low calorie snack ideas please



  • gillybt
    I like Snack a Jacks, especially the caramel flavour when I want something sweet, when I'm dying for a bag of crisps (my downfall) I choice their salt and vinegar flavour. I also freeze grapes, they are like boiled sweets, but better for you!
  • Gracey150
    These are all great. Went to the store, bought celery, mini carrots, cherry tomatoes, low cal Ranch dressing, several 100 cal. packs of crackers (Ritz has a good snack mix), pretzels, quacker mini rice cakes, Atkins Day Break Bars, Special K bars, a bag of small green apples, low fat graham crackers, 100 packs of Kettle Corn by Orville Redinbaker...That's a good start. Keep the ideas coming.:heart:
  • FreyaDH
    FreyaDH Posts: 31
    Loving all these suggestions, will have to try some out! I find frozen grapes work really well for me if i'm craving something sweet. They are healthy but it really feels like you're eating mini ice-lollies! I eat them a lot instead of a pudding at dinner time :smile:
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    raw carrots. Very yummy and filling
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I love pop chips..... they are 100 -120 calories for 1/3 of a bag.. I have found them very filling and I always think I am cheating they are so good!
  • pgp_protector
    Depending on how much sodium you're allowing / have to spare, Pickles are good, 5 cals but 200mg Sodium
    So if you're high on salt, avoid em, but if you have the sodium to spare, enjoy.
  • jnations56
    Ok I have searched the internet with this same question and the ones that I have tried that are actually good are: Gerber Graduates puffs (I like the banana and the sweet potato). Only 25 calories for 65 pieces. Lucky Leaf no sugar added pie filling is great with a little splenda and only 105 calories for an entire cup full (They have apple, cherry and more). Celery soaked for about an hour in V8 spicy vegetable juice is a great way to give a little flavor to the celery and it virtually calorie free so eat as much as you want. One of my favorites is cantaloupe. I use a melon baller to make little balls and then I put them in a storage container and freeze them. SOOO GOOD!!!