30 Day Shred - Starting today - Anyone else starting?



  • You all have just inspired me to restart this! So, I'm here with ya, day 1 coming right up!
  • I started it today...very shaky legs after! It seemed so quick! Does anyone know how many caloried are burned during the workout?
  • madina62
    madina62 Posts: 16 Member
    I've started this dvd like three different times and I think I've only made it as far as day 5 :-( I'm planning on starting it again this week and trying my best to go the whole 30 days! For anyone who is doing it regularly, have you noticed a significant weight loss? I know some people who have done it, and not had a lot of weight loss.
  • I am headed out to buy mine today. Any suggestions for which hand weights to start with?

    I started with 3lb weights and it does the job! I love my 30 Day Shred. It's always in my DVD player waiting for me to be done with work. I alternate though. Trendmill/Spin one day, Shred the next. You will notice how you feel after a week! I was sore at first but well worth it so hang in there!

    P.S. Now up to 5lbs weights
  • RedSoxHouse
    RedSoxHouse Posts: 3 Member
    I ordered mine last night and can't wait for it to get here!! I hope you don't mind if I follow along with you guys in spirit until I can join in! :love:
  • pkd1
    pkd1 Posts: 170 Member
    Started mine yesterday and did i again today, im going to do each level 10 days in a row, with 1 day off in between the 10, does that make sence? plus im also doing my elliptical for 30 mins a day. so im in also for the support!!!!!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    I started it today...very shaky legs after! It seemed so quick! Does anyone know how many caloried are burned during the workout?

    I read somewhere to enter it as circuit training. For me, that came out to 185 calories.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Just did level 1, day 1. Used 3 pound weights. The cardio and abs weren't bad, but the lunges were brutal. Had to do modified push-ups. :happy: Do most people do 10 days at each level?
  • ileana84
    ileana84 Posts: 163
    Wow!! Just did it for my 6th day and the lounges really burned me. I had taken a break so may be thats why it was such a killer this time, but I pushed myself all the way thru. BURN BABY BURN!
  • I'm looking to start mine tomorrow! Is anyone successful so far in weight loss using this??
  • Aokark
    Aokark Posts: 25
    My girlfriend and I just started but I can already tell that if you keep pushing yourself through it, don't cheat on yourself and listen to what she's telling you. You will definitely lose weight and gain valuable muscle. It will hurt, for sure... But it hurts for everyone just as much. It will be rewarding for you, I am sure!
  • I'm starting today as soon as the baby goes down for a nap. I did her shred it with weights on On Demand with a kettlebell the other day and it was brutal. At first I thought I would be fine and maybe I needed to buy a heavier kettlebell, but about 15 minutes through I thought for sure I was going to die.

    Good Luck everyone! I've done the 30 day shred once before and I remember being super sore. Can't wait! lol.
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Day 2 Down. Not bad!
  • javamom
    javamom Posts: 309
    Since starting the shred three days ago I have been ravenous hungry! Anybody else experiencing this?
  • Mommy 23..... You said you did shred on Demand..... is that Rogers on demand? where do you access it.

  • DixieDarlin1987
    DixieDarlin1987 Posts: 553 Member
    I started the Shred in November and I LOVE it! Granted, it took me more than 30 days to work up to and complete level 3 (mostly because it was only 6 weeks after having my son so I didn't push myself too hard to start out) Before starting the Shred, I had already returned to my pre pregnancy size and weight so I didn't have much weight to lose, but I had lost all of my muscle definition and was quite jiggly lol. So here we are in February and all the jiggles are gone except a little bit in my thighs (always been my trouble spot). I lost 3 lbs, my abs are pretty darn ripped, calves are toned, back and shoulders are toned and my butt is smaller! Oh and I actually gained .75 inches in each bicep! All I did was keep my calories at 1700, 5-6 days of the shred per week and I ate back my exercise calories. I did the shred with 5 pound weights, but 3 would work great for most women (I'm a rather large (tall) and pretty strong woman already) Also, on days when I knew my eating wasn't going to be as great (birthday parties, Christmas, New Years) I'd get up in the morning and do 2 levels...just to make me feel better. I just bought Jillian's Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and after I do it a few times, I'm going to get the No More Trouble Zones so I can start a rotation of BFBM, NMTZ and the Shred. Sorry for the long post but I hope this helps you stay motivated. Keep at it and you will see results!!!
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