It's 6:15pm and I have to eat back 1300 calories

alee145 Posts: 10 Member
Just did 80 mins of HARD circuit training. I ate kind of light today so now my deficit is 1300 calories. I drank a ton of water so I'm not hungry but I don't want to go into starvation. Please help me with some suggestions for healthy high calorie meals!!!


  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Beans and rice with guacamole. (And a margarita if you feel like being bad). lol
  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    you arent' going to go into starvation mode. it just doesn't work that way. starvation mode is a myth. as long as you aren't honestly starving yourself every day there is really nothing to worry about with an occasional huge diet deficit. there are even diets dedicated to it that work quite well. intermittent fasting and what not.

    I think we should listen to what our bodies tell us. that's one of the tricks for being healthy in the long haul. eating when our body is honestly hungry and giving true hunger signals and not eating when the body is not communicating that (barring illness of course) I know that's what always gets me into trouble. eating because I should, or because something looks good.. ect ect.. in the days when I always just ate when there were hunger pangs and stopped when they went away I was always thin.
  • radario
    radario Posts: 59 Member
    Ditto what astartig said if you don't want to eat those 1,300 cals then don't. Eat only a portion of them or none at all if that's what you feel like. Force feeding yourself is simply not necessary for people who have sufficient fat stores!

    Gazillions of people lose weight without eating back exercise calories. If starvation mode was real, nobody would lose weight while fasting or crash dieting,
  • xsmilexforxmex
    xsmilexforxmex Posts: 1,216 Member
    You won't starve if you eat under your BMR one day....
  • alee145
    alee145 Posts: 10 Member
    Beans and rice with guacamole. (And a margarita if you feel like being bad). lol

    LOL! I had Chipotle for lunch (no rice) with both of those so I don't want to repeat that. But I will probably have a drink haha. And thanks for your answers! I think I will just eat if I get hungry in a few hours.
  • aledba
    aledba Posts: 564 Member
    Beans and rice with guacamole. (And a margarita if you feel like being bad). lol

    LOL! I had Chipotle for lunch (no rice) with both of those so I don't want to repeat that. But I will probably have a drink haha. And thanks for your answers! I think I will just eat if I get hungry in a few hours.
    It's like I read your mind! You go, girl :drinker: