


  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    Working today at my school... teaching a workshop in an hour... busy busy busy.
  • frida001
    frida001 Posts: 437 Member
    Baby steps are HUGE!!! I'm going to give up the Friday office donuts too.
  • i'm sure the water bottle nonsense IS some sort of violation, but word on the street is that the principal has people in the union and every time someone goes to the union about something, she hears about it and then you're on "the list." i would SO leave if i didn't love the kids and the rest of the people i work with! i found a way around it though. apparently, drinking coffee is acceptable. so i keep my water or crystal light in a travel coffee mug and no one has looked at me wrong. my first year teaching, i lost 30 pounds from all the stress and not eating lunch, and running through the halls chasing kids because the school wouldn't hire the 1:1 that he needed (different school than the water nazis)...it was ridiculous! though i loved my size then...but only because i hadn't seen that number on the scale since college...i was far from healthy. i love my students like they are my own children. i get them for 3 years, so i get very close to them and their families. and to be the best i can be for them, and to be the person they need me to be, i have to be good to myself. for the first time, i'm trying to put myself first.

    i transferred out of my school a couple years ago, and for a month before i left, i spent half an hour at the each day just sitting at my desk crying out of frustration. i hope that never happens again. if it does, i know it is time to move on. and that's what helped me move on from that school. i had been there for 4 years, but i was miserable for months. i didn't want to leave my kids because i knew that no one would take care of them the way i did, and the way they needed. within 3 months of leaving though, i had lost almost 20 pounds. the stress was really taking its toll. i was losing my hair, i had a severe vitamin deficiency, my blood pressure was out of control...it was awful! but this is a new school, a new year, and time for a new me! we have our benchmark testing coming up this week though, and all my kids have to be done one on one, so we'll see what kind of toll this takes!
  • You Go! Just say NO! to the office doughnuts!

    I was sorely tempted on Friday am--I'd had a lousy morning with an aide calling in sick, 6 classes to teach, and having to supervise lunch due to said absent aide, and I seriously thought about the jelly doughnut.

    Then I looked up the calories--350. And I reached for a Slim-Fast bar instead.
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    My mother is a 4th grade teacher. I'm a freshman college student, and I volunteer in her room every year. At the start of January I went on the 'teacher' schedule for the last week of my break and helped out in her room while her part-time assistant was subbing for another teacher.
    Ho-ly COW. It was exhausting. Everything you guys have said really rings true. Once the kids come in, there's no time to breathe. She also has to create every lesson from scratch, so she usually gets to bed around 1am.
    We made our lunches ahead of time--sandwiches or wraps with the lettuce/tomato separate to prevent sogginess. Mom also makes smoothies the night before with frozen blueberries and protein powder to keep her energy up and stave off hunger. Breakfast is usually an oatmeal bar or energy bar of some sort.
    I used to be irritated by how exhausted she was when she got home. I'm a person who exercises about 2 hours a day, but by the end of each day I helped in her class, my mother would be the one peeling me off the couch to go for a walk.

    I don't know how you guys do it 5 days a week, every week, for a whole school year (plus planning, grading, meetings, conferences, report cards, copying, cleaning, organizing...). I've always respected teachers, but never admired you guys as much as I do now after spending a week doing a fraction of what you do daily (I can't imagine it without the bathroom breaks that I had the liberty of taking!).
    Thanks for all that you do! :flowerforyou:
  • candycana
    candycana Posts: 92 Member
    Dragonbug, do you suppose you could talk to my hubby? And all the other people that think we have it so easy because we get occasional planning days and summers off? If they could just spend a week with us like you do, they'd run away screaming. Like all teachers say, we definitely don't do it for the money. You have to love the kids to put up with this. We're treated like servants, paid like paupers, and blamed for every low test score even though we have absolutely no control on what does or does not go on at home.

