Did you ever fall off a treadmill

I did. Twice. It was so embarrassing.


  • wuggums47
    wuggums47 Posts: 25 Member
    No, but I broke a chair, so I kind of get the feeling.
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    Try falling off while walking :embarassed:
  • ninav1980
    ninav1980 Posts: 514 Member
    um maybe, why? who have you been talking to?:wink:
  • MsSashaFire
    No, but I'm uber clumsy and envision doing that all the time!
  • JenniDaisy
    JenniDaisy Posts: 526 Member
    My sister did once, and went feet first through a glass cabinet.
    She was remarkably unhurt, seriously not a scratch.
  • shellma00
    shellma00 Posts: 1,684 Member
    NO, but it is on the top of my gym fears list.. Its bound to happen sometime. If it does I am sure I would quit the gym... I see the same people in there every morning and would never be able to face them again.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    I did. Twice. It was so embarrassing.
  • georgiaTRIs
    georgiaTRIs Posts: 231 Member
    No but I saw someone do it. He was flirting with a gal on the one next to him and she was ignoring him. After we knew he was not hurt (other than his pride) we all laughted
  • joanthemom8
    joanthemom8 Posts: 375 Member
    Sort of..... I've dropped things and then stumbled about while I tried to stop the treadmill to retrieve my items....
  • wendy0210
    wendy0210 Posts: 86 Member
    Nope, but it's seriously one of my biggest treadmill-related fears, along with the potential of the speed control not working and being caught in an-ever increasing speed/incline situation (which would most likely lead to falling off)...

    My consolation is that I do treadmill workouts at home, so no one would see me, just the bruises I'd be likely to get... LOL! At least I own up to my klutziness and I'd likely laugh at myself telling the story :)
  • rubbersoul84
    rubbersoul84 Posts: 23 Member
    No, but I did trip over my own feet and land ON a treadmill. Almost as embarassing...I am a total klutz.
  • icck
    icck Posts: 197 Member
    No, but I'm sure it'll happen one day!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    Nope, but it's seriously one of my biggest treadmill-related fears, along with the potential of the speed control not working and being caught in an-ever increasing speed/incline situation (which would most likely lead to falling off)...

    Jane! Stop this crazy thing!!!

    I've never fallen off one but I witnessed someone else's close call and that was enough to get my heart racing. He was running and decided to take his sweatshirt off without slowing down or stopping. It got caught up on his chin and I thought for sure he was going to go *kitten* over teakettle but he managed to keep going! We both chuckled with relief when it was over. Makes my hands sweat just thinking about it...
  • askeates
    askeates Posts: 1,490 Member
    No comment :wink:
  • Lonestar5775
    Lonestar5775 Posts: 740 Member
    They were never able to prove it :laugh:
  • CarmenSRT
    CarmenSRT Posts: 843 Member
    Yup. More than once. My treadmill is at home, so no human witnesses. Tip: Get all skin AWAY from the darn belt if it's still moving. Those things can give you one hell of a roadrash type spot in seconds.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    No, but I saw a woman do it at my previous gym. She turned the speed up too high and her hands slipped on the bars and she was thrown into the wall at the back of the treadmill and made a hole in it. She never came back to the gym. Embarrassing moments are parts of life so do not feel bad.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,868 Member
    I jog on the treadmill for about 5 minutes to warm up before lifting...I was paying too much attention to the t.v. a few weeks ago and my foot caught on the side of the dreadmill and I took a good tumble. Fortunately I was the only person in the gym.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    This has always been one of my fears in a funny way. Am sure it will never happen, but not intending to ive it the chance. I can see how treadmills are ood when the weather is bad, but imo running and walking out in the fresh air makes more sense as you actually go somewhere.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Not yet!