100+ to lose

Freckles1978 Posts: 4 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
Hi All,

This is my first post, and my first day with MFP. I guess I'm just looking for guidance and support, and if anyone would like to join my journey, or me to join yours please feel free to add me as a friend.
I'm told having support while your trying to lose weight is one of the most important tools you could have......


  • lingdi
    lingdi Posts: 15
    Hey! I started my weightloss at 236 pounds and I've now lost almost a hundred pounds, so I would love to be a supporter of yours in any way :)
  • I, myself, am trying to lose over 100lbs. More like near 200. But I am taking it step by step. Because each step is progress! You can friend me if you'd like and we can support each other!
  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    Welcome!! I've found this place to be really helpful and supportive. There are a number of us here with a lot to lose, so you fit right in!! Tracking your food on here helps so much, and I've found it makes me plan out what I'm going to eat to stay on track. Take care, and I hope you find this site encouraging! :)
  • Well hello, new friend! Welcome!! I would be glad to join/add you!! I can totally attest to the fact that having support helps! It has helped me IMMENSELY! I am in the same boat as you - I have a long way to go. I AM going to get there! :) You can, too! :)

    I look forward to hearing from you! GOOD LUCK!

  • pcmoore
    pcmoore Posts: 53 Member
    I too have over 100 to loose! Glad you found your way here! I started Jan 4th and if it weren't for the support I've gotten on this site I would not be trying as hard as I am! Its really a great place! Good luck!
  • Hello all. I too am looking to lose 150lbs. I started my journey on May 23, 2010 and have lost 86 lbs so far. I have struggled daily because I do not have the support at home. My husband wants me to stay big and I want to get smaller. My goal right now is to lose 20 more lbs by May 23, 2011. That would be a little over 100 and that would make me very happy. I would love to have friends to chat with and for moral support. I have learned a few tricks along the way and would be willing to share with anyone that is interested.

    Good luck to all of us! We deserve it!

    Starting weight: 350lbs
    Current weight: 266lbs
  • This is a great site for motivation! I started with at least 100 pounds to lose (maybe a little more once I get there), and I am over half way there! I truly believe this website has been a huge part of my success. It's awesome to have the support of so many people with a common goal. A few months ago I never thought this possible, and now I know it's just a matter of time before I am where I want to be....I will add you and we can support each other :)
  • Freckles1978
    Freckles1978 Posts: 4 Member
    Wow!!!!!.........congratulations MSUBER on your weight loss so far, that's amazing.....just remember your doing this for yourself and not your husband :)
  • mochama12487
    mochama12487 Posts: 130 Member
    I would love to be a friend of yours to help support. I am working on losing 100 pounds first, then going from there. Good luck!
  • Susan77
    Susan77 Posts: 70 Member
    welcome! I also need to loose 100lb! Take 1 day at a time thats what i do! Good Luck!
  • I am also here to lose 100+, would love to add you, I need as much help to stay motivated as possible!

    Welcome! :flowerforyou:
  • dreamc08
    dreamc08 Posts: 74 Member
    I need to lose 100 pounds as well. My biggest goal right now is to just get back under the 200lb mark. Slow and steady....that's what I keep telling myself!
  • I too need to lose at least 100 pounds. I've spent most of my life being overweight and have decided that it's time for a change. I just started working out two weeks ago and I'm already down four pounds. I started off my first day of exercise with the idea that I wanted to change my appearance for someone else, but after my first workout was finished, I decided that this was all for me. I was tired and a little sore, but I felt great! I was shocked by all the support I received from my friends once I made a post on Facebook that I was starting to workout. I've had several of them jumping on the train with me. I think the support from others will be key for me. :smile:
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
    welcome to the site. i think you'll like it here a lot. everyone is super supportive and helpful. good luck!!
  • Hi ,i just joined too and need to lose 105lbs. Hope we can have fun doing this together.JOIN ME ON MY JOURNEY!:)
  • TeXXan
    TeXXan Posts: 3
    Hi all, another member of the 100+ club checking in. I've been on this site since late December and it's great. It's really amazing to see what's actually in the foods I'm eating and be able to track it all. My biggest enemies are carbs and sodium, so I've really gotta kick the sugar-soda habit. So far so good, I just need to stay on track. I hit the wall about 2 weeks in, but stayed with it and saw progress again after a few days. Persistence definitely pays off. Good luck to everyone with their journey here and all friends welcome!
  • Go Soulie!
  • I too need to lose at least 100 pounds. I've spent most of my life being overweight and have decided that it's time for a change. I just started working out two weeks ago and I'm already down four pounds. I started off my first day of exercise with the idea that I wanted to change my appearance for someone else, but after my first workout was finished, I decided that this was all for me. I was tired and a little sore, but I felt great! I was shocked by all the support I received from my friends once I made a post on Facebook that I was starting to workout. I've had several of them jumping on the train with me. I think the support from others will be key for me. :smile:

    Yay Soulie!
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    Welcome! I'm in the same boat as you, trying to lose a little over 100 lbs here myself.

    There is a support group in the Motivation and Support section that you might want to check out that has 100+ pound loss goals as a theme. I'd link directly to it, but it moves quickly so a new thread gets made often!
  • I am new to this site as well. I am looking to loose over 100 pounds and am getting married next september. Me and my partner are having a child right now so I really want to get in shape before he comes. I want to make new supporters on here who are going through the same sturggles i go through each day. I want to find happeniess in myself each day I WAKE UP!
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