Why some girls got LEAN?

I did cardio- my legs got bulkier.
I did resistant training- bulkier
I now do weights- of course bulkier.
Whatever I do, my legs got bulkier instead of LEANER. Why does successful photos of people (majority) who did program workouts seemed to have smaller and muscular in a leaner way legs? Why does mine keep getting bigger and bigger?! (I've checked my body fat and it kinda decreased)


  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    I did cardio- my legs got bulkier.
    I did resistant training- bulkier
    I now do weights- of course bulkier.
    Whatever I do, my legs got bulkier instead of LEANER. Why does successful photos of people (majority) who did program workouts seemed to have smaller and muscular in a leaner way legs? Why does mine keep getting bigger and bigger?! (I've checked my body fat and it kinda decreased)

    Was any of the above done in calorie deficit? If your lifting weight in a calorie deficit you cannot put on muscle mass.
    LOTOPC Posts: 5
    I did cardio- my legs got bulkier.
    I did resistant training- bulkier
    I now do weights- of course bulkier.
    Whatever I do, my legs got bulkier instead of LEANER. Why does successful photos of people (majority) who did program workouts seemed to have smaller and muscular in a leaner way legs? Why does mine keep getting bigger and bigger?! (I've checked my body fat and it kinda decreased)

    Was any of the above done in calorie deficit? If your lifting weight in a calorie deficit you cannot put on muscle mass.

    ^ This. If you really did put on bulk, low-intensity cardio training coupled with a calorie deficit will help you soften your muscle mass.

    In the meantime, celebrate your strength! :flowerforyou:
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Were measurements taken or do they just look bigger to you?
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    how long did you go with weight lifting- usually the first week or two you see water retention.

    Secondly did they ACTUALLY get bigger or do you just think they appeared bigger.

    I appear bigger when I start cutting because my muscles start to pop... but I don't actually GET bigger.

    Getting bigger in terms of musculature takes a lot of work- a LOT. It doesn't happen on accident.
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I just looked and you have photos taken 6/14 - 8/14, I am failing to see any bulk anywhere on your body.

    more muscular =/= bulky

    I have a more muscular back/arms/thighs since adding weight training but my measurements are smaller. My quads "look bigger" because they are stronger and the muscles are more defined, but over all I have lost and inch a half from each one. I don't think bulky means what you think it means OP.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    You're 5'3" and 97LBS. You're not bulky.
  • Sweetvirgo63
    Sweetvirgo63 Posts: 119 Member
    I can tell you that no matter how much I work out, do cardio and muscle training, I will never, and I mean never have lean looking legs because they are not designed to be nor look slim and lean. Aim to have good overall health for yourself regardless of how the other people around you look like. Every woman will look different when they tone their bodies and your own internal percentage of lean muscle mass will play a role in how you end up looking. Don't measure your success based on those around you.
  • Laurenloveswaffles
    Laurenloveswaffles Posts: 535 Member
    You're 5'3" and 97LBS. You're not bulky.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    Was any of the above done in calorie deficit? If your lifting weight in a calorie deficit you cannot put on muscle mass.
    During cardio- yes
    during resistance+cardio= yes
    During lifting= maintainance and very high in protein



    I did cardio- my legs got bulkier.
    I did resistant training- bulkier
    I now do weights- of course bulkier.
    Whatever I do, my legs got bulkier instead of LEANER. Why does successful photos of people (majority) who did program workouts seemed to have smaller and muscular in a leaner way legs? Why does mine keep getting bigger and bigger?! (I've checked my body fat and it kinda decreased)

    Was any of the above done in calorie deficit? If your lifting weight in a calorie deficit you cannot put on muscle mass.

    ^ This. If you really did put on bulk, low-intensity cardio training coupled with a calorie deficit will help you soften your muscle mass.

    In the meantime, celebrate your strength! flowerforyou

    Hm... i'm scared if i'm eating at calorie deficit I won't gain my muscles on my upper arms- the progress is good up there though. It's just funny on how I don't focus on my lower body at all in lifting except some cardio trainings.. But thank you. I do feel stronger inside and I'm loving it. ;)

    Were measurements taken or do they just look bigger to you?

