Starting January 2011



  • LindieAndie
    I'm Linda. I am still needing to lose the baby weight 11 months after giving birth. I've lost nearly 9 pounds so far, but I've stalled and seem to be gaining and losing the same two pounds over and over.

    I've joined for a bit more motivation. I have refused to buy any clothes in bigger sizes, so I have a wardrobe of old clothing waiting to be worn again.

    Before I got pregnant I had lost a little under 10 pounds so I was sitting pretty at around 139 pounds but before that I was holding steady at 147 for a couple of years.

    I want to get back under 140, at the moment I'm 161. I'm still breastfeeding, so I've selected the slowest weight gain so my calories are up, but given that milk production helps to burn a lot of calories I imagine I'll be losing more than half a pound a week. Well, I certainly hope so!

    Looking forward to getting to know everyone here.
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Welcome Kaye, Sue and Linda and thank for sharing your introductions! :o)
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Evening All.

    Welcome to Kaye, Sue and Linda.

    So weigh in today was 1lbs loss. I wanted 2lbs but 1 is ok. Need to lose 3 this week to meet my mini goal so will have to really watch the calories and work my butt off.

    Good luck for the new week everyone :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    How is everyone doing? Looking foward to seeing how everyone is getting on! :o)
    Evening All.

    Welcome to Kaye, Sue and Linda.

    So weigh in today was 1lbs loss. I wanted 2lbs but 1 is ok. Need to lose 3 this week to meet my mini goal so will have to really watch the calories and work my butt off.

    Good luck for the new week everyone :heart:

    Well done, you're doing so well!! 8:o)
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
  • togden
    togden Posts: 324 Member
    Hello Everyone

    My name is Tamaira and I am a 28 year old single mother to a beautiful 2 year old little girl. I live and work full time in Northern Virginia, I am starting school next month as a full time student, and I live about 4 hours away from all of my family and friends being that I am originally from Pittsburgh, PA.

    I started this journey on January 16th at 402.6 lbs ..... I am hoping with my mother, sisters, and MFP friends you all will continue to support and encourage me through the internet. If anyone is in the Northern Virginia area please feel free to send me a message maybe we could work out together sometime ... Im trying to recruit coworkers but no one is taking it seriously and so its best i move on or i know i will fall back into old habits.

    SW 1/16 - 402.6
    1/23 - 398.5 (4.1 loss)
    1/20 - 391.6 (6.9 loss)
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    I've lost 5lbs in 3 weeks through diet alone. I have not started exercising, mainly due to exams and what not, but February will be a different story - going to start 30 day shred a week from now, if it arrives!

    I've set a few mini-goals, hoping to achieve all of them way before the next 9 weeks are over. Hoping for a 2 pound weight loss to get me into the 150's!

    Good luck everyone!
  • rachel1975f
    Hi to everyone, this is a great idea! I am 46 years, and have been with my husband for 26 years. We have two teenage boys, ages 13 and 16, and I work full time. I have been yo-yo dieting for years, and finally want to make a permanent change to my bad habits.

    i joined the site in October, but just really started using it in January. I am in a "biggest loser" contest at my work, which started 1/1/11. I am currently winning the contest, and have lost 13 pounds since then! (although only down 7 pounds since joining the site). I have been faithfully doing my food log, and have begun exercising regularly. This site is great, and is really motivating me.

    Good luck to everyone here!
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    Just popping by to give my update: Since starting at the beginning of January I have shed 15lbs of FAT, wobbly old ugly FAT :) I am sooooooooo happy about it and it has spurred me to keep right on at it. x

    OK update finished x
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi All.

    Update so lost another 3lbs today. So total of 10lbs since the 3rd of January. 1st mini goal met!!! Whoop :bigsmile:
    Also met my 24 hours of Exercise in January too - managed 25 hours 20 mins. Going to do the same challenge again for February felt so proud of myself that I did it.
    Starting the 30 day shred today too which I'm kind of scared about but I'm sure I'll be fine.

    Good luck for February everyone :heart:
  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Well, my bruises and cuts have healed up from where my bra was digging and cutting into me from my weight gain, (sorry if TMI). I'm seeing and feeling the inches coming off. Soooo, I treated myself to knew bras and PJ's for all my hard work so far. I'll treat myself again, when another stone (14lbs) comes off.

    Welcome Tamaira and Rachel and congratulations on your weightloss so far!
    I've lost 5lbs in 3 weeks through diet alone....
    Well done on your weightloss so far! I'm also not exercising, sometimes I dance or walk, but that's mainly because of my 4 year old making me. LOL But I can't really hit the gym and by the time I put my son down and get 2-3 hours to myself before bed, I don't feel like doing an hour workout. All the best and look forward to yours and everyone's updates.
    Since starting at the beginning of January I have shed 15lbs....
    That's amazing, you must feel a little lighter and floatier by now. You're keeping me motivated :o)
    so lost another 3lbs today. So total of 10lbs since the 3rd of January.
    Congratulations on reaching those goals. You're really doing well and clapping you all the way!

    Have a great week all. x
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    That's amazing, you must feel a little lighter and floatier by now. You're keeping me motivated :o)

    Definitely beginning to feel a bit slimmer now, my clothes are fitting a bit nicer, some work trousers I stopped wearing as I was bursting out of them now fit relatively well and I've had to go up two notches on my belt. It feels fantastic x Can't wait to lose another stone :) How is the weightloss feeling for you?
  • snockers3112
    snockers3112 Posts: 190 Member
    LOL how did my reply end up in the quote? hehehe
  • rachel1975f
    Have a great week all. x

    Same to you Autumn, and everyone else. Here's to a successful first week in February!!
  • CarthagoDelendaEst
    Hey everyone,

    How is it going?

    I've lost 1.5lbs this week, making a great start to February :-)

    I am now under 160lbs! So happy!

    Good luck to everyone else!
  • rachel1975f
    Hi Everyone, I wanted to give my update.

    I weighed in today, and lost another 3.5 pounds. Yay! I am still winning (losing?!) my office's "biggest loser" contest at my work, with 16.5 pounds, or 9% lost since Jan 1. Thanks to everyone in the MFP world, this site is really making a difference for me.

    I hope you all had a good week too!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Good job Rachel and Carthago!!! Great start to February.
    I weigh in on Monday so hopefully lose some lbs!!
    Good luck for everyone else weighing in this week.

  • rachel1975f
    Thanks, Eclairuk,

    I hope you have a successful weigh-in on Monday!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Thanks, Eclairuk,

    I hope you have a successful weigh-in on Monday!

    Thanks for the support.

  • wintervixen78
    wintervixen78 Posts: 176 Member
    Hello all,

    Wow, some great work going on! Well done on your losses and I love the Biggest Looser competition idea :o)

    Well, I had my once fortnightly weekend out with my friends and boyfriend. I managed to do very well. I got everyone walking instead of taking the bus. And one of the girls that was with us is doing another diet, joined me in having low calorie drinks and healthier pub grub, sharing whole meals etc to keep our calories in check and a little dancing. I discovered, diet Pepsie has 0 calories in it! And to top the weekend off, I lost the 1 pound I had gained last week (actually a pound and half, but I'm only counting whole pounds at the moment).

    I'm seeing other MFP friends' are doing well too, so hopefully we'll also hear from them soon. Enjoy your weekend! x