

  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    On another note, I'm loving that 1982 phone on your desk. So vintage! :happy:

    LOL sweet state worker- I don't get a new phone. All our *kitten* is about 50 years old LMAO

    but I don't mind- but it does make it weird when someone important calls and I don't know who it is... I don't get to play fun games on the phone b/c it could be like.. you know- the governor!!!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    My hatred for leftover containers is the reason I tend to reach for Chipotle, Subway, or whatever I can easily grab from Kroger for lunch. I'll cook my dinner and add veggies/fruits/etc to that meal so that I don't have to deal with those darned containers.
  • Siannah
    Siannah Posts: 456 Member
    food prep is where its at, if you have a hard time with organization and work ethic thats a seperate issue but food prep is very powerful for health and fitness

    It's BORING
  • mikeyrp
    mikeyrp Posts: 1,616 Member
    who wants to deal with all this at work!!!



    I think where you went wrong was that you forgot to put any food in the containers. Hope this helps.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I think where you went wrong was that you forgot to put any food in the containers. Hope this helps.

    delicious food was delicious. so i atzed it all.
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    i don't even bother. i keep a grocery store bag in one of the break room fridges that has my lunch stuff in it, then just make it fresh each day. nobody seems to want my stuff anyway :smile:.

    Your workplace could be totally different, but this bugs the crap out of me at work. We have two refrigerators for about 40-50 people to share. Space gets TIGHT when everyone's got their lunch/snacks for the day in there...much less when someone decides to keep an entire weeks worth of groceries stocked.
  • Mom_of_X
    Mom_of_X Posts: 85 Member
    i didn't realize how spoiled i was!

    *We have 7 kitchens for 100ish employees.
    *2 of those kitchens have dishwashers.
    *All of them are stocked with snacks and drinks, so no one feels obligated to snatch anyone else's fridge foods.
    *I have caller ID on my phone.

    WHOA. :bigsmile:
  • enzosmama
    enzosmama Posts: 134 Member
    OMG yes, the never ending washing of clear containers will be the death of me. Beats cleaning out fastfood wrappers out of my car :wink:
    Yup!! I am washing 2-3 containers and 2-3 drink containers (smoothie, water, etc.) a night. Ugh. But whatever, it's a small price to pay for the end result.
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    We have a small "unit" fridge- the floor has a bigger fridge- but I would NEVER put my stuff in there- so this is the one we have- that's a standard office trash can next to it- and I"m squatting on the floor to take a picture (was awkward but oh well)
    Your workplace could be totally different, but this bugs the crap out of me at work. We have two refrigerators for about 40-50 people to share. Space gets TIGHT when everyone's got their lunch/snacks for the day in there...much less when someone decides to keep an entire weeks worth of groceries stocked.
    - I think there is a guy here who does something like that- which is REALLY weird- because he's also the guy that does drive by scavanging- like he isn't from our unit- and he has to go out of his way to come be nosy in our food. It's so annoying- and to think he brings in a weeks worth of food too. grrrrrrrrrr

    there is absolutely no way anything but one tupperware per person food fits in ours- we have 7 employees- and only 3-4 of us actually use the fridge- everyone else eats out or buys from the cafe.

    mostly my stuff sits at my desk- so I have this growing pile of tupperware by the end of the day- I look like such a slob when I forget to wrangle them and put them in the "dirty" pile LOL
  • cranshinibon
    cranshinibon Posts: 129 Member
    I've got a safe in my office, and when I'm too lazy to wash the dishes right after eating I'll just throw them in there and wash them before I leave. I don't mind doing the dishes, I just can't stand when people take my tupperware ><
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I've got a safe in my office, and when I'm too lazy to wash the dishes right after eating I'll just throw them in there and wash them before I leave. I don't mind doing the dishes, I just can't stand when people take my tupperware ><

    We don't have much tupperware theft- food theft yes- one of the girls in another unit says there are all these passive aggressive notes on the "floor" fridge.

    it scares me- it's like how effing hold ARE YOU PEOPLE!!!
  • eels4peels
    eels4peels Posts: 229 Member
    I don't mind doing the dishes, I just can't stand when people take my tupperware ><

    I steal Tupperware....