Almost two months in and I'd STILL like to have more support

Hey everyone,

So I've been doing this now for two months. I've been really dedicated to this lifestyle change (not a "diet", I hate that term) and I want to meet some more people who are like-minded.

If you yourself need a push, feel free to add me as well. I'm always looking for more people and to build a bigger support network.


  • MissxAsh
    MissxAsh Posts: 83 Member
    Hey, I'm Ash:)

    Feel free to add me.. can always use more fitness friends!
  • Veil5577
    Veil5577 Posts: 868 Member
    Like Garfield said, DIET is "die" with a T!

    Hate that word.
  • sweetsaddict4real
    I need buddies as well. Im very lost and addicted 2 sweets badly.
  • MitchmDee
    MitchmDee Posts: 93 Member
  • jacqueline7599
    jacqueline7599 Posts: 159 Member
    Add me if you'd like
  • trivard676
    trivard676 Posts: 90 Member
    You guys can add me if you like. We all occasionally fall off the wagon. If losing weight and changing your lifestyle were easy, everyone would do it.
  • funchords
    funchords Posts: 413 Member
    Mitch, go to and see if there is a TOPS chapter near you. I have joined TOPS. There is a weekly meeting with a weigh in, weekly topics and some socialization between like-minded people.
  • kayang
    kayang Posts: 4 Member
    Like you say its a lifestyle change...I know I do better with support myself too. I am glad that my doctor sent me to the weight loss management clinic here in BC Canada... I only been doing it for two wks and I lost 7lbs. They do weekly medical meetings for the first 12 wks and then you go every two wks for one year.

    They have been big on making sure I have 20g protein and fiber in every meal... So now it makes me look for recipes that do have alot of protein and fiber... then I write my grocery list ... this is new and tracking what I eat with my fitness pal

    I only could walk 15 min at time last year and can now do 1 hour plus I try to do aqua three times a wk

    So dont give up and with the love and support of your family these life changes will benfit yourself and family...
  • glasshalffull713
    glasshalffull713 Posts: 323 Member
    Anyone who wants can add me. I really prefer my friends feed to the message boards, more personal and people are kinder!