100 Day MFP Challenge

Hello good people of Reddit and anyone else who wants to join. Yesterday I posted on r/loseit that I wanted to set a goal for myself based on my actions instead of on the effects. I am challenging myself to complete 100 days straight of inputting my food on MFP. So, even if I fall off the wagon and eat the whole Costco sized box of Cheezits I can still meet this challenge so long as I account for it on my food diary. Chances are that if I do so then I will probably lose weight.
I'm opening this page so anybody who wants to join can introduce themselves and then give us updates. Let me know how you're doing, how good you felt when yuo were below calories and how annoying it was to input that late night Whataburger meal.


  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Let me also start by introducing myself. My name is Jackie, I'm going to be 30 in about 3 weeks (yikes!) and I've been trying to weigh 120 pounds since I was 17. However, I'll totally accept weighing 130. After an awesome 3 week run at MFP I got sidetracked and stopped entering my food and work outs so I gained a lot of it back. I'm actually really into physical fitness. I love running and am training for a half marathon as well as lifting weights. I just need to stop eating like a 6'4 defensive end. So far I'm on day 3 so 97 more to go.... no sweat.
  • ajcaliguire
    ajcaliguire Posts: 1 Member
    My name is Alex. I've tried to diet on and off since I graduated high school (2007). I had dislocated my knee in the Fall 2006 playing soccer and I noticed that I started gaining a bit of weight. It got very bad my sophomore year and now its completely out of hand. I lost weight the Spring of 2011 before I graduated college and was about 30 lbs above my pre-college weight so I know I can do this if I keep tracking. My goal right now is to be at pre-college weight before my brothers wedding on Memorial Day 2016. I still have about 120 lbs to go but I think I started early enough to make it happen!

    Thanks for setting this up!! It will keep me accountable!
  • Weigh2gomfp
    I'd like to join as I too would like to focus on inputting my food and exercise for 100days into Mfp and getting motivated by others along the way! I was part of another 100 day challenge but left the group cause felt I could not stick to it but it was a mistake andi'd like to try again! Sonia
  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Hi Alex and Sonia! I'm so happy you guys joined. This is going to be a great challenge. I'm going to take before and after pics to see my progress after the 100 days if you guys want to do the same. Now get prepared for me to stalk your profiles on a regular basis.
  • ifixyospeech
    ifixyospeech Posts: 25 Member
    Hi! I'm Sam. I have been overweight probably my whole life and only recently (about 5ish years ago) started holding myself accountable for it. I lost 36 lbs last year to get in shape for my wedding and have been more-or-less maintaining since then. In total, though, since I've started actively trying to lose weight, I've lost about 50 lbs. My goal is to push past this plateau since I've still got about 30 lbs to go. I'm a really bad compulsive/emotional eater, and while I had that in control last year, I'm really starting to slip again. I'm glad to have some buddies on here to keep me accountable, though! Especially since I'm off to a terrible start with today's indulgences....!
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Hello! I was just thinking how I needed to log in everyday good or bad to help keep myself aware and accountable. My nickname is MCat. I need to lose about 150 lbs to hit my goal weight 120-130. I've never been that skinny so I don't know how low I can go. I'm big into jogging and lifting weights so I honestly don't care what my weight is as long as it's below 180 and I'm leaned out. The lowest I've gotten has been 190, but then I hit a really low point in my life and gained 90 lbs. I've lost 10lbs of that so far! Slow and steady wins the race! :smile:
  • mcpostelle
    mcpostelle Posts: 418 Member
    Also today will mark my day one and pictures are being taken right now! I'm going to do weekly photos (every Saturday) since I'm a highly visual person and this keeps me motivated!
  • softblondechick
    softblondechick Posts: 1,275 Member
    Count me in. Ready for the challenge.

    18 Fridays before Christmas....I am hoping to lose 30 pounds by NYE!

    Wieght can sneak up on you, one day, I tried to find some pants that fit, and they were all too small! Buy new pants in a larger size, or commit to losing those pounds that crept up on me? I am committed to losing the fat.

