What's your weight loss secret?



  • _Juhi_
    _Juhi_ Posts: 38 Member
    Hi Juhi,

    As others have said, there really is no secret. However, the strategy is a combination of diet and exercise. When I say diet, I do not mean it in the verb tense, but rather as a noun. Its more about the quantities of what you eat (and their nutritional content) that not eating at all.

    Please pick a combination of foods that are nutritious and that complement each other. For example, bananas are a healthy and filling fruit and provide needed supplements such as potassium, but they also contain high amounts of sugar as compared to berries for example. This does not mean that you should not eat bananas and only eat berries, but rather, that you should consume foods in relation to one another. It may not be advisable to have a banana in the morning then later in the day have a fruit smoothie (containing bananas and other high sugar fruits) later in the day and think, 'wow, I've just had a 'healthy' eating day'. You may have, but in consuming those two things, you also may have gone over the recommended consumption of sugar for the day. So weigh everything that you eat and plan your meals accordingly. In order to find out what amounts of carbs, proteins, fats and sugars you should be consuming for your age, weight etc..you should consider using the MFP setting or the IIFYM.

    Secondly, it is advisable that you do a combination of high and low intensity exercises including weight training. If you are walking on the treadmill at the same pace for the same amount of time each dat 7 days a week, then the body gets used to that and it is no longer a challenge for you. I would assume that that means that your heart is not 'pumping hard' and therefore maybe you're not burning as many calories as you could. That being said, vary your exercises and challenge yourself. Also include resistance/weight training. This will add tone and definition as you loose and (many experts have said) that weight training burns calories even after you've finished working out.

    Will it be okay if I increase my pace..there r different programs available on the treadmill...
    And thank u so much for d suggestions.
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    Eat within a caloric deficit if I am trying to lose weight, get my butt off the couch and moving, and log and measure my food.... Beyond that treat it as a lifestyle and what you put into it is exactly what you are going to get out of it.... Best of Luck
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,089 Member
    There's no secret at all! All you need is a calorie deficit. Read the sexy pants sticky, it may be helpful to you. In short, you don't need herbalife or any other mlm scheme to lose weight. Get yourself a food scale, weigh and measure everything you consume, log it all accurately and you'll be fine. Find an activity that you enjoy, and do it :-)
  • _Clarana_
    _Clarana_ Posts: 73 Member
    Perserverance and patience. It sucks, but one day you'll get on the scale, or try on some clothes or something, and have a nice surprise.
  • _Juhi_
    _Juhi_ Posts: 38 Member
    Thanks alot guys! I really got to know alot from each of ua replies...Thankuu : -)
  • loulamb7
    loulamb7 Posts: 801 Member
    If you TDEE is 2700, you should be able to reduce that by 10-20% to create a good deficit. So you should be able to lose by eating 2160-2430 calories per day, therefore 1200 would be to low. If you do use TDEE do not eat your exercise calories back since they are already accounted for in the TDEE number.

    If you use MFP's calculations for calorie intake, then you do eat some to most of your calories back based on your experience.

    I didn't find weight loss very difficult. The only secret is to eat at a moderate deficit.
  • 115s
    115s Posts: 344 Member
    Boosted my metabolism up some.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    Use MFP plus some scales to log what you eat. Do it every day so you learn about what you are eating.

    Learn how to eat healthily.

    Start doing some strength/ resistance exercises as well as cardio at the gym or home. Exercise calories can create flexibility to eat back and thereby enjoy more food or not have to cut back on as much and still lose weight.

    Read the forums and learn from others. You will see the same advice being given by people who are losing weight. No fads, but a calorie deficit along with a change in what you eat and how much. Think long term and losing at a steady pace.

    The max safe rate of losing weight steadily is 2lb a week. I dont think your target of 30kg in 5 months is going to happen.
  • snowflake930
    snowflake930 Posts: 2,188 Member
    The secret is to eat less calories than you burn, and log everything you eat and drink. MFP is a great place for doing this.
    Preferably, you want to give your body fuel that will give you good nutrition. Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meats and eggs, whole grains, low fat dairy. You can lose just eating at a calorie deficit, but avoiding processed foods will give your body better nutrition. If I can do this (I will be 63 at the end of the month) anyone with no health issues can do it!

    Best of luck to you, you can do this!
  • sbrownallison
    sbrownallison Posts: 314 Member
    I'm a lot older than you (thus it is harder for me to lose), but it took me about 15 months to lose 60 lbs, which is roughly the amount of weight you are trying to lose. I log food every day, and I measure or weigh all foods eaten. For the most part I do not eat bread -- and very little meat. Also, like you, no pastries, cakes, cookies, etc. Since I am NOT perfect, there are times when I fail to follow all my rules -- but I know that these are the steps I must make to not only lose weight but also to maintain my goal weight. And, of course, I exercise (aerobic, weights) a total of about 7 hours a week. GOOD LUCK. You can do this, even though it is difficult!
  • lynn1982
    lynn1982 Posts: 1,439 Member
    Pixie dust and unicorns.

