Any input would be appreciated

I'm in University full-time and work part-time. I also have hypothyroidism. So, when I wake up in the morning, I have to take my pill and then wait an hour before eating anything. Within that hour, I get ready for school and then drive to school and then I'm in a lecture for 2 hours and then classes or the library afterward. This means that most often than not, I miss breakfast. In between classes, I have been snacking on those Thinsations 100 calorie packets, rice chips, Crispers, etc. But the only thing is, when I'm done school, then I'm off to work until 8pm and there, I snack as well. Other than the weekend, I don't really eat full meals. I just snack. I can't imagine constant snacking could be a good approach to weight loss, am I right? Any suggestions?


  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Try to add protein to your snacks - almonds, string cheese, hummus, etc. Mini meals throughout the day work, too, but you need protein.
  • drewrf64
    drewrf64 Posts: 4 Member
    I wouldn't think all that snacking would be good, you need something to replace a meal. I always carry a CINCH meal bar with me so if I don't have time for breakfast or lunch I always have the meal bar.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • mwilliams5486
    mwilliams5486 Posts: 8 Member
    I donot think that skipping meals is a good approach to weight loss. You may be lacking alot of nutrients your body needs to boost your metabolism. You also may feel hungry throughout the day. Try to get u some quick options for breakfast u can have on the way to class. Maybe protein shakes, nutri grain bars, dry cereal with fresh fruit, etc. Carnation instant breakfast drinks are very good to as they provide lots of vitamins and are very filling. For luch, at night u should pack your lunch and take it with u, sandwiches with fruit, bottled water, pretzels, etc. If u are in your car for lunch u can stop at a wendys if its near you. I usually get a spicy chicken half salad with grilled chicken and vinagerette salad dressing. I too spend alot of time traveling from place to place during the day in between work and class. Try to add more meals to keep u full all day so u can have enough energy. Protein bars are also good for a snack. I hope i was some help to u. Good luck with ur weight loss goals.
  • mhackman79
    mhackman79 Posts: 8 Member
    I would try packing protein shakes (EAS Myoplex lite) if you are crunched for time. They have a lot of protein and not a lot of sugar, like most other protein shakes. I usually have one for breakfast and one for luch and it keeps me satisfied. You might also try packing granola bars with protein. ( I like Kashi). By doing this you might eliminate all the snacking.
  • TheNewDanielle
    I agree with the above posts. Add more protein to the snacks so that they're more of a replacement for snacks. Also, just keep in mind the carbs and sugars :). Sometimes adding more protein adds those others unintentionally. I often go through the database on this site to see what kinds of snacks would be appropriate for my needs, and then I go buy the best options. Good luck!