    Good point. I didn't take measurements, but I measured it by the "thigh gap" thingy and comments from my parents and friends... but yeah I should get actual measurements..
    how long did you go with weight lifting- usually the first week or two you see water retention.

    Secondly did they ACTUALLY get bigger or do you just think they appeared bigger.

    I appear bigger when I start cutting because my muscles start to pop... but I don't actually GET bigger.

    Getting bigger in terms of musculature takes a lot of work- a LOT. It doesn't happen on accident.

    I did bodypump as my first weight lifting routine- two months ago, but the real official hardcore lifting with deadlifts and military presses and etc= about 2-3 weeks? I hope it's water retention- I've trying to drink A LOT of water.
    Secondly, they APPEARED bigger- to me and my peers. But no accurate measurements taken.
    Yep, I'm aware of that... but it just totally puzzles me that even fast running cardio makes my leg thicker... and resistance training programs that shows the successful photos of girls who finished the program got leaner smaller legs... the heck.. but thank you. i hope it's water retention... and I will definitely get it measured for sure tomorrow.
    Maybe you are having a bit of a body dysmorphic syndrome and seeing your gain in a negative way. Muscle tone and definition are exactly what you are working for. Get out a tape measure and log to see for sure. I started with weighs and gained the first several weeks. Keep going and see if that is the continued outcome or if you to will begin to show the results you are working for.
    I think I do... I always think of myself in a negative way :( I'm trying to gain muscles to fight off the excess skinny fats, but mentally it's completely difficult for me to deal when people say I look "bigger". Thank you so much- certianly I will!
    Thank you for all the replies, guys!
  • emdeesea
    emdeesea Posts: 1,823 Member
    That's not bulk. That's normal muscle.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    I didn't update yet. I'm up to around 99-100 lb already. I'm not bulky because I just STARTED. And for the reason I'm saying I have "bulky" legs means thick and muscular, comparing to my body. I used to have leaner legs.
    You're 5'3" and 97LBS. You're not bulky.
  • queenierz
    queenierz Posts: 210 Member
    um... okay, maybe i used the term in an incorrect way, the word "bulk". Not BULK bulk in massive, but THICKER. From the side views in my photos, they don't look different. But from front views (I didn't show), I can see that it's bigger. anyways, sorry if I got you all confused with my saying of "bulk".
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    Good point. I didn't take measurements, but I measured it by the "thigh gap" thingy and comments from my parents and friends... but yeah I should get actual measurements..

    the thigh gap isn't a measurement. I just I can't.

    get out a tape measure- and measure yourself in consistent locations- 4" above the knee- waist at the belly button- under band- over the breast or shoulders/over- and arms.

    The thigh gap isn't a measurement. WTF.

    People don't know anything about your body- you can't let comments by people around you dictate your goals or your progress- it's completely subjective and not relevant.
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    um... okay, maybe i used the term in an incorrect way, the word "bulk". Not BULK bulk in massive, but THICKER. From the side views in my photos, they don't look different. But from front views (I didn't show), I can see that it's bigger. anyways, sorry if I got you all confused with my saying of "bulk".

    If you were eating in calorie deficit then the muscle you see is just what is being exposed from the fat lost. What you see and the measurements if you were using a tape measure would be different.
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member
    I'm confused. Looked at pics and legs are super slim.
  • ChasingMyBliss
    ChasingMyBliss Posts: 803 Member
    You are super slim... nothing bulky happening there! ????
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    You're about as bulky as my wrists, and I have girly wrists. Just sayin
  • kshadows
    kshadows Posts: 1,315 Member
    I'm sorry but "thigh gap" is not a measurement.
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I didn't update yet. I'm up to around 99-100 lb already. I'm not bulky because I just STARTED. And for the reason I'm saying I have "bulky" legs means thick and muscular, comparing to my body. I used to have leaner legs.
    You're 5'3" and 97LBS. You're not bulky.
    5'"3 100LBS. You have a BMI of 17.7. You're not bulky. You're tiny. /end thread