But, after I trained myself to like running (using the C25K app), and got out there a couple mornings- I realized it was totally worth it. The alternative could be a workout DVD that you can do at home. Or, of course you could just eat within your calories without exercising. I found personally that once I started working out I began to genuinely enjoy it. I no longer feel reluctant to go to the gym or for a run- finding the time is really the hardest part. Good luck!
  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    Racing home to fix dinner is crazy.

    Sunday - Prep Day.

    Example: this past Sunday we slow cooked ribs for 6 hours (6 meals), grilled 5 medium chicken breasts (5 more meals), and grilled 4 cod fillets (4 more meals).

    Melon diced, cucumbers cut, fruit washed.

    Corn steamed (6 side dishes), Au Gratin Potatoes cooked (6 side dishes), Italian bowtie pasta salad (10 side dishes).

    We then write the list on a dry erase board on the fridge and cross things off as they are eaten / taken.

    Great advice. Heck, I'm married to a long-distance trucker and we have no kids so I'm home alone a lot, and even I do stuff like this.

    I do this too. I cook a batch of chicken breasts on Sunday to take in my lunches for the week. I also boil a dozen eggs all at once. Takes me about an hour and saves me more time in the long run.
  • pepperpat64
    pepperpat64 Posts: 423 Member
    When I get off work I have to rush home and get supper done because my husband goes into work at 7pm.

    Is there a particular reason why your husband can't get supper done?

    Honestly if I wanted to eat hamburger helper everyday I would let him cook but he is a pretty bad cook :) he can make a mean frozen pizza though :laugh:

    Buy him a beginner's cookbook or look for easy recipes online. If he can read and follow directions, he can learn to cook some simple meals.
  • ChrisJMellor
    Planning - it's all in the planning....

    This is such a good thing to do - plan the week - get to know what meals fulfil your nutritional requirements and make them ahead of time (where possible). Educate husband in doing some stuff as well - you can't do it all yourself.

    As suggested - when you have kids meetings - use some of that time for yourself. I have to take my kids around at night. Often it's between 60 and 90 mins. I do the drop off, a little social thing and then excuse myself and go for walk or run or something. Then I'm back maybe 10 or 20 mins before finish. Works well.

    Also - I have a resistance band that I use when at work. Maybe also you can use some of the runtastic apps? Pushups and squats etc are fairly easy to do behind your desk.

    Stick with and and you'll do it:)
    Racing home to fix dinner is crazy.

    Sunday - Prep Day.

    Example: this past Sunday we slow cooked ribs for 6 hours (6 meals), grilled 5 medium chicken breasts (5 more meals), and grilled 4 cod fillets (4 more meals).

    Melon diced, cucumbers cut, fruit washed.

    Corn steamed (6 side dishes), Au Gratin Potatoes cooked (6 side dishes), Italian bowtie pasta salad (10 side dishes).

    We then write the list on a dry erase board on the fridge and cross things off as they are eaten / taken.
  • 0somuchbetter0
    0somuchbetter0 Posts: 1,335 Member
    I don't have time to read the whole thread but I'm in a similar situation. I hate to get up earlier than I have to, so I go for a run while my kids are at soccer practice, and they're old enough now to be left alone while I run on weekends. This way I average 3 runs a week (Sunday, Tuesday, Thursday) and lift weights twice a week (Wednesday and Saturday at home). I admit I'm not always good about lifting at home, but I just don't have time to go to the gym right now. Hopefully things will change...
  • bgoodsmile
    bgoodsmile Posts: 68 Member
    I am a single mother of 2 teens with CRAZY schedules + a live-in boyfriend (who works 12 hours a day/6 days a week & is not available to assist with teen driving duties, etc. - since he manages a restaurant I rarely have to feed him though lol) & I also have a TOTALLY sedentary job. I am addicted to work-out DVDs - I have belonged to many gyms, Zumba studios, etc., but factoring in driving time + available class times just does not fit into my current schedule. I just started Ripped in 30 by Jillian Michaels & I definitely feel challenged - and it is about 30 minutes total. I wedge it in between getting kids to the bus stop & showering for work - or sometimes even prior to waking them up (wake up time is 6:40 AM. :tongue: ) Even though it is a challenge to fit in that 30 minutes - I deserve it - & so do you!!!
  • DAM5412
    DAM5412 Posts: 660 Member
    I think you need to take a hard look at your diet, and start eating less than you burn daily. There are many great tools here on MFP or the internet for you to use to figure out your daily needs. If you are not already tracking your food on MFP, start right now. Every day, every meal, every bite. You may be shocked by how many calories you are taking in. Do that for a few weeks, then start cutting back on your intake. It will be hard, but you will lose weight.

    Once you have your diet in order, you will be more motivated to keep your weight loss on track. That's the perfect time to start adding in more exercise. Walking at lunch is great, and if you do it daily, you are meeting the minimum weekly cardio guidelines, but it sounds like you are not seeing enough results from that. So find a strength or resistance routine and do it a couple of times a week in the morning. Yep, get up early and do it. I know it sucks, but it's worth it.
  • kvanuden01
    I feel your frustration! we all lead sedentary lifestyles these days. And for someone who is always on the go it will be difficult for you to find "me" time to workout. This was my sister but then we helped her lose 106lbs and the first 30 without working out on her nutrition program the same one that I used to help me lose 30lbs. Love to help you do the same!
  • allie_00p
    allie_00p Posts: 280 Member
    Hello, I have a sedentary job where I work from 8a to 5p or later depending on what needs to be done. When I get off work I have to rush home and get supper done because my husband goes into work at 7pm. Then I have to rush even more for volleyball, Girl Scouts, PTA meetings all while still being on call for my job 24hrs a day. I know most people are going to say, if you want it, you will make the time. But sometimes it feels like I am a single mother due to getting her up and ready for school and then the evening activities. There is no time for a gym membership!!

    What are some of the exercises that you do to try to lose weight? Thanks in advance!! :smile:

    I have a similar schedule (minus the PTA meetings, my little one's not in school yet) but I do a lifting program at 5am three days a week, then I'm back at the house by 6 or 6:30 to get everyone up, lunches packed & ready to go. But if your primary goal right now is just losing weight, put all of your focus on your diet and worry about the rest once you've got a good rhythm going with that. You can work out til you're blue in the face but you're not going to lose an ounce unless you've got your eating under control.