Anyone trying to lose about 30-50 pounds?



  • imn0tlykeher
    imn0tlykeher Posts: 41 Member
    Im 28yrs old and want to lose at least 30lbs..I have just really gotten serious about it within the last week, joined a fitness bootcamp and really starting to count my calories n watch what Im eating..Im also hoping to lose 2lbs a week, that'd be nice lol if not more (wishful thinking) anyone can def add me!
  • Hotshoe1200
    Hotshoe1200 Posts: 46 Member
    You have made a good start! I started a 30 day challenge on August 11 and have lost 6 lbs. The challenge is for nutrition and a workout (LesMills Combat). The workout I chose is a 60 day program, though, so I will be extending my challenge through early October. I have 46 more lbs to lose. My daughter introduced me to the MFP app and I love the way it tracks my food. I find it very motivational to log in and see that "You have a XX day streak" message and I love the little status updates it gives me for myself and my daughter (and even a couple of friends it pulled in from Facebook.) I'll add you, too, and it would be nice to keep each other motivated.
  • arrrrjt
    arrrrjt Posts: 245 Member
    I have about 52 pounds (to get to 160) I would kill to lose. Down 28 (33 since my max) so far using stronglifts, running, and horseback riding, as well as MFP.
  • bigblondewolf
    bigblondewolf Posts: 268 Member
    Well, I started last month. However, my body is starting to slow down in losing weight .. No clue why. I cut back on a lot of things. No soda, no rice, no dressing on my salad. When I crave sugar I eat watermelon. Here's my common meals: beans with no oil for breakfast or eggs. For lunch I have a grilled chicken salad or a grilled chicken sandwich with wheat bread.(no cheese at all). Or cheese every once in a whole. And for dinner I either don't eat dinner or I have a fruit or a vegetable soup with no oils or anything fattening .. I hate exercise, but I usually have to walk around campus in college and that's about it.

    No offense, but this sounds like a miserable relationship to have with food. I'm also looking to lose 30lbs (have already lost 11 of that 30) and I eat way more than that on a daily basis. (Some days I even fit in ice cream or fast food, but shhhh!)

    If you're looking for something that's more sustainable and that you can do for the long-term, I might suggest checking out this thread. Lots of awesome advice that got me onto the right path :)
  • ringaroundrosi
    Hi, I'm 5'3 & currently weigh 180. I was hoping to lose about 50 lbs so I could be around my correct weight for my body. Also I'm just looking a healthier lifestyle (: feel free to add me anyone! I would love to have some support
  • carolinaem
    carolinaem Posts: 58 Member
    That'd be me! I have been up and down the same 15 pounds since 2010. Looking to get back down to where I was last year and continue toward my goal. No clue exactly where I would like to end up, but somewhere between 45-55 seems likely. I love to workout and do so 4-5x a week, so I am focusing at finding the right calorie intake at the moment.
  • Shaquana2
    I'm 5'1/2 and altogether i wanna lose 40-50lbs. But i have defintely broke that down i try to lose atleast 5lbs a month. you have to remember that this is a lifestyle change it's not something for the moment. It's forever. Just try and work on small things like smaller meals and exercise, along with making healthier choices. Don't just cut everything out all at once. Train your mind and body. Thought i'd share that.
  • lisa_darlene9
    lisa_darlene9 Posts: 54 Member
    I have been on here for 33 days now. I have logged faithfully every day, I cannot say if I have lost anything yet because I just received my new scales this week. I have had some big chances in my life in the last few months, my husband and I were told that we were being posted out of Canada. So with that came leaving my job, preparing to move to a country that was dealing with a food shortage and having to plan for that, and saying good bye to family especially my step children. I ordered some scales online and they revealed what I knew was reality, I had gained back almost 17lbs of the 36lbs I had lost. Now that we are here and somewhat settled, I now have the time to focus on me which is why I have been on here faithfully for 33 days now. I am not working while we are here, at least until I learn the language, so I have all my weekdays to myself. I have my eating habits on the right track, so I now have to get my tush in an exercise routine. I want to lose at least 30lbs by Christmas and within 2015 I want to lose 50lbs. I am always happy to add new friends on here, support is something you can never have enough of, so if anyone would like to add me please do and we can help each other reach our best selves.
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    Me! I've got around 30lbs I'd like to lose. I had a baby 17 weeks ago and gained weight unfortunately, so I'm trying to get back to where I was. This time last year I was slim. Sob.

