I'm stuck in slump

I keep trying to lose weight and when I started this diet a little over a year ago I weighed 232 now I weigh 211 but I seem to yo-yo between 215 and 211 help. Especially during that time of the month.


  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Hard to give advice because I don't know what you are doing to lose weight. Do you exercise? Do you count cals? Do you just eat healthy? I use cals per week, I run, and I try to eat healthy (except on Sunday - Sunday's my cheat day). Except I'm not really cheating because I've saved some cals each day during the week so I can have my wings and beer. And if I think I need extra, I add an early morning walk.

    Best of luck to you!
    REDMANIV Posts: 348 Member
    Hello there....I recently have been in slump mode myself. In order to break out of it I had to do two things. 1. Accurately count everything that I put into my mouth. You absolutely cannot guess, or say that wasn't that many calories. If I am not sure about something I search for it in MFP and look for the highest calorie total for that item and use that. I use a food scale and I measure everything...it takes a while to get used to doing that at first however to break out of a slump you have to know how much food you are consuming. 2) I had to reduce the amount of calories i was taking in. MFP says that in order for me to lose 1 pound of week that I need to eat around 2300 calories....well I have found that regardless of how much exercise I do...If I eat over 2000 calories per day...I either stay the same weight or gain weight...keeping me hovering around the 215 pound mark. Well I looked at my food log for the last time I had success losing weight (I have been down to 205lbs multiple times) and looked for what I was doing right then. I found that for my body the magic number for now is 1850 calories....so that is my new number....monday through friday I keep it under 1850 calories per day. On saturday and/or Sunday I allow myself to go over 2000 calories if I feel like it. the results have been 10lbs off in the last 4 weeks. Hopefully you will find what works for you and be able to break out of your slump.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    There is nothing in your diary. Start tracking, eat at a deficit = lose weight.
  • betlic2
    betlic2 Posts: 8 Member
    I do track what I eat just not here. It's too hard to track here.