Calories and healthy foods

evulka21 Posts: 13 Member
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
I have been counting calories for about two weeks so far and I have seen some results. However, I do think this program is really one sided. Looking at some member's diaries I still see people going to fast food places and eating absolutely unhealthy meals. The program allows it as long as you really limit yourself for the rest of the day and do not go over your calorie limit. I really disagree with the concept. There should be little more stress on the healthy aspect of foods.
The program helps me to limit my portions and that help me a lot but I really think that more guidance on healthy foods would be beneficial.
How do you feel about the calories vs healthy aspect of the foods that you eat?


  • nickyevans
    nickyevans Posts: 216 Member
    I take note of both, I look at my calories but also monitor the nutritional content of my food so I keep fat low and try and get my vit c, iron and calcium up.
  • Shan605
    Shan605 Posts: 41
    I feel it is a personal Choice. This program gives you the tools and motivation to learn to eat better but you have to want to do it the "right" way. There is plenty of information from both the site and its members to eat a balanced and heathy diet, each member has to make that choice to use it.
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Well I would have to say that mfp wants you to be healthy and the community supports it.

    But you have one life, and taking out all the treats you can have just makes you miserable.
    I allow myself a dessert once a week and thats not healthy at all. But i stay in my calorie limit and I am happy I can have a sweet treat :]

    So I would say that people can eat fast food if they wish, since they may have a busy schedule. Over all goal here is to lose weight and keep it off. And find a "healthier" lifestyle. Doesnt mean cutting out everything that one enjoys. Just limiting yourself a bit more.

    IMO anyways
  • FaeFae
    FaeFae Posts: 243 Member
    I not only try and not go over my calories but I make sure I do not go over in my fat, sodium and sugar. As well I try and make sure I have enough fiber in my diet. I try to reach my goals with healthy food however sometimes like this week I was over a couple of days due to dinners out for bdays etc. Normally though I try and not eat anything crappy!
  • somigliana
    somigliana Posts: 314 Member
    I also take both into account and try to eat a lot of unprocessed and "clean" foods.
    But I see MFP as a free tool rather than a progam that sets defined eating/exercise rules. It's really up to the user to read the message boards, ask questions and educate themselves.
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i think it is a matter of one poster says, you only have one life..and if you can't have a treat now and then it's going to be a long boring one when it comes to food

    i do eat unhealthily sometimes...lastnight for example i had a portion of wedges and 2slices of pizza...but i was still under my calories, fat and sodium for the just for once where is the harm?
  • evulka21
    evulka21 Posts: 13 Member
    I feel it is a personal Choice. This program gives you the tools and motivation to learn to eat better but you have to want to do it the "right" way. There is plenty of information from both the site and its members to eat a balanced and heathy diet, each member has to make that choice to use it.

    I agree, there are great blogs here and people do tend to push towards healthier options. But my problem is self control. Counting calories is the easy way out for me. I guess I will have to try to pay much more attention to the other info that I can track, such as carbs, proteins and fats.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    I find if I deprive myself of foods I love, then I will cave. We have to follow our own lifestyles and try and incorporate healthy food, for sure, but you also have to live a little. So, if you can have a bit of both and lose weight then wooo hoooo!!

    For me, there's a balance between health and happiness :bigsmile:
  • lucielu2
    lucielu2 Posts: 251 Member
    my opinion is that its not realistic to just give up all foods tahst unhealthy as if u do u will always fail as our bodies will crave it maybe not today not in few mths but it will.F
    or example that time of the mth i grave chocolat if i dont eat it m i will cave anyways , its all in moderations and making better choices, if i want chips i will have chips but small bag and they will be baked.Even heath tarine etc say taht its not realitic to not treat urself, now if u eat out all day everyday at mcdonalds etc well thast a different story...thast my opinion anyways
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I am definitely trying to not just limit how much I eat but trying to eat better. But within my MFP calorie goals I do have the occasional sweet treat, go out to eat or have take out (like tonight while I am working) and have beer and wine sometimes. When I have meals a home, and most of lunches during work week though I try to be 100% nutritionally sound. I have 40+ pounds to lose - mostly belly fat, and everything I read tells me I need to eat not just fewer calories, but better foods to avoid getting diabetes or other problems.
  • evulka21
    evulka21 Posts: 13 Member
    Thank you for all responses, they made me think. I always had a feeling of guilt when I ate unhealthy foods even though I was still staying within my calorie goal. I guess, I have to accept that it will never be perfect and look at this program as a lifestyle change instead of a temporary fix...and that means every now and then I will cheat.:)
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    It is up to each individual to educate him/herself about health. It really does have to be a lifestyle change, but unfortunately some people never get there. This is why I can't stand programs like Jenny Craig and Nutrisystem. They parade celebrities in front of you and get rich instead of teaching about true health.

