Did anyone else look fatter while losing weight?

Did this happen to anyone else? I've been tracking calories and eating at/below 1600 for a week or so now. The numbers on the scale keep going down, but I feel and actually look fatter.

I've had a few days that went over sodium and sugar, could that be why? The scale says I've gone down 6 pounds in 2 weeks but my clothes feel tighter so I'm a little confused! I'm not expecting a huge difference with 6 lbs but I wasn't expecting to feel bigger!


  • tennisgirl444
    tennisgirl444 Posts: 57 Member
    Have you changed your exercise routine at all?
  • Yeah, nothing major but I've been doing cardio every day
  • dcberlin10
    dcberlin10 Posts: 54 Member
    Although you "feel" fatter, how are your clothes fitting?
  • karenj_m
    karenj_m Posts: 215
    Could you be 7-10 days near "time of month"?

    That'll do it everytime.
  • It could be bloating :) just avoid bubbly things like carbonated drinks, etc. and there are a bunch of youtube vids to prevent this! And also whenever I start dieting I become overly self-conscious about how my clothes fit, so it may just be that. I'm sure others can see your hard work! Keep doing what you're doing!
  • wkwebby
    wkwebby Posts: 807 Member
    Both of those will cause a little bloat so, yes, this can happen. The scale said it all, you were just holding water weight. When you get those numbers down, you'll probably see even more reduction in weight because your body will let that excess water go.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If you're about to get your period, that stuff doesn't change when you diet.

    It's been a week wait a month or two and then see how you feel. A week is just a drop in the bucket. Don't sweat it. :)
  • jdhcm2006
    jdhcm2006 Posts: 2,254 Member
    Whenever I'm PMSing I find that I'm much harder on myself. Like right now, my stomach looks huge, and it's actually gone down quite a bit, so just stick with it. Eventually, everything will even out.
  • JenniferD83
    JenniferD83 Posts: 20 Member
    Yeah I kinda do - I have a diastasis in my abdominal muscles (3 really big babies in 4.5yrs will do that to ya..) so when I'm fat I just look fat all over but when I lose weight my tummy still stays stick-y-out-y, so I end up looking pregnant as arms/legs are slim and tummy is not.
  • effervescent11
    effervescent11 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm looking "fatter" now, because my clothes don't fit right. They're baggy in all the wrong places, so I look frumpier than usual.
  • tuxedord2
    tuxedord2 Posts: 69 Member
    I do. The first week I felt and looked just a bit thinner but then things started to shift. So my abdomen was full all over and now it seems that some of my top weight has shifted to the lower belly. And instead of being full it's now more flab. Also, working out makes me feel bulkier. I know they say you can't bulk up but I am. It's hard to stay motivated during this transition but everyone keeps saying the tortoise wins the race.. so...:smile:
  • PoesyP
    PoesyP Posts: 37 Member
    I agree with effervescent... I'm not exactly looking fatter, but I definitely look worse because I've lost from all the parts of my body that were leaner anyway but not from my big problem area - the belly. So I'm mega out of proportion and any clothes that will go round my middle are like tents everywhere else on me. It's depressing but I'm trying to use it as motivation - I've got to keep going to at least get a sense of proportion back.
  • sabified
    sabified Posts: 1,035 Member
    There were times when I would look/feel fatter... it could be bloating, and I'm pretty sure when I started exercising a lot of it was cuz the muscles were getting harder under a layer of fat, which made it look like the fat was getting pushed out. That went away eventually though, just kept at it.
  • elphie754
    elphie754 Posts: 7,574 Member
    Did this happen to anyone else? I've been tracking calories and eating at/below 1600 for a week or so now. The numbers on the scale keep going down, but I feel and actually look fatter.

    I've had a few days that went over sodium and sugar, could that be why? The scale says I've gone down 6 pounds in 2 weeks but my clothes feel tighter so I'm a little confused! I'm not expecting a huge difference with 6 lbs but I wasn't expecting to feel bigger!

    I had the same thing. I sometimes look in the mirror and see a much fatter girl. When I was starting out (last time restarted yesterday) I thought I looked even worse. Last time that I encountered this it subsided a little bit. In week 2 I stopped feeling it for the most part. Eventually you will be thrilled with the amount of weight you are losing that it will stop bothering you. For me it was more mental than physical. It was kind of a wake up call. I had spent so much time trying to convince myself I wasn't THAT fat and kept saying "it's just is what it is" when I finally looked in the mirror to see the "damages" (answering questions before they arise. ) I was shocked. I was so bigg. I started crying before I even stepped off the scale. I am ashamed I let myself get that large, but I have no one blame but myself.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    For me, I think when I finally decided to start exercising and watching what I ate, I actually started "looking" in the mirror. I'm pretty sure I never really "looked", for that year prior. Heck 3 1/2 months in and some day's I "look" fatter, its my psyche going on here.