Disbelief issues anyone??? Am I just being weird??



  • stephylynn190
    stephylynn190 Posts: 33 Member
    I feel exactly the same! Just yesterday I tried on a dress that is a 14-16 and I was floored when it actually fit. (I was a 20 when I started MFP in June of this year). When I tried on the knee high boots I used to wear with the dress the were so big they wouldn't stay up! Hopefully it will sink in soon so we can all enjoy our success.
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    Have you ever felt like it was unreal that you have lost weight and are wearing smaller clothes? Like you’re going to wake up and find yourself heavier again? I'm having some disbelief issues and am curious how normal they are.

    I've been working really hard for months now to truly change my lifestyle. For the past several years I've yo-yo'd from sizes 14's to 18's. In February I bought size 12 jeans in my favorite brand as a goal and they wouldnt go up past my mid-thighs. As of this past weekend I finally fit into those size 12's comfortably without a muffin top :) I've never worn a 12 that I can remember... EVER.

    It’s been casual week at work all week but I didn’t wear the size 12s until yesterday because I kept wearing the loose 14s thinking I wasn’t really ready for the 12s even though I knew they fit perfectly last weekend and I lost about another pound since then. When I put them on yesterday I dressed really slow staring at myself in the mirror like they were going to suddenly not fit or something. This morning I did the same thing until my 4 year old son yelled at me "MOMMY what are you doing?!?! You said hurry up we have to go!" lol.

    I ordered size 10's as new goal jeans and planned to get another pair of 12s too since the 1st ones are fitting now. But when I ordered I had size 10s and a pair of 14s in the cart! haha

    I’m staying committed and know this is what I’ve been working for. I'm very excited and want to keep losing but I feel like I’m in the twilight zone or something because it’s finally actually working. How weird am I??

    You're weird as hell... But, I'm right there with you.
    Pulling a size XL shirt out of the dryer and thinking what the hell happened to this shirt, it must have shrunk. Then I put it on and it fits the way it should, but my mind is still telling me I need a 3XL...

    Oh yeah, it takes a while to get your head around it...
  • Boobietrap1337
    Boobietrap1337 Posts: 195 Member
    Not so much with weight, but I have definitely felt that way with my boyfriend. Too good to be true, can't possibly be real, I'm going to wake up tomorrow and realize it was all a beautiful dream...

    I thought I was the only one! :) Never take him for granted.
  • paigecash
    paigecash Posts: 28 Member
    I can't get used to shopping for smaller sizes. I've not looked at mediums or size 10's in years, and I have to consciously think about it when I shop.
  • TChester_05
    TChester_05 Posts: 83 Member
    OHHHH my goodness you all are making me feel so much better!!! I was laughing at myself after my son snapped me out of my trance this morning wondering if my healthy lifestyle was causing me to lose my mind!

    I'm so amazed that after so many years of "trying" that I'm finally making the changes and seeing the results. Each weigh in I cant help but weigh myself then step of and weigh in again... move the scale to another spot and do it again :) I keep thinking it might be a glitch that is making it inaccurate.

    Thank you so much for the input... and additional motivation. Your stories are giving me great comfort!!
  • levitateme
    levitateme Posts: 999 Member
    I'm guessing this is normal because so many others agree. I catch myself in the mirror and am like "dayum, is that me?" all the time. Being able to pick a small shirt off the rack and know it's going to fit without trying it on is also pretty unreal.
  • Zelinna
    Zelinna Posts: 207 Member
    I am definitely right there with you and I have been maintaining for 10 months. I will offer to lend people clothes, or make comments like "that's why I got fat" only to have people look at me incredulously.

    I also still feel weird when people refer to me as small or tiny... I don't feel small!
  • JG762
    JG762 Posts: 571 Member
    OHHHH my goodness you all are making me feel so much better!!! I was laughing at myself after my son snapped me out of my trance this morning wondering if my healthy lifestyle was causing me to lose my mind!

    I'm so amazed that after so many years of "trying" that I'm finally making the changes and seeing the results. Each weigh in I cant help but weigh myself then step of and weigh in again... move the scale to another spot and do it again :) I keep thinking it might be a glitch that is making it inaccurate.