    Oh, and MFP.
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    no secret. eat at a deficit, still eat chocolate and ice cream daily, lift heavy.
    slow and steady wins the race
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    Eat more fruits and vegetables, especially fresh/raw.

    I don't think this is a secret but it actually works!
  • Serenitynow29
    Serenitynow29 Posts: 119 Member
    Pixie dust and unicorns.

    Oh, and MFP.

    Shhhhhhhh, I thought you could keep a secret! :laugh: :devil:
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    What worked for me: reading sexy pants sticky so I understood the challenges ahead. Then buying a food scale. No guessing anymore-- weigh everything I consume. Finally becoming a log-aholic. Start your day by pre logging foods and then work your intake around those choices. Keeping an open diary allows your MFP friends to offer encouragement and guidance.

    As for the exercise half of the equation, starting with cardio ( like what you're doing on a treadmill) is good but as another poster mentioned, your body will become efficient at that workout and you must create new challenges--do interval training on the treadmill, switch to an elliptical machine, swim laps, jog, hike , dance (Zumba or similar cardio dance workout). Mix it up so your body never becomes fully conditioned to a routine.

    Weight training is the other half of the workout picture. Losing fat is great through cardio but you want to build muscle so you have good tone and strength. Try weight machines. Do simple workouts with dumbbells (see bodybuilding.com There are videos that explain how to use them and have proper form. If you want to take it further get a trainer who can teach you heavy lifting technique.

    A few extra notes: you have to totally commit to this new you and new lifestyle--either you're in or you're out. Avoid fast food and eating out. Fill your pantry and fridge with good quality foods that will fuel your workouts and satisfy your hunger. Enjoy a small treat every day--don't deprive yourself or you'll never stay with it. Protein is crucial...eat foods rich in protein everyday. Make exercise part of your lifestyle-- walk more, move more, find friends who are active. Read food labels and know what you're putting in your body. Processed foods should be the smallest part of your intake. Avoid high sugar intake. Avoid high salt intake. Get more sleep. And finally, reward yourself when you reach a goal--new jeans...a heart rate monitor...a cute new workout outfit...just not dinner out LOL
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i have been losing weight steadily and consistently since may 1, and what got me started was accurately logging every bite of food i ate. i started in a notebook, but now use my fitness pal, which is faster and easier. if you want to create a leaner, healthier lifetstyle, you need to know the actual calories in each item you eat.

    instead of saying you eat a bowl of cornflakes, weigh them or at least measure accurately. a small bowl of cornflakes might only be a half a cup where a large bowl could be 2 cups, so there's a BIG difference in calories due to amounts. also if you put milk on your cornflakes you'd measure that, and also note the calories based on whether it's non-fat, low-fat or whole milk. your bowl of cereal could be anywhere from 150 calories to over 400 calories. knowing the calories in each dish and meal will let you plan your daily calories, and also know how many more you can eat each day without going over.

    i suggest eating up to half your exercise calories back - i usually eat a high protein, low calorie food like egg whites or egg beaters or non-fat greek yogurt.
  • drewsiph_
    drewsiph_ Posts: 85 Member
    So, the calorie deficit is key.

    You can easily track your calorie intake with MFP. I use my fitbit flex to track the calories I am burning all day, and I have that information sync over to MFP. So, all I have to do is track my calories.

    If you don't have a fitbit or Nike Fuelband, I'd say, just be mindful of what you eat and be sure to exercise each day. – since you have a busy schedule, I'd recommend trying to wake up a little earlier to burn some calories.

    Be sure to drink a lot of water – Some when you wake up, at least a glass of water before you sit down to eat a meal, and have some water nearby to sip while you're working.

    Hope all goes well. If you want, you are more than welcome to add me as a friend and we can motivate each other. :bigsmile:
  • milocamolly
    milocamolly Posts: 91 Member
    Water intake is Key! I drink 3 liters of water a day. It made a huge difference for me.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    68 pounds in 6 months? That's 2.62 pounds per week!

    Or, a daily calorie deficit of 1310 calories. Sure, it can be done, but it's sounds way overzealous to me.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Skip the candy, cakes, pies, pudding, cookies, junk. Also red meat.

    Swim. Walk.

    Do crunches, planking, a little weight lifting.

    Try new produce. Try new ways of preparing things.

    Drink water. Plain old H2O.

    Mostly, talk to the doctor, get a roundabout daily calorie number. Find out what foods you should or shouldn't be eating. Then, follow the doctor's advice and ignore everyone else's. :)

    Be committed.

    Be determined.

    Be patient.