
BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
edited September 23 in Introduce Yourself
I added sugar to my food tracker and it automatically gave me 24 grams of sugar allowed in a day. I find staying at 24 or under very challenging. If I eat a piece of fruit; I've reached my daily intake! So I cut out almost all fruit except berries and I barely eat any. Then I have protein bars for on to go hunger but if I have more than one in a day, I'll go over.

I can not have artificial sweeteners. Stevia is fine for a non-calorie sweetener but it's hard to find anything made with that at a store!

Any input would be great. How are you guys staying under 24 grams of natural sugar?

Thank you!


  • The sugar in fruit is natural. I believe how MFP pal does it, is "extra" sugar. Such as what you put in coffee/tea or from candy. Something that is not natural. I wouldn't worry about the sugars you get from fruit, it's the added sugar that is not good.
  • I don't pay attention to the sugars. All I watch is protein, calories, fat, and carbs. Sugar is kinda what keeps me sane even when I'm doing wonderful elsewhere on my diet. If you eat a lot of protein and watch the breads it typically makes me drop a couple lbs a week. Don't pay to much attention to ALL of the categories or you're just going to feel bad when one or two goes over even though the rest is on target.
  • I would like to hear what others have to say about this also.

    Me personally I haven't been "counting" the ones that are in the fruits and vegetables. I don't see how you can stay within your sugar goal if you count those. I would worry then that I wouldn't be meeting my calories and be sending my body into starvation mode.

    I was lookinga at it as watch out for the refined white sugar but if its natural sugars in fruits and veggies don't worry as much about that.

    What does everyone else think?
  • jedday
    jedday Posts: 119
    I am diabetic and it is hard to keep under the sugar limit. Not sure if it counts natural sugars but i have to moderate those too. So i stick with smaller fruits and dryed fruits. I will have a clementine because it is smaller and some raisens or crasins. It is tough but if you are concerned you can search on line for diabetic cooking ideas and tricks that can help you keep under the sugars.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    But wouldn't MFP take into account we are not eating processed sugar since we are all dieting and eating healthy? Yet, it still gave me a 24 gram limit.
  • happynotes
    happynotes Posts: 2 Member
    I feel your pain! I wasn't loosing weight until I started using myfitnesspal and seeing how many foods had hidden sugars. I do use stevia which is a natural sugar substitue and also rather than snack on a protein bar which has a high sugar content, I purchased the individually wrapped packets of toasted almonds from trader joes. They are pre-measured and a great pick me up snack. So far since I focused on keeping my sugar at the goal level I've now been able to loose 7 lbs with exercise and tracking my foods. Yahoo! It really is amazing how many foods have hidden sugars including things like salsa, marinade's and even in tomato sauce. It all adds up. Like you I have limited my intake of fruits because of the sugar but will add them back in once I reach my goal weight and my body can efficiently burn those natural sugars. Good luck.
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    You said it sister. Thank you. I know exactly what Trader Joe's product you are talking about! So, stay at their suggested level until I reach my goal, then slowly incorporate natural sugars. Thanks!
  • I was just wondering about this recently and did countless searches online. The basic conclusion I came to is that the daily limit only refers to added or refined sugar. Natural sugars in fruits, veggies, and dairy do not count. Unfortunately MFP counts all sugar the same. It sucks because I hate seeing that stupid red number even if I know it's all natural sugars. Of course I'm not a nutritionist or anything, but from the research I did, it seems that natural sugars don't count. Of course, fruit should be eaten in moderation also. I think the daily recommendation is 2-3 servings?? something like that. but yeah i added a large apple and it said 22g of sugar! it would be impossible to stay under with that! hope this helps you!
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
    Thanks. I'll do some outside research on that! You're right 2-3 servings of fruit...that doubles MFP's sugar limit. I've been hitting the dreaded red negative numbers almost everyday, even if 3 or 4. Ugh!
  • shreddingit
    shreddingit Posts: 1,133 Member
    my sugar at the moment for 1300cals is at 48g,,as i workout it gives me extra!, Ive been doing well, I check everythings sugar content before eating it, sugar is the enemy!
  • BirdsofaFeather
    BirdsofaFeather Posts: 98 Member
  • FitOneSoon
    FitOneSoon Posts: 467 Member
    You really dont need to worry about the natural sugar, its the added and unnatural sugars, like pop, and candy. the sugar that you get from fruit is fine you'll burn that off and its slower acting as well.
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