    Thank you so much for the input... and additional motivation. Your stories are giving me great comfort!!

    I take the batteries out of my scale and force it to reset just to make sure, true story. LoL
  • margannmks
    margannmks Posts: 424 Member
    I put up a trail camera to get pictures of a stray dog i was feeding to make sure it was the dog and not racoons eating. When i saw myself in the pics walking towards camera, bending to fill up bowl, just normal movements it kinda shocked me to see my smaller self ,ive never been this size before . Pictures always made me feel like i looked bigger than i was now im thinking i cant possibly look that small. So the denial goes both ways.
  • TChester_05
    TChester_05 Posts: 83 Member

    I take the batteries out of my scale and force it to reset just to make sure, true story. LoL

    HAHAHA I really thought about doing that a couple weeks ago! I was like theres no way I lost 3 more lbs this week...I just lost weight last week!
  • paulawatkins1974
    paulawatkins1974 Posts: 720 Member
    Yes! It's so annoying! I was on vacation and even though I know I now fit into a 16, I bought a pair of 18 capris. Because they were white I thought, may be a bit see through so a little loose is good. Only paid 9 bucks. What a deal. Well, I lost 2 pounds on my vacation, come home and wear them to a function, and they look ridiculous. Like a hanging sack. Not so much a good deal after all lol.
  • rightaboutmeow
    rightaboutmeow Posts: 77 Member
    I'm right there with you, I keep thinking to myself maybe the dryer somehow ruined the fabric in all my clothing and somehow they aren't REALLY looser (even though I have to wear belts with them now or they fall right down!). It's crazy what we tell ourselves. I can't imagine what it's going to be like once I hit my goal. The mind is a crazy thing!!
  • jbee27
    jbee27 Posts: 356 Member
    I sometimes have to still tell myself its OK to shop at certain stores! I was a size 16-18 since about age 16 until last year at 25, so I got used to never fitting into anything at certain stores, and I would refuse to try anything on when shopping with friends, because I would get so flustered and embarrassed.

    Last week I was browsing in J.Crew and tried on a really cute chambray button down. The size 12 that I tried on was kind of baggy! :bigsmile:
  • kandyice1
    kandyice1 Posts: 48 Member
    I do feel like that at times.
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    Welcome to your new normal. It just takes time to wrap your brain around the smaller you. Now go do something fun that you never have done at your max weight - like zip lining or bungee jumping or roller skating.
  • starrylioness
    starrylioness Posts: 543 Member
    I don't know about thinking I'm going to wake up like it's a dream but...I know I often can't see the changes that other people are seeing. It's like I see this weird distorted image of myself. In comparison photos, I can see the obvious difference. VERY obvious then, but when looking in the mirror? I don't see it fully.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Oh yes, I know how that feels, and I believe it's very normal. Up until about 12 years ago,from the time I was a teen to almost 40, my normal size ranged from a 12 to a tight 18. When I started on my weight loss journey about 12 or so years ago, I was about a 14. I dusted my way down to a tight 6 and comfortable 8, and I was sure every single new piece of clothing was missized. I gained weight over a 5 year period and was back up to a 10, but if it were not for vanity sizing I'm sure I would've been a 12. 44 pound down, I now wear a 4 and loose six and I'm at a healthy weight and BMI for the first time in my life. Sometimes I can't believe it. In fact, I've had dreams where I thought I gained it all back.

    Trust the process.:smile:
  • hearthwood
    hearthwood Posts: 794 Member
    It';s so nice to see the pant sizes go down. 12's are way to big for me now, and even the 10's are getting a little baggy. Goodwill here I come again--Love It.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Yeah I get this sometimes. Then I put on my jeans that I bought like 3 months ago and they are already so big I have had to punch new holes in the belt.

    Unfortunately my gut is being stubborn but all the rest of me is looking fairly trim now. but every time i look at my paunch it feels like i havent lost that much.

    Then my clothes tell me different =)
  • beanrider
    beanrider Posts: 66 Member
    Oh yeah, me too! I hold up the size large, some medium shirts (use to be XXL) and I can't believe I actually fit into that!!