Looking for others to track weight loss with

Hi, I'm 59 years old, weigh 232 pounds and would like to get to 185 pounds. I am looking for others to start this with.


  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    Hi Lynn, i joined yesterday. I also would like friendship support. May I add you as my 1st friend here? I used my start date, Aug312014 as my user name, so I guess my nickname is August -or Auggie? : ) Best wishes to you, we can do this!
  • I am looking for support friends too!! You guys can add me. I need to lose 116 pounds and I started two weeks ago tomorrow. So far I lost 11 pounds.
  • Aug312014
    Aug312014 Posts: 32 Member
    I will add...and let's do this! I am motivated to reach my goal. : )
  • mcoon1987
    mcoon1987 Posts: 1 Member
    I am also a recent member looking for weight loss pals. I am a 6'2'' tall male and I weigh 285. I'd like to lose 80 pounds. You may all fell free to add me. I mainly use my iPhone, how do you add friends?
  • Lynninmayer
    Lynninmayer Posts: 9 Member
    Yes, please add me. I not sure how to add friends now that I've asked. Sure I will find out. :smooched:
  • Lynninmayer
    Lynninmayer Posts: 9 Member
    That's wonderful you have lost that much so fast. Hope I can do the same.
  • gonzanab
    gonzanab Posts: 117 Member
    I'll be happy to support you on your weight loss journey!
  • plcooper
    plcooper Posts: 3 Member
    Hi. My name is Paula. I am 40 y.o. Not new to this weight loss journey but need some extra accountability. I am only 12 pounds from weight loss goal but have 10% body fat to lose. Just bought Fit Bit One for extra motivation. Anybody else use it? Pros/Cons?
  • HI there! This is my third go around at weight loss, I really need some motivation to stick with it ! I am 238 lbs and want to get to 180. Add me if you would like since we have similar goals!