Getting Started...Right before a holiday weekend!

So today is my first day in over a year where I am back to logging all my food and my first day back to the gym. I have the rest of the workweek planned out for food/excercise and then it occured to me this weekend is a holiday. So bring on the BBQ's, the beer, the chips, the hamburgers, ect.

Workdays are easy for me, weekends are always tough (for everyone I'm sure). But with 2 BBQ's that I have to go to I'm already feeling overwhelmed at the prospect of trying to stick within my 1200 cal/day range.

It's too early in the journey to fall off the wagon!! Anyone else worried about staying on track this weekend?


  • qmmanager69
    qmmanager69 Posts: 71 Member
    I'm not the least bit shy about bringing my own turkey burgers and a salad that I can enjoy within my calorie range. I make this delish salad with frozen corn, black beans, a variety of peppers (green, red, jalapeno) and a touch of light italian dressing. It's yummy and doesn't break the calorie bank.
  • SarahIluvatariel
    SarahIluvatariel Posts: 96 Member
    Don't give up yet!!

    When I'm on vacation or holidays, or whatever, I just tell myself to try to not go over whatever would be my maintenance calorie goal. (so I'm still loosing - even if it's only one calorie!) It keeps me honest with logging, which is a victory in and of itself! :)

    I agree, though, social eating is one of my difficulties. Bringing something healthy is a great idea! Maybe bring your favorite fruit instead of eating the other snacky food that tempts you. There's still sugar, so it's yummy, but there are nutrients as well, and it'll help fill your tummy to make less room for the other temptations.
  • ladamc2
    ladamc2 Posts: 1 Member
    Love these ideas! i've been yo-yo ing for awhile now (read: 5 years) and I am looking to lose the weight for good this time!

    I agree on bringing a turkey burger, what a great idea! Our supermarket also makes really good stuffed burgers, we just made one that was chicken with feta and spinach. :) See if your market offers something like that, might be a different change of pace from a burger/brat anyway.

    I find the hardest thing for me is staying within my cals-- also had this problem with weight watchers-- it was so easy to go over and then just "forget" to track aka ignore when I messed up. Trying to hold myself more accountable but I could use all the motivation I can get!
  • justdance06
    justdance06 Posts: 23 Member
    Yeah, I agree that weekends are the hardest.. so many distractions! I would carve out time early in the day for workouts, or incorporate activity into your weekend (biking, hiking, etc.). I'm not sure about your statistics / goals, but 1200 calories sounds low to me. I would try to start slow so you can stick with it as a lifestyle change rather than a diet.

    As far as the BBQs go, I wouldn't necessarily bring something separate, just stick with small portions and stop eating when you are full. And try to choose the healthier options and lighter beverages. As someone else said, try to log everything as best as you can, even if you go over. It will hold you more accountable. Good luck!
  • AskTracyAnnK28
    AskTracyAnnK28 Posts: 2,817 Member
    I think the best course of action would be to plan out your meals ahead of time and do your best to stick with it. If you're invited to a BBQ eat a big ol' salad with some healthy protein in it so you won't be hungry - and drink lite beer or a vodka soda. Stay away from margaritas, pina coladas, etc.
  • julesg100
    julesg100 Posts: 109 Member
    Everything the above posters said. Also watch out for calorie-laden salads like potato salad and macaroni salad. Cut back on portions of those. If there's fruit, eat that and have a burger or chicken. Stick to iced tea and plenty of water as you'll want to stay hydrated. Have fun!
  • brightsideofpink
    brightsideofpink Posts: 1,018 Member
    As for starting over a holiday weekend, think of how empowering it will be when you get through it and have made healthy choices! Do it and use it as a badge and motivator for the following weekends and holidays. What better way to convince yourself that you really can do it!
  • cj778449
    cj778449 Posts: 49 Member
    Everything the above posters said. Also watch out for calorie-laden salads like potato salad and macaroni salad. Cut back on portions of those. If there's fruit, eat that and have a burger or chicken. Stick to iced tea and plenty of water as you'll want to stay hydrated. Have fun!

    Definitely this and one thing I've been doing more of is bunless hamburgers, hotdogs, etc. Either plan out your meal or make room for the not-so-good things you want to eat. Good luck!
  • jkowula
    jkowula Posts: 447
    I have been away for a few months. I figured summer, ah I am not going to sweat it. I gained 8 pounds back. I accepted that I would. I did however give myself a hard deadline to get this back on track again. I am 5 days in and doing great. I guess the moral of the story is.. Just enjoy your weekend and don't worry about it, then get back at it hardcore!