Newbie with massive weight gain! Help!!

Hello all

I'm new to this site, having done a similar food-tracker thingy on another website but now in desperate need of some inspiration to carry on going.

I've been tracking my calories etc. for about a month and thought I was doing really well - managing (according to the scales in Boots) to lose 7lbs in two and a half weeks. I weighed myself again last Friday and the weight was exactly the same, but I was kind of OK with that because I thought it was around the sort of time I'd be starting my time of the month. So......I weighed myself again today and it said i've PUT ON 11 lbs!!!!! Since last Friday!!!!! How is this even possible? I was expecting a couple of pounds maybe for water gain and stuff, but there's no way I've eaten enough to justify an 11lb increase in 6 days.

Needless to say I'm now feeling really fed up, fat and horrible. Sorry for being a misery on my first post< but i really need some support and ideas as to how this could have happened. Thanks all xxx


  • KatiesDietDiary
    Hi Vicky!
    What you need to do is get your own scales and weigh your self at exactly the same day each week at roughly the same time as your weight fluctuates throughout the day! Boots scales are used very often and getting your own will benefit you money wise anyway!
    If you are feeling down, i suggest you try and make as many friends as possible as everyone is incredibly supportive on MFP and motivational too!! Its great to lose weight with people than by yourself as you can discuss the different topics of how you did it and also exchange recipes! (which is my fave part hehe)

    Chin up and carry on !! :D
    KATIE x
  • vickyplum04
    Awww thanks Katie, I will do both of those things :-)

    Thanks for your support x
  • dinglehopper14
    dinglehopper14 Posts: 48 Member
    I agree with using the same scale, same day each week, and adding tons of people! This site is so helpful. Creating a large support team is very motivational. Good luck on your journey.

    And feel free to add me.
  • loribethrice
    loribethrice Posts: 620 Member
    Invest in your own scale for sure. I use this scale:

    I weigh myself once a week, after I wake up and use the bathroom, and I make sure I'm naked. It seems to give me my most accurate reading.
  • SteffiLatta
    SteffiLatta Posts: 31 Member
    I agree with getting your own scale. I have no idea what Boots is, but if it's a scale others have used often, I can guarantee it's not calibrated and it's not weighing you correctly.
  • RSEC75
    RSEC75 Posts: 45 Member
    My first thought was that I wouldn't trust the boots scales and you should use your own which you can check are properly zero'd before each time. Also weighing yourself the same time of day is really important. I see a big difference at different times of day (a few pounds).

    One thing to be aware of is not to worry about how your weight on the new scales compares to previous readings with the boots one. Just start from the new point and work from there.

    Finally make sure you check if your scales can be used on carpet or not. I was using my old set on carpet and only when I bought a digital set to replace then did I realize that not all are accurate on carpet. Testing my old set I found they could be quite variable on carpet (which is how I had been measuring myself) but gave the same results as the new set when on a hard floor. The new set seem consistent between carpet and hard floor but I now only weigh myself on a hard floor just to be on the safe side.
  • JenD1066
    JenD1066 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree with the others. you need a good scale. And just building a network of friends and logging your food on here helps immeasurably. There have been a number of times in the last six months when I have been close to putting something in my mouth (just mindlessly, like one of the kid's french fries left on a plate) and I stopped myself so I wouldn't have to log it!
  • RuthBriscoe25
    This is going to sound really daft but the once I thought I had gained massively as I misread 13st 1lb as 13st 11 and went mad as could believe had put on 10lb in a week was really rather embarrassed as I told woman at the counter the scales must be off lol.

    Keep logging and focused and you will get there :)
  • ChrisJMellor
    Get your own scales that you can trust????

    Always weigh your self at same time with same amount of clothing on (off).

    Know that you can east be up a few pounds on a day just with water retention. Paradoxically drinking more water will not result in more water retention.

    For none UK'ians Boots is a large chain of chemists a bit like Walgreen's (iirc)

    And lastly, never feel down if it goes back up, just get back on the game and know that it will work.
  • vickyplum04
    Thanks all for your replies :-)

    Oh, and this will give you a laugh........ I read the comment by RuthBriscoe (above) about misreading the numbers so thought I would just double-check the little piece of paper that the machine printed out........and ooooops I did exactly the same thing and misread 1lb for 11lb :laugh: Oh dear, I think I need glasses!!!!!

    I'll still get me some scales though ;-) xxx
  • leisa6776
    leisa6776 Posts: 14 Member
    Hi Vickly, My name is Lisa and your not alone :)...I finally had enough myself. Had a light bulb moment last night while talking to my husband. We were looking at pictures on his phone and their was one of me and I was about 30 lbs lighter, which I have put on in the last 2 years. When I mentioned I was smaller then he agreed , which I know he didn't say it to be mean, but it was that kick in the *kitten* that I needed to change things. So if you would like to take this journey together that would be great.
  • BobT84721
    Hi Vicky,
    I agree with everyone on getting your own scale, I use one of the electronic ones. They cost a little more but I think worth it for accuracy. Don't get the one that talks. If you are like me you don't need the whole knowing your weight. I way every day. I am also going 10 pounds at a time, I go by 10 # bags of potatoes. I have now lost 6 bags and am half way through the 7th. Losing 10 pounds is way easier to lose then 100.
    Take care,
    Bob T

  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Thanks all for your replies :-)

    Oh, and this will give you a laugh........ I read the comment by RuthBriscoe (above) about misreading the numbers so thought I would just double-check the little piece of paper that the machine printed out........and ooooops I did exactly the same thing and misread 1lb for 11lb :laugh: Oh dear, I think I need glasses!!!!!

    I'll still get me some scales though ;-) xxx
    Hahahahaha This is awesome! So according to the scale you actually gained a lb?
  • mamanewland
    mamanewland Posts: 281 Member
    Hi Vicky, Add me as a friend if you'd like. I'd love to help you get results. I'll encourage you along the way if you want the accountability! I'm a busy mom of 4 and since April have lost 31 pounds. I never thought it was possible but I feel better than ever!
  • ianjohnward
    I agree with getting your own scale. I have no idea what Boots is, but if it's a scale others have used often, I can guarantee it's not calibrated and it's not weighing you correctly.
    boots is a chemist chain in the U.K.
  • emailme178
    emailme178 Posts: 557 Member
    Hey everyone :) im about 11 days in right now and down about 6lbs.... needing some inspiration please. If anyone is interested in gaining a weight loss buddy send me a message.