Been a Bad Week

I've lost 8 lbs since I started my weight loss journey a few weeks ago (maybe a month ago?). I've been having a lot of success, finally fit back into my sports coat which was one of my main motivators for losing weight. Been eating healthy, except this week. I went out to eat last night with friends, thinking, "Hey, I worked out today and never come to this restaurant" I ended up eating 600 calories over. Today, I break even (including my exercise calories).

I know I shouldn't, but I weighed myself this morning after a night of over eating and I gained. My official weigh in isn't until Tuesday though. And tonight I ate so much, though still within my goals, it just feels like way too much.

Honestly, I'm afraid I'm going back to my old ways of eating and am going to stop losing weight. I feel so bloated and guilty right now for such a large dinner two nights in a row.

Part of me is thinking of going to the gym now at 10pm just to get a good work out before church tomorrow.


  • phyllb
    phyllb Posts: 735 Member
    We always weigh more at night than in am. Great u counted it Take a few calories off next two days till ur weigh in and move on. Don't let this upset your rhythm. You are still doing great.
  • epido
    epido Posts: 353 Member
    Really, it's ok! You aren't expected to be perfect 100% of the time. My trainer had to tell me more times than I can count before I could do it without feeling guilty, but as long as you go with 90%/10% you will be ok! What that means is, eat right and stay within your goals 90% of the time, and the 10% of the time you don't do that and splurge a little bit, or have something that you wouldn't typically eat, it's ok. Once I finally got to where I could do this, a lot of the feelings you are describing went away for me. It wasn't easy getting there, but I am glad that I did!
  • Rmfowler1990
    Rmfowler1990 Posts: 83 Member
    I allow myself to splurge once every two weeks or so, and I always see a little gain, but a couple days of eating at my goal calories and drinking a lot more water seems to even it out. I think the weight gain is mainly just water weight / sodium making me bloat. If it'll make you feel better, go to the gym. But I wouldn't stress too bad about it. You're weight loss sounds really good and you should be allowed to enjoy yourself as long as you keep it in check!
  • LAT1963
    LAT1963 Posts: 1,375 Member
    Here's something to give you some perspective--a graph of my daily weights over the past 60 days. The occasional big spike is when I did an additional measurement before bed-time; I can gain and lose as much as 1% of my weight (2 lbs) over the course of a day.

    Notice that there's a nice, steady downward trend over the 2 month span, but if you picked a single week at random you'd see a bunch of ups and downs and short plateaus. (18 lbs total loss)


    You are stressing out over nothing. Stop it.

    (I know it's a small image, I'm not that skilled in uploading around here).
  • osteological
    osteological Posts: 69 Member
    If you've been eating 'healthier' for the last month or so, your body might be used to a much lower sodium intake. So, overeating a little bit + a lot of extra sodium = a heck of a lot of water retention! I wouldn't be too worried about it, just make sure to drink lots of water over the next few days.
  • AndyPGonzalez
    AndyPGonzalez Posts: 29 Member
    Thanks, everyone. I know I was being paranoid, but this tends to be the point where I give up on my diets. You see, I'm that person who says, "I'm starting my diet tomorrow" and then the next day comes and I push it back another day. So eating over my calories enough days will just make me think, "Eh, tomorrow" and it'll never come.

    I even noticed, going over a couple hundred for a few days, I'm still poised to lose 1 or 2 pounds at my weigh in tomorrow. Not sure how that happened.

    I'm still learning on how to lose weight, but I've made amazing progress so far. Let's just hope I can keep this up for the long term and not just for a month.
  • Rola01
    You sound just like me! I joined One month ago and lost 4lb in week 1, 2lb in week 2, 2lb in week 3. Then comes week 4 and I went over my calories 2 of the days. I exercised more and cut back on the calories for the rest of the week expecting I would still see a loss. Stood on the scales and I had stayed the same. I was so devastated and my first thought was to reach for the chocolate! Fortunately I talked myself out of it by thinking about what I would have eaten over the last month had I not started this journey, that instead of loosing 8lb I could have potentially put a few pounds on and be nearly a stone heavier than I am now. This is a marathon not a sprint (cliché I know but true).
    We will have weeks where we stick or maybe even gain but as long as we keep tracking and exercising IT WILL COME OFF!.
    Keep going... focus on the positives... tomorrow is a new day