Here to help, support and motivate!


My name is Rachel and I am here to help support and motivate you to keep moving toward your health and fitness goals. I am a personal trainer and train clients in and out of the gym I also teach various fitness classes and bootcamps. Anyway at the minute I am not working full-time as I have 3 under 3s! So I have a fair bit of spare time (kids nap times!).

So if you have weight loss goals you want to achieve, tone up, bulk up....whatever your goals get in touch! I am sure we can work together to get you and keep you on track to your goals!

So what WILL I DO???

I offer advice and support on ALL aspects of weight loss…it's NOT just about eating less and moving more although that is a great start! Most people I have worked with on MFP tend to prefer daily PERSONALISED messages! Messages you get from me WILL be PERSONAL….I DON'T send the same message to everyone! We are all INDIVIDUALS and so are our goals and therefore a one size fits all DOESN'T work!

WHY am I doing this???

As cheesy as it sounds...I love my job! I love working with people to help them achieve their goals! I want to share healthy living and fitness with as may people as I can. The world is becoming an increasingly unhealthy place and we need to ale sure we look after ourselves!

WHAT I NEED from you???

I think there's 2 things I really need….COMMITMENT and HONESTY. Ideally I am looking for people who are committed and dedicated to their goals and WANT to do it. Weight loss doesn't happen overnight, it's something we have to stick at and I'm willing to put the time in , so that's why I am looking for people who want to stick with this! Together we will get you the results you want!

So if you are interested pop me a PRIVATE MESSAGE!

Please tell me ABOUT YOURSELF, a little bit about YOUR GOALS and WHY you would like my help!

Look forward to hearing from you!

Good luck on your journey!



  • kshaba
    kshaba Posts: 1 Member
    Hi Rachel, I am a 52 yo nurse empty nester, divorced person. I weigh 243 and would love to be 200- 180lbs. I wear a fit bit and get my 10000 steps per day. I walk daily and enjoy it. I have severe arthritis and have chronic foot pain that limits my exercise choices. I feel I may be pre diabetic since I feel my blood sugar fluctuations frequently. My doctor is aware, my health is good.....I am trying to do this with a co worker . I am on day two... Any suggestions?
  • RachR669
    RachR669 Posts: 79
    Thanks for your message...will PM with an answer to your questions!
  • _SantaClause
    _SantaClause Posts: 335 Member
    What are you selling???
  • RachR669
    RachR669 Posts: 79
    I am NOT selling ANYTHING!

    Like I've said in the original message I'm here to help and support!

    I don't believe in fad diets! I don't feel you need to spend hundred and thousands on equipment or diet programs!

    You don't even need a gym membership!

    Part of the reason I offer help and support on here is that I've got a good 2 hours to myself while the kids nap and thought I'd keep myself busy!
  • dejavuohlala
    dejavuohlala Posts: 1,821 Member
    PM sent yesterday

    thank you Carol