figured out where i have been losing most of weight from

scale has been going down, and down, and down..but measurements around my waist and hips remained the same, pants fit the same.

went to the beach and instantly figured it out. I am losing it in my back. the bathing suit straps in the back and area in the back was way too loose.

i don't know why i never realized this was a possibility. Anyone else lose weight in the back?


  • KathrynEMcGrady
    I haven't because I haven't lost a lot of weight yet, but I know when I gained weight I got back rolls. Back fat is REAL and prevalent over here. Not a fan.
  • leahraskie
    leahraskie Posts: 260 Member
    That is an interesting place to like only lose it there lol. I did lose a bunch there when I started weight lifting a couple of years ago. It's good that its coming from somewhere though, when fat runs out there you'll lose other places more too.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    I got to me when I could feel the rolls touching. ..I lost some there so I don't have to worry about that anymore
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    That's where I always lose first.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    At least it's something you can see though, right? I always seem to lose in the top half of my body before the lower half.
  • parkerpowerlift
    parkerpowerlift Posts: 196 Member
    I have lost the most inches off of my chest, actually! My back looks like it's lost a little bit but more would be lovely!!!

    My hips & waist have been taking FOREVER to lose anything. My legs & calves have lost a small bit. I've lost about 8-9 inches all around. I'm down two pant sizes. Out of the "obese" BMI and now in the "over-weight" BMI catergory.

    Down 22 pounds as of today's weigh-in!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    It's also true that your body tends to get rid of internal visceral fat first too. Which is kinda invisible to anything but the scale. Also 1lb of fat spread over a large person is hardly visible but 1lb of fat over a skinny person is much more noticable. And yeah I was the same. Kept looking at my gut and sighing in despair then one day looked at my back in the mirror. And went hang on a minute! I can see muscles! Started flexing a bit and wow I had a manly ol back. Not a stack of car tires.

    Thankfully my body is finally working on the gut now. when I sit down instead of ballooning out it instead compresses into shelves. Which I assume means it's deflating XD.
  • LaReinaDeCorazones
    It's also true that your body tends to get rid of internal visceral fat first too. Which is kinda invisible to anything but the scale. Also 1lb of fat spread over a large person is hardly visible but 1lb of fat over a skinny person is much more noticable. And yeah I was the same. Kept looking at my gut and sighing in despair then one day looked at my back in the mirror. And went hang on a minute! I can see muscles! Started flexing a bit and wow I had a manly ol back. Not a stack of car tires.

    Thankfully my body is finally working on the gut now. when I sit down instead of ballooning out it instead compresses into shelves. Which I assume means it's deflating XD.
    That made me lol