    That being said, it took me a long time to get my act together and stop eating crap food -- or "edible foodlike substances". I only have fast food maybe twice a year now, and even then it has to be Chick-Fil-A. They fry their stuff in peanut oil, so it doesn't make me sick to my stomach like every other fast food.
  • TiniTurtle
    TiniTurtle Posts: 595 Member
    MFP makes me more conscious of the nutritional value in the foods i eat, but there are always going to be the occasional fast food days because of awful cravings or convenience, so though on those days i'm not proud of my food diary, it keeps me accountable so i can make up for a bad meal or day the rest of the week if i'm over my caloric goals or severely under in nutrients.
  • I believe that when you join up on here you are given the tools to lose the weight and I believe that every single one of us is different so if we have the tools and apply them to our lifestyle then we will eat healthier and feel better about ourselves and hopefully lose a few pounds along the way.
  • I think it depends on the person. I am looking at calories and trying to make healthy choices.. Everyone is different. ALthough I have been staying away from fast food places.. I had fast food last wk, it was chick fila,

    I don't want to go over board, I want to be able to healthy, but eat what I want as well, although sometimes thats very hard.. Just watching portions, calories and the foods I put into my body.
  • newdaydawning79
    newdaydawning79 Posts: 1,503 Member
    I'm a fast food junkie, I can admit that freely. However, since I've started this journey, the only fast food I've had is Subway (and I haven't chosen anything that wasn't on the healthy choices menu). It's been hard, especially with a TON of fast food places right down the street from me but I knew that if I pulled in, I'd be blowing it all.

    I've had a hard time with my sodium intake, I've gone over it more often than not, but I've stayed at or below my fat and calories on a daily basis, while still allowing myself the snacks that I love (I'm a chocolate/ice cream freak too.). People who are eating only fast food, I believe, may not have the long-term losses the rest of us will be able to achieve. Only time will tell on those!
  • up2me2lose20
    up2me2lose20 Posts: 360 Member
    For me, personally, I work at home being a family child care provider. I fix 3 "square" meals a day for the children plus a supper for my family and often fix my own, separate lunches so that they are more calorie conscience friendly. So by the time Saturday rolls around I really need to GET OUT OF THE HOUSE! And often that means making the best choices of what is available to me where I am. We have a really special family night every Friday that involves family from both sides and there is always pizza involved. I could not go, but that would not be right either. I could go and not eat therefore insulting my family. So I make the best choices that I can. I know that I need to live in my real world as I'm eating right and making better choices. Perfect, no I'm certainly not! Learning--ALWAYS!
  • eanerllij1973
    eanerllij1973 Posts: 10 Member
    I think that if you are eating the right things, even as fast food, it can be ok. We all have a bad day where we go over our calories, and hopefully we can make up for it with some exercising. I think the best part about MFP is that it does help to make healthier choices, even when you are somewhere where the healthy choice may not seem obvious.
  • Thank you for all responses, they made me think. I always had a feeling of guilt when I ate unhealthy foods even though I was still staying within my calorie goal. I guess, I have to accept that it will never be perfect and look at this program as a lifestyle change instead of a temporary fix...and that means every now and then I will cheat.:)

    You hit the nail right on the head with that one! Try not to think of there being unhealthy foods, just unhealthy lifestyles. Food is food - there are no good foods, no bad foods, it's just food. It's up to us to monitor our intake for optimum health. Staying away from high-calorie meals for the rest of our lives just isn't sustainable! Don't feel guilty indulging once in a while - just make sure it IS once in a while, and you'll be fine :)
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