Eggs/potatoes/bread for breakfast, alternatives?

I overall love breakfast. My personal favorite is, cubed potatoes pan fried in some olive oil, with scrambled eggs, some sort of lunch meat sliced up, and cheese, done scrambled.

I have quite a bit of weight to lose (40 or so pounds) and I'd like to change a bit of my morning routine to do something a bit more smart. I can live with out cheese easy enough, I generally skip this as it stands. However, how do I get rid of potatoes? I like the texture it adds to scrambled eggs so they don't feel like I'm eating slime. My alternative is bread when I don't have potatoes, but they seem just as bad.

Any ideas on some good egg breakfast ideas?


  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    if you're losing weight eating your favorite breakfast, why stop eating it?

    eating carbs is normal and healthy, unless you're diabetic, and even then you probably should have some carbs. carbs are the fuel muscles usually use for energy. i have 1 serving of hash browns in my scramble almost every day. admittedly i use egg beaters rather than whole eggs, which is something you could try if you don't mind egg beaters.
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    I eat a vegetable omelet with some additional protein on the side (leftover meat or dairy or smoked salmon), and like that, but really including potatoes is completely fine. Your description sounds like a reasonably balanced macro mix compared to many breakfast options. Just watch the portion size and see how it fits with your overall macros for the day. If you want to save calories maybe try using the spray olive oil and pan frying them with less added calories from oil or just roast them using nothing but spray.

    One question is what calories you want to spend on breakfast. If a larger breakfast makes you feel more satisfied, there's nothing wrong with that--just budget it into your day. I usually aim for about 400 calories, since that's what makes me feel satisfied until lunch.
  • flissy5
    flissy5 Posts: 62 Member

    Having always loved a cooked breakfast or a bacon sandwich when i started changing how i ate I was worried that I wouldn't enjoy breakfast. I really dislike cereal, and although I do like toast with peanut butter i was getting a bit bored of it. Now I tend to save eggs and fried potatoes for a special occasion - maybe at the weekend or every other weekend.

    I would recommend making your own granola. I've started making it because the store bought ones are really high in sugar, which isn't good for the morning and I am lactose intolerant so I wanted a healthy alternative where I knew what was going into it.

    This recipe is really good - although I've reduced the sugar and oil down by quite a lot - it is quite high in calories, I tend to have only a small amount - around 15 grams with a fibre heavy no added sugar cereal. I either have it with almond milk, or soya yoghurt. It sounds awful, but it is really delicious. I promise.

    The oats are really good for slow release energy, and the spices make it delicious.

    Anyway, I like it, it's quite healthy and it keeps me full.
  • icrushit
    icrushit Posts: 773 Member
    Wish I could eat protein for breakfast, but generally find its too early for me to do so.

    Presently breakfast is 2 big dollops of full fat probiotic yoghurt, 2 big handfuls of berries, 1/4 cup of mixed ground seeds (hemp, chia, flax, and sometimes sunflower & pumpkin), and 1/4 cup of mixed chopped nuts (presently almonds, brazils & walnuts).

    Quite in line with my low carb regime, but you could easily adjust the proportions and add 2- 4 tbsps of oats instead and/ or a grated apple to bring up the carb quotient, cutting some of the nuts and seeds if you wished.

    The full fat yoghurt and the fatty nuts and seeds make it a nicely filling breakfast for me, more so than my previous regular breakfast of porridge with assorted additions back in my not so distant pre-low carb days :)

    I'm a big fan of regular breakfasts though, as I find I don't like to have to think what I want to eat in the morning, so if your current breakfast works for you, I would second the advice why change it. If I was eating something like you were, and I do sometimes for lunch on occasion, I'm a fan of adding some sauteed peppers and onions to the mix, and to cut the carbs I usually omit the potatoes and add strips of steak/ chicken coated in a few generous teaspoons of a homemade steak/ taco-style spice mix. Oh, and generous lashings of hot sauce! I like to think of it as my fajita mix, sans the tortillas :)
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    My breakfast consists of a Granny Smith apple cut up and sprinkled with cinnamon, nutmeg, a squirt of lemon juice, a tiny but of butter and s bit of Splenda. Three minutes in the microwave. I add a 1/3 cup of granola and it's like eating warm apple crisp. I also batch cook center cut bacon and eat two slices.

    I look forward to this every day. . .including the CoffeeMate in my coffee, it comes out to 320 calories.