    I've been back at the gym since my 6 week check. I go 5 times a week...I have one PT session, and do a combination of gym sessions, spinning, Zumba, aerobics, step, fitball and I'll be starting boxercise next week. I do whatever I can fit round my husband's shifts.
  • liltadertat
    liltadertat Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    I started at 250, lost 60 pounds last year, life got in the way and I didnt make a realistic lifestyle change so Im back, hoping to lose my last 60 by next June/July.

    A little about me:

    I am insulin resistant so I believed low carb was the way to go. Well, I also have Graves Disease which is an autoimmune disorder that affects the thyroid, so no more low carb. I could not handle the shakes, throwing up, stomach clenching cramps, etc.

    Then, I started to get depressed because I was sick (I got diagnosed at 17, this disease usually doesnt affect women until after menopause, I have a long way to go, im 20 now.) and I couldnt do everything I used to without my heart beating outside of my chest (my resting before disease was 60 bpm, my resting after disease was 170 bpm, it was 120 bpm in July and after one month of screwing my head on straight, its 90 bpm without a beta blocker and 70 bpm with one. Im working on it.)

    The gym used to be my favorite place, and it was like one day I woke up and couldnt run half a mile without sweating so bad and feeling so tired.

    So now that's out of the way, I transferred back home for my senior year of college (regardless, i still bleed Scarlet and Gray). It was one of the hardest decisions I have made so far. But I have 3 semesters left, and since im making progress with my thyroid, I decided to take baby steps with exercise to see if I can love it again.

    For 2 weeks I have been eating well, then I remembered I could always come back to MFP (joined in 2011, didnt really use it until 2013). Well here I am,

    I eat 1600 calories a day, I am starting the 30 day shred on September 1st, and will only be doing it 3 days a week plus whatever plank challenge i have for the day. On the other 3 days a week, I will be running 2 or 3 miles + Ab ripper X (from the P90X series) + whatever plank challenge I have for the day. Ill choose a rest day each week (whenever I genuinely cant get up and workout).

    I know people complete the shred in 30 days but again, baby steps.

    On running days ill eat 1700
    On 30 day shred days ill be eating 1650

    My base was 1400 and I lost 2 pounds last week.

    I have a polar FT7, im just waiting on the new battery and new chest strap to come in so I can accuarately track my calories. I figured 100 calories per mile, 100 calories for Ab Ripper X plus planking, and (because I did the shred before at a similar weight) 250 calories for Level 1 of the 30 day shred.

    Add me everyone, I need motivation.
  • Jclifford253
    My initial goal was 30 pounds. I reached that in about 3.5 months. Now my new goal is down a total of 50. I started with MFP in April and increased my workouts to 5-7 per week. I still eat ice cream and drink beer on occasion. I couldn't keep this up if i wasn't able to indulge at times. I started riding my bike the last month and absolutely love it compared to running. Burns calories like crazy too. Good luck to all of you.
  • adbeasley01
    adbeasley01 Posts: 1 Member
    I am 5'1" and current weight 196. I am looking to lose right at 50 lbs. to start. I am not currently active, but I did lose 18 lbs. in about 8 weeks just by eating 1200 cals a day. I also practiced the principles of the Venus Index. I found it to really help. :happy:
  • rockstar53
    rockstar53 Posts: 215 Member
    My goal is 50lbs. I hope to lose around 20 by Christmas and the rest in 2015. I just came back to MFP about a week ago for logging my food. I have committed to exercising 4-5 x's a week, and have been at that for the last 5 weeks. I bike, walk, strength train and am feeling great! I am 46 years old and would love some friends with similar goals to motivate and share tips with.
  • jgober3
    jgober3 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi everyone, it was very motivational reading many of the post. I too am on a mission to lose about 30-40 pounds. I am 28 and have been struggling with my weight for some years now; after the freshman 15 came the sophomore 20. LOL! However I have had times where I have lost and times where it was a struggle, after having a baby in July of last year it has become an everyday struggle to lose the weight, but I am determined now more than ever. I enjoy working out, my biggest challenge is eating properly. This week I have been trying to eat less than 50g of carbs per day; so far I have lost 5 pounds doing this and walking/running 2-4 miles a day at the park. One day this week I actually squeezed in a session of T25 as well, which is insane. I hope that we can motivate each other. Please feel free to add me.