    However, I do tend to forget sometimes about my commitment...why is that? ADHD? Habit? Psychological issues? Not sure, but I want to commit to my health...
  • kitfox85
    kitfox85 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi! After being in the best shape of my life two years ago, I've let work stress and the joys of weekend eating pile on about 30lbs. After a good three week start, I had dropped 13lbs, but a birthday celebration turned into three more weeks of not eating healthy. I have a tendency to turn to food when I'm tired or as a reward, but when I consistently exercise and eat healthy, I feel so much better about life.

    I have about 20lbs to my goal weight, though I'm somewhat flexible on it as overall health is my higher priority. I also behave MUCH better when I'm held accountable, so thanks for starting this challenge, cherhorowitzz!
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Hello. I have a goal of 115 lbs that I'm trying to meet. Giving myself realistic expectations, I'd say a year. I also need to recomposition my body, so about a year and a half and I should be where I want to be. Joining because this sound fun :)
  • ghenne04
    ghenne04 Posts: 14
    Hi! I'm Jen. I just turned 28 on Sunday, so my goal is to log every day of my 28th year. I have a bad habit of staying on track for a month or two, going on vacation during the summer or to visit family during the winter holidays, and then skipping tracking for a month or two and undoing all the good I previously did.

    I'd rather focus on tracking food and exercise than weight for right now, because while I do want to get near my goal weight of 130, I also want to build my muscle strength again. I went to the gym on Monday for the first time in about 4 months (I got a puppy that took all of my free time, now that she's a little older I can spare an hour to go to the gym a few days per week). While I am still pretty strong, I did notice that I had to reduce the amount of weight I was using on things like the leg press or the hip abductor.

    It would be nice to reach my goal weight again (I was there about 6 years ago and felt fantastic), and if I lose about 3 pounds every month for the next year, I'll be close. Slow and steady seems like it'll be the way to go. If I want to go to a brewer's fest one week and drink a ton of beer, I just have to eat clean the next week and I should still be able to stay on track.

    The goal of tracking food and exercise every day seems manageable - it only takes enough willpower to open the app and type in some food/drinks. If I have spare willpower that day, then sure I'll eat well and try to stay within my calorie goal. But if I'm PMSing and just want some hot wings and beer, as long as I track it I'll still meet my goal.

    On day 3 right now, so far so good!

    Edited to add: Really myfitnesspal??? Ads for dreyer's summer ice cream flavors? I don't think we should have to expend willpower to ignore the ads on a site meant to help us be healthy!
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    I'll join you. I have been doing good for 66 days not and was aiming for 90, but I think doing another 100 would be perfect way to keep me motivated. I agree with inputting good or bad. It really helps to input that I ate 3 cupcakes when I look back I know to not do that and it is how I got where I am. I am aiming to lose another 26 lbs, to get me under 127, but I am also lifting weight and if I get back into my size 6 pants I will be happy to just keep doing what I am doing even if I don't lose another lb. I am going to start Insanity on Sept 27th after I complete Les Mills Pump. This will be perfect to get me through both programs. Diet accounts for most of the loss even if you are exercising.
  • Zabbie13
    Zabbie13 Posts: 5 Member
    I'M IN!
    My moniker is Zabbie but it should probably be YoYo, hehehe. I have a goal to lose 40 pounds, AGAIN!!!????
    Thanks y'all for posting your stories and to the brilliant one who started this group... What a great idea ????
    My strategy to stay on track is to put a daily reminder in my agenda to track MFP.
    Good luck everyone and don't forget to eat (the right things) and exercise to keep your metabolism strong.
  • CJisinShape
    CJisinShape Posts: 1,404 Member
    I don't like the way this thread sounds like some kind of AA meeting or something. :smile:

    I've been trying to lose weight for a loooooooooong time, and the scale is finally moving again after a year and a half plateau, glory to God. I tried really hard, and learned a lot, but didn't lose much. Now that it's much easier, I'm losing weight! I like my food healthy and delicious, and eat whatever I like. For me, that looks like eating like a vegetarian some meals, a high school football player some meals and a gourmet chef some meals. I cook most of my food, and don't have any off limit foods except Nutella, because it's chocolate crack. I've tried the low carb. I like being pleasant to be around, so couldn't do low carb. :laugh: I've tried six meals a day - Uggggggghhhhhh. Now, I eat delicious food, praise God, watch my sodium, and eat 2-4 times a day, with consistent breakfasts and lunch and some variety at dinner. Unless I don't. ;-).