    I've been here for 22 years. I still love teaching. Love connecting with the kids. But for those of you who are just starting out....PLEASE take care of yourself. You MUST put your health first. So many teachers retire with health issues caused from stress. And stop thinking that nobody else can/will do your job as well as you. Quit kidding yourself. If you left, they'd replace you in a heartbeat. Life would go on without you. In your heart, you'll know you were a better teacher, (maybe) but is it worth all the health issues we've been posting? Love your kids. Do the best you can while you're there. But remember, it's a JOB. You and your family and friends are important too. Take care of yourself. The students can tell when your aren't and then you're no good to them and you risk burn-out as well. Work to live, not the other way around.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    dragonbug, you're so sweet. Your mom is lucky to have your help and support. For me, I get bored if there's no variety. So teaching is the best job I could ever have. But I do wear myself out with these kiddos.
  • daniellemiller04
    daniellemiller04 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi everybody. I teach 4th grade and I have two litte boys of my own. I find it hard after school to want to work out because I am so mentally drained. Its nice to talk with other teachers who understand. I want to lose 50 pounds!
  • Hello all,
    I am a first year teacher (4th grade). We are over halfway through this year and I'm still trying to figure out what's going on. :0) It's getting better, but the lack of time during the day (to eat, to go the the bathroom, etc,) is really frustrating. Then I spend a couple of hours after school, still at school, trying to "catch up" (which hasn't happened yet). AND then take stuff home to work on. But still, it's getting better. I think it will be easier next year. It has been difficult to try to find a routine for healthy eating and exercise.
    I'm so happy to see this thread...it's nice to know that I'm not experiencing anything unusual.
    Oh, and I just joined up here las week. I didn't do anything but browse around a bit until today.
  • I'm a middle school science teacher in Kansas. I LOVE my job and since I started trying to lose weight at the beginning of the school year my students have been my biggest cheerleaders. When I have good weekly weigh-ins (only how much I lost or gained, not my actual weight) I get lots of high 5s. You are right, it is hard to find 'me' time when you teach. Your job is only half finished when the end of the day bell rings. Luckily, I have an amazing principal who really supports healthy eating and exercise. I get to workout a couple days a week during my prep time! Of course, that means I have more work to do when I get home, but i'm also a single mom so working out in the evenings is even harder. You're doing a great job! Keep up the good work!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    I'm right there with you. They bring too much junk for us to eat. The teachers in my school tend to bring their leftover desserts. LOL. I combat that with packing my little lunch box with healthy breakfast and lunch foods as well as apple slices and carrots for snacks. It's sometimes hard to get the energy for exercise. I go to the gym on weekends and do quick cardio dvds during the week. I love my job but it's part of the reason I gained this weight in the first place. Never, ever eat the cafeteria food!
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    I teach first grade, and yes, you are ABSOLUTELY RIGHT about not feeling like there is enough time (for anything!). I constantly feel the need to pee, eat, and drink water, but it seems I never get around to it. One of my good friends at work once said she was so thirsty she got water from the faucet and put it in her soup bowl. PATHETIC!

    I am retraining myself to be more kind to my body. It is a daily struggle! I've started buying 5 gallons of water at a time and putting them under my desk so I have water available. My kids think I am totally insane for drinking out of a gallon jug, but you do what you have to do! I also bring quick and filling snacks, like string cheese, Odwalla bars, carrots, and yogurt.
  • I usually take my lunch to school. When school began I was eating in the cafeteria and quickly learned that was a bad idea. I gained a few pounds before it sunk in that I should be taking my lunch. But there are still those days when you literally do not have time to microwave your lunch. So, I plan to try taking salad and see how well that works out.
    I have to say that this is the best job I've ever had and I can't imagine doing anything else! And there is just no way to explain to someone who isn't a teacher how rewarding and satisfying this job is. People really don't understand what it is to be a teacher. I didn't. You guys are great!
  • lyndsloo
    lyndsloo Posts: 242
    I'd love to be friends with you all! FRIEND ME, PLEASE! It's fun supporting one another.
  • I am in my 8th year of teaching...the past 2 have been 6th grade Science! I never have a problem with breakfast. I usually have a black coffe w/ one sweet and low and some kind of protein bar. Since I have been dieting, I have been trying to up the water intake, and I do agree it is difficult b/c of having to use the restroom. Thankfully, if push comes to shove, the faculty bathroom is right across from my room so I can sneak out b/t classes. Lunch and healthy snacking is challenging. I usually bring a frozen meal (healthy choice, smart ones) and a yogurt. I still find myself hungry and one of my problems has been eating too much at dinner. I am trying to sneak in some almonds or fruit in between meals. I to, also go to the gym right after work. I find that if I change before I leave work, I feel like I need to go. If I do not change, I will most likely go home first. Teaching is very challenging and it is hard to put yourself first. Also, do you all find that the faculty room can be a downfall? For every darn holiday there is an over abundance of food. Also, we have bagel Friday EVERY Friday! I was so proud of myself last week b/c I skipped out on my bagel. When I lost all of my weight before, I would have never even thought of eating them. However, when I started at this new school, I found that I slowly gained 15 pounds mostly because of the poor choices I started to make. On a better note, my district does a weight loss challenge from Jan.-May, so I am trying to use that as motivation too! Good luck to all!
  • Yes, there certainly seems to be quite a bit of eating in the faculty room...very tasty stuff too. Makes it easy to overindulge.
    Everyone, please feel free to friend me...I can use all the encouragement and motivation I can get and I'll be happy to give some too!
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I didn't even think about the faculty room. DANGER.
  • Happy Monday everyone. It's our favorite day of the week! (cough cough). Let's all have a healthy eating week and find some time for exercise! My plan for dinner tonight is grilled chicken strips with peppers and onions on a low-carb tortilla with black beans! Anyone else have something yummy planned for the week!
  • atomiclauren
    atomiclauren Posts: 689 Member
    Monday...yay. Heh. I was planning for a short walk around campus but it's pouring! Look out stairs, here I come.
  • alaskagrown
    alaskagrown Posts: 208 Member
    I've been thinking about teaching healthy eating to kids and I LOVE these books,
    Hungry Planet, and the new one, What I Eat. Hungry Planet shows what families around the world eat in one week, and What I Eat has people who eat typical meals of 800 cals up to like 12000 cals, where they're from and what they do. Really cool photojournalism, the kind of book that ANY age person would love.


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