bulimia relapse

ccawley1 Posts: 3
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
ive been dieting on and off for most of my life and about three years ago suffered from bulimia and after three weekls of my diet i slipped up yesterday and ate a load of junkkk and threw up in an attempy compensate. does anybody else have this problem? i need to loose wight as a result of gaining after recovery and wrecking of my metabolism but dont want to be at risk of relapse!!


  • I have had bulimia for about 12 years. I can go for up to 6 months wothout binging and purging but once I start it escalates, until I can reign it in again.

    All I can say is get a handle on it now, otherwise it will take over. I have just lost 22 kilos with healthy eating and exercise and since reaching my healthy weight I have had my own relapse which I am currently trying to stop. I find mindfulness, will power and avoiding my trigger foods for a while help immensley.

    Good Luck with your weightloss and your continuing recovery
  • erin6026
    erin6026 Posts: 117 Member
    I was never bulimic but, as supportive as people are on here, I think it's best to look for a bulimia-specific support group.

    I see a therapist for chronic anxiety, and after a couple years there are times when I think I'm "done" and don't need to see a therapist anymore. You just want a finality to it. But I've realized it's probably something I'll deal with my whole life and help is there for a reason.

    I feel for ya! Take care of yourself.
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    I have fought with bulimia for over 20 years. I hate it. It is my deepest darkest most shameful secret, which is why I am attempting to be honest about it lately. Unfortunately I am relapsing today after a fight with my husband. It is showing me that my food issues revolve around anger issues. I was so bland on the phone with him when I was so angry, and then next thing you know I was cooking stuff that I knew wouldn't hurt coming back up. I feel like I am on the outside looking at myself and my behaviors....not like I am part of my own life right now.
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