Macro help

I feel I have found a daily calorie allowance that works for me now but can not get my head around macros can anyone offer advice?


  • brocej
    brocej Posts: 24 Member
    I go with 40% carbs, 40% protein, 20% fat.
  • fivethreeone
    fivethreeone Posts: 8,196 Member
    Many people think that macros should be set according to percentages. THEY SHOULD NOT. An arbitrary percentage of, say, 45% protein, will be 150g for someone eating one amount of calories, and 90g for someone eating a different number of calories. Body fat percentage matters, as well. If one person is 150 lbs with 35% body fat, they have very different nutritional needs than someone who is 150 lbs and 17% body fat. Thus, the macros should be set in grams, not percentages. First step is to figuere out your own body's lean body mass (LBM).

    There are two ways to find your LBM. 1) use calipers to find your body fat percentage and then subtract that from your total weight to find your LBM. 2) use a calculator online. The online method isn't terribly accurate, but it's good enough for a starting point. Here is an online LBM estimator:

    For protein, choose a minimum of your LBM in grams. If you're 110 lbs LBM, set your protein at a minimum of 110 grams/day.

    For fats, choose a minimum of 0.35g per POUND OF ACTUAL BODY WEIGHT. If you're 150 lbs total, that would be a minimum of 52.5 grams/day

    Either of those fat or protein numbers can be higher if desired, so long as you stay in your calorie target for the day. Carbs make up the difference.

    (eta: this is copy/pasta from a longer blog a wrote on calories/macros here: )
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Best bet is to see a nutritionist. They can help explain and guide you through your macro and micro needs. :)
  • danawig
    danawig Posts: 8 Member
    Totally agree