Hoping it isn't too late

I'm 51 years old and tip the scales at just around 300 pounds +/-

I recently had a picture of myself taken with my aunt and I was DISGUSTED! I don't want to look like this or feel like this or BE like this.

I'm divorced and no guy will look at me because they all want someone "who takes care of themselves" (code for "size 8"). My cousin (who is skinny as a rail) was trying to be encouraging that she found someone when she was over 50 so I can too! I didn't point out the obvious fact that she weighs 1/2 of what I do.

Then there are the health issues: huffing and puffing and panting to do simple things, heal pain/plantar fasciatis (sp?) because my foot can't support my weight, can't even mow my own yard because I'm so out of shape?

I don't expect to ever be a size 8 again. But I REALLY would love to not have to shop in the plus-size stores/departments. I would love to be able to not have to worry about whether a chair is rated for 300+ pounds or whether equipment will support my weight. In short -- I would like to be "normal" again!

But, of course, I'm 51 years old and I don't exactly have genetics working for me -- hard to believe that at family reunions, I'm one of the thinner ones!

I hope there are others out there who have been where I have been -- and been able to achieve success. I would love to hear from you!

Thanks for letting me share!


  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Its not too late! I am guessing other members will be along before too long with their own stories of success after 50, but until they get "here" know that its not too late and you aren't alone. :flowerforyou:
  • debsdoingthis
    debsdoingthis Posts: 454 Member
    Too late? Heck no! It's only too late when you're in the ground. There are lots of us 50+ers here. Sending you a friend request and an invite to a 50+ women's group. Welcome to MFP, we're glad to have you here.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    It's definitely not too late!! There is tons of success here for people over 50. Look around and I'm sure your going to find plenty! :-) your in the right place for sure. There's tons of support here and all the right tools you'll need to get started. Just get yourself a food scale (Walmart has them for@15$) I know you can do this!!!! :-)
  • christinalong1991
    It's never too late! If your body can't handle the exercise, focus on your diet in the beginning, stick with the calories MFP tells you, every 10-20 lbs re-evaluate to make sure your goal isn't too high anymore, and you will lose weight without even exercising. As soon as your able, start with short walks, more movement throughout the day, slowly add more things in. I definitely come from a family of fatties!! Every single one over 40 has had gastric bypass (many to only gain the weight back a year later), so I know all about that!! Its especially hard when your at the smaller end because since they're so big, they think there must be nothing wrong with your weight since your smaller than them.

    You can do this with or without genetics, I promise!! Just don't go all out at the beginning, don't cut out every food you love or anything like that, focus on your calories, get enough protein (don't want to lose your muscle!!), and you'll get going, just be patient!
  • Fuzzipeg
    Fuzzipeg Posts: 2,301 Member
    It is never too late. When you feel good about yourself everything else will fall into place if you still think it is what you want.

    One thing though. How about getting yourself checked out. Make sure you have no lurking issues like thyroid. It can sneak up on you clouding your view of the world and expanding your waist line, making it hard to make progress loosing weight. Remember this is about you, with you on your side you can do anything. Find some good friends on here and you will do well. In the real world no one needs to know what you are trying to do. You could just let people start to tell you how well you are starting to look and leave them guessing.

    How ever you go about it, go for small gains,on the scales is one, the tape measure could be better, feeling clothes fit better, getting up stairs becoming easier, rejoice in all small changes and be set for the long rung. Weigh and log accurately. And Go for it.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    OP, I.sent you a request :-) I have some friends on my list over 50 that I could introduce you to
  • Joyfuliz
    Joyfuliz Posts: 3 Member
    I am also re-starting today. Couilnd't bring myself to get on the scale. I have lost weight repeatedly with Medifast only to put it all back on and then some. I am so addicted to sugar. Trying today to stay OFF the sugar and am already "anxious" about getting through tonight without 1/2 gallon of ice cream.

    I am reaching out because I , too, need some support. I have to BELIEVE that I can do this with NORMAL foods, but am honestly scared that I can't.

    Will take today one day at a time. Hope it's okay to have jumped in here.

    PS--- picture is about 50 pounds ago....would be a nice healthy goal....
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    I turned 61 last year...weighed 246lbs...struggled to walk around the block. I turned 62 a couple of weeks ago...weighed 165lbs...I walk anywhere I want now...up hill...down hill...throw in a few flights of stairs along the way...and I do anywhere from 4 to 8 miles of brisk walking a day.

    I guess no one told me it was too late.

    A few things that I had to do...

    1. Stop thinking that it was too late.
    2. Stop believing that it was too late.
    3. Start knowing that it wasn't too late.

    Really...I had to start believing that no matter how much time that I had left of this earth...I deserved to live it and do the things that I always wanted to...the things that my weight interfered with.

    As long as you keep telling yourself it is too late...then I suppose it is.

    Choose to change...

    Too late for what by the way???
  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    BTW OP...When I too thought it was too late...it was actually just an excuse to do...nothing.

