Rewards for Goals

Hello :) This is my very first post!

I have a long way to I thought I would give myself some rewards and list them to keep me going.

#1. -2 lbs TILL ONE_DE LAND!!! 201-- 199!= spa day- brows/ maybe nails?

#2. 192 pre-baby weight = 9lbs to go =new outfit

#3. 183 lowest weight between babies - 18 lbs. = new dress

#4. 171 Pre-pre (first baby) baby weight ;) -30 lbs. = hand bag!

#5. 165 wedding weight - 36 lbs.=!/HALF WAY PICS!

#6. 145 High School graduation weight -56 lbs. = spray tan

#7. 134 junior high! weight -67lbs= swimmmm suit

#8. 118 GOOOOAAAALLLL!!!!- 83lbs = Belly button ring :)

I may add/change as I go...but I enjoy thinking this could...really..happen! Exciting :)

Anyone else have some? share with me!


  • Determined120509
    my ultimate reward is a belly button ring too!
  • Serenity79
    Lol, I HAVE a belly button ring, I just wanna be able to show it off again!

    My first reward at my first mini goal is going to be a facial. Oooh, I'm so looking forward to that!! Not sure yet what the next two mini goal rewards will be, but I've finally decided on the ultimate reward - SHOPPING SPREE! WOO! :bigsmile:
  • cgardner12
    cgardner12 Posts: 17 Member
    Ohh...a facial sounds awesome! I might add that too :) thanks for the idea!