Support at Home

Hi! I need advice. My mom and I used to diet and exercise with each other; that was the healthiest I have ever been. When we were dieting, everyone in the house was healthier my dad and both of my little sisters included. About a year ago, she stopped dieting and so have I. The entire family have become super unhealthy. I have tried to start up the diet routine more than once and it will work for about a week but it fails every time. It's really hard to diet when about 90% of the food in the house is unhealthy. How do I talk to my mom about helping the entire family dieting? Thank you!


  • etienh
    etienh Posts: 6
    I know this may sound like a school project, but maybe present to her the benefits of eating healthier and being more active? I'm not sure what sort of approaches you've taken before, but presenting it in a way that makes it seem beneficial and obtainable will get you on the right track. Maybe suggest small alternatives here and there, like decreasing the amount of soda/juice consumption or replacing not-so-healthy snacks with healthy alternatives like popcorn or hummus?

    Why did you guys end up stopping your diet and exercise routine? Taking a look at the reason behind that could help you identify a few more of the obstacles you're encountering.
  • lexiivest
    lexiivest Posts: 5 Member
    I am not sure why we stopped. It seemed like she lost hope and gave up; and I did shortly after. Thank you for the advice!
  • lessismoreohio
    lessismoreohio Posts: 910 Member
    IMHO the best course of action is to eat sensibly, track calories and exercise on your own and for yourself, and don't necessarily talk to your mother or anyone in particular about it. Others will see your commitment and results and after some time, they will be motivated by your actions and example.

    The main thing is that you must do what is right for you regardless of what others do or think.
  • etienh
    etienh Posts: 6
    While I agree with lessismoreohi, I can see how that's easier said than done if you're living at home and probably most of the grocery shopping is done by Mom. I've wanted to go gluten free, but since I'm still living at home, I either have to get my mom on board with the idea or cook separate meals for myself as well as do my own special set of grocery shopping, and that doesn't even account for the temptations of gluten-filled goodness in the house. It's an uphill battle when you don't have full-on support from your housemates.

    If loss of motivation was the main reason for your guys' demise, I'd focus on making more short-term goals to keep you motivated. Have you ever heard of SMART goals?
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,151 Member
    First remember that to lose weight you need only have a calorie deficit. You will be able to do that regardless of what is prepared.Still, as to your concern:
    Why don't you offer to go shopping with her and add healthier options to the cart. Also, I'm sure if you offer to cook dinner, she would not only appreciate it, she would benefit from the healthier meal you would prepare.