I need dieting and exercise help!

I just started working out out on Saturday and my routine has been to burn at least 600 calories a day. With the intake about 1,000 calories daily. Is that meaning I won't lose any weight? I'd like to shed a few pounds a week. I keep looking online to see what helps and every other site contradicts the last. I need advice from someone who's lost the weight. I am a male. 5'8. I currently weigh 240. My goal is to lose at least 40 pounds in 6 months if its possible. My two current workouts are walking and abdominal crunches. I do an hour and a half of walking which I do 4 1/2 miles. As for the abdominal crunches I do 3 sets of 20 crunches. So 60 crunches a day. I just need some guidance and advice on if what I'm doing is productive enough to lose weight or counterproductive?

Also, I just need some food advice. What to eat. How many meals, etc.

