From home or at the gym?

I have been working out at the gym for a good solid 6 months, 6 days a week... I have lost 75 lbs this way as well as with my diet. However with the winter fast approaching I wonder if I took the knowledge of my gym workouts and brought it home via jogging (cardio) and free weights/weight bench would I possibly still achieve what I would at the gym? Of course I would continue with my way of eating as I have been, and motivation would always be there as I have dedicated myself to this new lifestyle. Does anyone feel the at home workouts benefit them more than the gym atmosphere?


  • higgins8283801
    higgins8283801 Posts: 844 Member
    I've never been to a gym and I will never go to a gym. Too expensive and can't afford it. You can achieve what you're looking for at home
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I don't see why you couldn't take what you do at the gym, to your house. Unless you are using a specific machine that the exercise cannot be recreated in some way.

    I workout at home. I use dvds. I just ordered a BoSu ball and kettlebell, for a change of pace.

    I've lost all of my weight from home workouts (and calorie deficit).

    I have too many excuses for not going to the gym, it's too hot, it's too cold, it's raining, traffic is bad... But there is no excuse for me to not workout at home when everything I need is there, ie resistance bands, free weights, bosu, kettlebell, dvds, etc.
  • MyRummyHens
    MyRummyHens Posts: 141 Member
    I work out at home. I'm very introverted so I use my workout time as a bit of 'me' time (I have a small child), and time to think/process whilst I workout. I like thinking on my own and in silence (lord I sound utterly anti-social and miserable! I'm not that bad honest!). At home I can choose the music I want to listen to, the exact timing at a moments notice (when little one is napping), and get the full amount of therapeutic value out of it as well as physical value. I find that I work out better when I am fully focused and engaged.

    There are other benefits too, like not having to wait for equipment, being able to shower in my own shower afterwards. If I get hot and sweaty I can strip down to my sports bra without feeling self conscious etc.

    The only two down sides is that you do need a bit of space. I've got a couple of barbells, a couple of sets of dumbells, assorted weights, a yoga mat for stretching, a swiss ball, power cage and a selection of resistance bands. And aside from space I do miss doing the odd random 'class' on my non-weight days. I used to lift Mon/Wed/Fri and if I felt the need on an off day I'd just join in a class that took my fancy.
  • chesnity3
    chesnity3 Posts: 960 Member
    I also workout at home because I have small children and it hasn't stopped me from losing weight. I'm sure you can achieve your goal at home just like the gym.
  • youngmommy2
    youngmommy2 Posts: 71 Member
    You absolutely can take what you have learned home with long as you can keep the motivation.

    For me, I need to go the the gym regularly. I do exercise at home to but I get distracted way too easily at home. I have two kids that are trying to get my attention or a husband that want s to talk to me while I'm exercising. Plus there's always a million things that need to be done at home( laundry, dishes, etc)

    For me, being at the gym is like "my time" no distractions, no interruptions.

    It all comes down to you and what benefits you the most.

    Good Luck!
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    I work out at home. I'm very introverted so I use my workout time as a bit of 'me' time (I have a small child), and time to think/process whilst I workout. I like thinking on my own and in silence (lord I sound utterly anti-social and miserable! I'm not that bad honest!). At home I can choose the music I want to listen to, the exact timing at a moments notice (when little one is napping), and get the full amount of therapeutic value out of it as well as physical value. I find that I work out better when I am fully focused and engaged.

    There are other benefits too, like not having to wait for equipment, being able to shower in my own shower afterwards. If I get hot and sweaty I can strip down to my sports bra without feeling self conscious etc.

    The only two down sides is that you do need a bit of space. I've got a couple of barbells, a couple of sets of dumbells, assorted weights, a yoga mat for stretching, a swiss ball, power cage and a selection of resistance bands. And aside from space I do miss doing the odd random 'class' on my non-weight days. I used to lift Mon/Wed/Fri and if I felt the need on an off day I'd just join in a class that took my fancy.

    I agree with all of this. I use the time to just do me. I'm not worried about how I look or anything like that.

    Plus, I can get up at 6:15, pop in the dvd, do my workout, and then I'm done for the day (if I only have 1 workout scheduled for that day). And if I have 2 scheduled for the day, once I get home from work, I get started. And while I'm showering, I can have the oven preheating for my dinner.

    Space is sometimes an issue, but luckily, my room is pretty big, so it's rarely and issue.