    Sorry...don't mean to be insensitive...I just hate hearing someone say...it is too late. I don't believe it...I choose not to.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    What's the saying? "A year from tomorrow you'll wish you started today"?

    Think about how you'll feel this Christmas if you start now.
  • Shawnzi66
    I am staring over again today too. Had a cookout for my son who was home for the weekend and saw a picture of myself and didn't recognize myself. It was so upsetting! I have 55 pounds to lose.
  • Snip8241
    Snip8241 Posts: 767 Member
    I am 58. It's not too late for any of us!!! Send me a friend request with a message. We can do this! I have a support system of successful and encouraging friends. You can build one, you just have to put yourself out there. :flowerforyou:
  • jrhite
    It's never too late. At age 59 I weighed 330 lbs. I'm now 62 and weigh 215 lbs. I participate in the kickboxing and Bootcamp classes at our gym, keeping up with those half my age. When I started, I couldn't do 5 minutes on the elliptical machine.

    You can do this!
  • Kara52217
    Kara52217 Posts: 353 Member
    Never too late! It's only too late if your dead.

    Start just by tracking your eating. You DONT have to start gung ho and exercise and "diet" at the same time.
    I started just by worrying about my food intake. Once you lose some of the weight you will WANT to exercise and because you are lighter it will be easier.

    Welcome to MFP.

    PS I am always looking for new friends feel free to add me
  • Artionis
    Artionis Posts: 105 Member
    No, it isn't too late. One of the many inspirational success stories on mfp is that of Hanfordrose. She is in her late 60's and changed her life from being morbidly obese, confined to a wheelchair with damaged knees to taking her life back and achieving a normal weight and movement. Comb the success stories and bookmark the ones that speak to your heart.

    I'm 66, and have lost 42 pounds (moving from obese to merely fat) and I will be at the top of "normal" weight range within 2-3 months. [Yeah, I know the limitations of using BMI as a metric.] Age is not a valid excuse. Later this year I will be jumping off the Sky Tower in Auckland, something I would never have considered 42 pounds ago. I want to go up in a hot air balloon over Sedona or Cappadocia, why not? My weight is no longer an impediment to wonderful adventures. How cool is that?

    Start now, and in a year or two you can write a success story. Do not "try." Instead commit yourself to a change of lifestyle. Don't lose weight to find a man, lose weight as one step in the process of becoming a woman that a wonderful man will admire and respect.

    Read the stickies, so much wisdom there. Good luck.
  • CariJean64
    CariJean64 Posts: 297 Member
    I'm 50 and I started here in January. For the first 7 months, I didn't even do any exercise! Now I WANT to.

    Never too late. You'll be the same age next year whether you do this or not, and if you're unhappy/unhealthy... what are you waiting for? :-)
  • jennifurballs
    jennifurballs Posts: 247 Member
    Awesome, Annie!!!

    Norskie, I'm 47 and started at 362 lbs. I have had foot/lower back pain for years and felt for a long time like I was powerless to overcome what I had become.

    My advice to you is to start slowly, as someone earlier said. I started out with eating what I usually ate, but reducing portions and having healthy snacks between meals when I got hungry, like a lid full of nuts or a piece of fruit. I lost the first 40 lbs. just doing that, but it took a while.

    Next I added in exercise. I started by walking and riding a bicycle, but I couldn't do more than a total of 30 minutes to begin with, at a pretty slow pace. A month ago, I started logging everything I consumed in MFP. Since then, I've lost another 27 pounds, so I'm at 295 as of yesterday.

    Now I'm up to at least an hour on the bike, at a pretty good clip and walking fast. A knowledgeable member here told me to add strength training to my workout, which I've started this week. It's been awesome to feel strong and be able to increase reps after just a few days!

    I'm here to tell you that what I once thought was impossible, is most definitely possible, with the right mindset and you can absolutely do it too!

    If I can do anything to support you, please feel free to message me or send me a friend request.
  • Catter_05
    Catter_05 Posts: 155 Member
    It's never too late! Log everything you eat so you can get a good idea of your habits. I recommend a food scale too. It's very useful to me. I think there is no way to be accurate without one, at least at first. Good luck :flowerforyou:
  • Shawnzi66
    If anyone would like to message me that would be great. I need all the support I can get and would love to be support to others.
  • 321icandothis
    321icandothis Posts: 6 Member
    It is never ever too late!! You can do this, and on MFP is a great way to start because the community on here is so supportive :) start little by little as to not overwhelm yourself.

    I started at 333 lbs. and am currently at 303 and even though i still have a ways to go I already feel a world of difference. I got the fitbit pedometer and it helped to motivate me to exercise when before I thought exercise to be something I'd have to wait until I was like 250lbs to achieve. I'd recommend the pedometer. You will be surprised at what you can accomplish.

    You really can do this!!!

    I wish you great success!

    Feel free to send me a friend request .