As I sit here eating this brownie....

Hi Everyone!

Ok, so I'm not eating a brownie right now, but I DID have one earlier. OK, you got me - I had TWO. And that needs to stop!
I need to change, get motivated, eat better and exercise more. I need a lifestyle change! And I'm going to do it!

So add me as a friend if you wish, I need support. And I will support you as well!


  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    Bahhh- You were eating it and writing on this website haha you obviously have lost all your motivation & little to no support!
    Feel free to add me chick, I think you need to get all those nasty foods out of your sight so you arent tempted to touch them!

  • happies23
    happies23 Posts: 9 Member
    No more brownies! LOL.

    Good luck getting back on track. We are all here with most of the same goals.
  • LeslieRoyale
    LeslieRoyale Posts: 331 Member
    Ha made me laugh, 'cause I could just picture someone eating a brownie and posting at the same time!!
    The first step is OWNERSHIP of your downfalls, so you're moving in the right direction :wink:

    I will add you, and stop you from eating brownies, and you can stop me from eating the WHOLE PIZZA!!! LOL


  • angelabf
    I had the same problem , but no more... I'm laying it all down .... ;) I swear sometimes I think it would be easier to stop smoking! Good luck!
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    Hi Everyone!

    Ok, so I'm not eating a brownie right now, but I DID have one earlier. OK, you got me - I had TWO. And that needs to stop!
    I need to change, get motivated, eat better and exercise more. I need a lifestyle change! And I'm going to do it!

    So add me as a friend if you wish, I need support. And I will support you as well!

    Repeat after me: "I don't like brownies, I dont like brownies, and I will not eat another brownie until I am a little old lady." See, that was not that hard, wasn' it?
  • avongodess
    You know, it doesnt hurt to have the brownie or peanut butter cookie like I had today. But you need to adjust your calorie intake to account for it. We cant deprive ourselves of sweets all the time.
  • TexasTKD9
    AhHh! I wish I had brownies earlier....but that's all behind me now! Eating healthy and right is what's ahead and its great that you're ready to make that step too!! I'm here for you if you want it....i'm adding you now and feel free to add me, message me, so on and so forth! :laugh:
  • Ctiffeny
    they are just so damn good! ok maybe im not helping!
  • alliecore
    alliecore Posts: 446 Member
    You know, it doesnt hurt to have the brownie or peanut butter cookie like I had today. But you need to adjust your calorie intake to account for it. We cant deprive ourselves of sweets all the time.
    You got it! Depriving yourself completely generally leads to binging. The trick is to learn moderation. (This is coming from the girl who can eat half a batch of cookies at once!! LOL) Figure out the calorie total, and make it a part of your day!
  • better_days_ahead
    better_days_ahead Posts: 69 Member
    I really did make these brownies before I joined the site yesterday. Come on, you can't just sit there and stare at them! But really, I should get rid of this kind of stuff thats taking up space in the pantry. Alright, let me rephrase that .... I WILL get rid of the junk!
  • momtozmc
    momtozmc Posts: 418 Member
    Hehehehe, you made me laugh too!!!! YOU CAN DO THIS! and yes, friends help!! So does logging EVERYTHING you eat!!!! Do it!
    It's a great way to be ... responsible ... for the food you put in your mouth!

    I blew it on Friday, but you go on and the next day's a new day... don't beat yourself up!!!!

    Friend me!
  • jkestens63
    jkestens63 Posts: 1,164 Member
    I had the same problem , but no more... I'm laying it all down .... ;) I swear sometimes I think it would be easier to stop smoking! Good luck!

    It is easier to quit cigarettes cause you can completely give them up,, cannot quit food altogether. When I quit I did it cold turkey, nevrr had another (5 years now) , but still eating food, lol.
  • vampirette