    Regarding exercise, I'm into it. I enjoy the way it makes me feel. I don't use exercise for losing weight. I use it to feel good, for fitness, strength, endurance and flexibility. I've tried to use exercise for weight loss and losing weight turned into an obsessive part-time job. So I don't bother logging exercise unless I'm doing an exercise challenge. I've done the squat and lunge, push up, plank, plank and push up challenges. Now I just hit the gym like an idiot, breathing loudly and gymtimidating because I really want that PUMP, then limp out the gym thinking how dumb of me. Then, repeat.
  • cherhorowitzzz
    cherhorowitzzz Posts: 16 Member
    Whatttt!!! I'm so happy to see everyone who joined. I'm adding everyone the second I finish this post. CJ is right, it is starting to look a little like an AA meeting. I'm thinking that might not be a bad thing. If AA can keep a bunch of alchoholics picking up a drink then maybe MFP100 will keep us picking up a cookie.

    Also, I'm trying to figure out how this will work aside from the AA style introduction section. My best idea is to make this like 100 Happy Days on Facebook. Post what day you're on and something that made you feel empowered to finish your goal (e.g. MFP100 Day 39- Feeling awesome because my boyfriend ate a full bag of nachos in front of me and I only had two chips). Let me know if you guys have any other ideas which I'm sure will be better than mine.

    Also, I'm taking my before photo after work today if anybody wants to join me.
  • mzco14
    mzco14 Posts: 91 Member
    Hey everybody- I'm Coco. I'm in my 30's wife and mother of 1. I tool a break from work back in 2011 and I was able to drop 40 lbs. Well June of 2013 I re-joined the workforce and I've gained 20 lbs back. I'm back on the eat right / exercise band wagon again but its so hard. Hoping this challenge will help me re- focus. # no more fluffy.
  • Mexicanbigfoot
    Mexicanbigfoot Posts: 520 Member
    Hi! I'm Samantha, today is my 88th day, but I am totally in. I have lost about 36 pounds so far but I still have about 150 to go. I have been heavy most of my teenage and adult life. I am an emotional eater and also a closet eater. I used to think that if no one saw me eat it, the calories didn't count. That is how I got to over 350 pounds. I kept watching the scale creep up at doc appointments and I told myself "I will never let myself get to 200 pounds" and then it was "I will never let myself get to 250 pounds" and then it was "I will NEVER let myself get to 300 pounds, I would rather die!" and before long, I weighted in at my heaviest weight ever, 374. When I started MFP several years ago I was at 357. I've had some stumbles along the way and for awhile I quite logging all together but this time I am more committed than ever. I will be turning 35 this year (October) and I am tired of not being able to do simple things because of my weight. I have committed to low calorie AND low sodium. Let's do it!!
  • missbutton82
    missbutton82 Posts: 151 Member
    Count me in! I'm on both MFP and Reddit! Let's do this :)
  • dottydawn73
    I'm in! I started back on MFP last month and was doing really well but have just come back from holiday and am struggling to get back into things! I started logging again today so this challenge has come at just the right time to keep me going :) I'd like to lose 35 - 45lb but more importantly I'm going by measurements and have started weight training to gain strength and muscle mass.

    Any help, support and general kicks up the backside will be greatly appreciated! :)
  • jmy1975
    jmy1975 Posts: 56 Member
    Whatttt!!! I'm so happy to see everyone who joined. I'm adding everyone the second I finish this post. CJ is right, it is starting to look a little like an AA meeting. I'm thinking that might not be a bad thing. If AA can keep a bunch of alchoholics picking up a drink then maybe MFP100 will keep us picking up a cookie.

    Also, I'm trying to figure out how this will work aside from the AA style introduction section. My best idea is to make this like 100 Happy Days on Facebook. Post what day you're on and something that made you feel empowered to finish your goal (e.g. MFP100 Day 39- Feeling awesome because my boyfriend ate a full bag of nachos in front of me and I only had two chips). Let me know if you guys have any other ideas which I'm sure will be better than mine.

    Also, I'm taking my before photo after work today if anybody wants to join me.

    LOL, I have watched my husband eat a huge bowl of ice cream while I eat fruit or a much smaller portion. I just took pictures as part of my workout routine at the beginning of the week, but I think it will be interesting to see evidence of all my hard work and everyone else's. Love the facebook group idea by the way.